Monday, November 25, 2019

Brain wave states in the Matrix
Alpha, beta, delta and theta waves are states that we can shift in and out of throughout the day and heavily affect our moods, actions, thoughts and even what is manifested in our reality. image credit: Many people may be unaware that our brain waves can be measured with equipment to see what sort of “brainwave state” we are in. Different brain wave patterns are associated with various activities, levels of arousal and even how we are breathing! In the Matrix reality construct it is important to know how your brain is operating, and what activities maximize the ideal brainwaves which are theta and delta waves. As you can see from the chart above, delta waves are associated with sleep, and theta is associated with meditation, intuition and memory access. While all the brainwave patterns are experienced at one point, if someone wants to maximize control over their own thinking patterns and even reprogram their brain with better patterns, then they should utilize the tools available to create “flow states” where the brain is operating on all cylinders and the best things in life can be experienced. One important thing to understand is that alpha waves are typically associated with relaxed mental facilities or unfocused thought. This is a state when we are almost hypnotic and highly suggestible to outside information without being aware of it. This is the state of mind that occurs when we are watching t.v. or mindlessly scrolling on one of our many devices. This information is very well known by advertising and propaganda companies, and they strive to strike when the window of opportunity is wide open such as during t.v. commercials and “news” broadcasts and other propaganda. For this reason it is highly recommended not to watch t.v. if you want to be in control of your own thoughts. In fact, this brain state is basically the opposite of theta, when we are meditating, doing breathing exercises or otherwise are reflecting inwardly on our lives. This is one reason why meditation is such a powerful tool to master. I know from first hand experience that when I began meditating, just simple breathing exercises for even five minutes, I immediately began to realize that my thoughts were not my own! I had been programmed by society and external forces instead of controlling my own thoughts. After that period of my life (ten years ago) I started paying much more attention to and observing my thoughts and slowly changing them and bending them to my will, which isn’t easy! After all, it is not called “television programming” for nothing. It is programming your brain and installing thoughts and emotions while you are in alpha. Theta and delta have an intricate connection that can be used to manifest reality and create healthier thought patterns while helping to remove negative ones such as stress, anxiety or depression. This is because during sleep your body is healing and recovering from the awake state. By the way, most of our day is spent typically in beta wave state. What beta is associated with is typically the thinking, moving around and normal activities of the day like work, conversation with people, driving, eating, etc. Its the “average” daily state. However, as we drift to sleep, we go through about thirty minutes or so of theta wave state which is also associated with the right brain as in images, symbols and expanded consciousness. This is the in-between state we experience right before going into deep sleep which is delta. Delta is a state of detached awareness meaning that our thoughts stop. After all, this is sleep, the opposite of being awake in the beta stage. There are certain meditations that can help people create intentions before they go to sleep which will then be acted on in sleep in the delta stage. It is no surprise to the reader I’m sure, that sleep problems are at an all time high in this stressed out, hyper-drive speed driven society today. Anxiety and medications associated are also at an all time high. This is disrupting delta patterns on a mass scale. This means that not only is sleep tainted but also that healing is suppressed, causing all types of problems down the line in a cascading sequence. Poor sleep leads to low energy which leads to decreased productivity and more stress as if we’re falling behind in life…this then causes more sleep problems and the whole vicious cycle continues. Do to lack of recuperation we are also unable to get into gamma wave patterns, which are associated with what is known as being in “the zone” which is when we feel our creativity rush through us like a fire hose and life seems so effortless and productive. Gamma is the state that athletes are in when in peak-performance. Gamma is a highly energetic state that cannot be maintained for long periods of time or else the nervous system would go into overload and fatigue would follow. Which brings up a good point: we should never strive to constantly be in one state all the time but rather a balance. Obviously, too much time in beta, as in scrolling mindlessly on the phone and sitting like a zombie staring at the tel-u-your-vision programming machine is not good for manifesting your goals in life. Conversely if we are always in theta then we would be “in the clouds” and unable to function in this reality (although if I had to pick a dominate brain wave state it certainly would be theta). If you’re always in beta then you will be constantly thinking which will undoubtedly lead to anxiety and agitation and an overuse of the central nervous system. Too much delta and you’re sleeping all the time which is associated with detached awareness. You can usually tell what brainwave pattern a person is dominant in by their behavior and what they say and do. Unfortunately I think that in the Matrix most people are stuck in alpha and are “programmed” meaning that they believe way too much of what other people say instead of coming to internal truths and intuitive understanding of the world. What’s the quote from Superman? "You can read all of the secrets of the universe on the wrapper of a piece of bubble gum." Or something like that. Of course we all need a little alpha in our lives from time to time to unplug from the rat race all around us. Watching a sports event, or our favorite t.v. show, or reading a book. If we never get a chance to relax from all the thinking and ruckus all over the place in this strange western reality, with honking horns, blinking lights and sirens, neon signs, constant distractions, we’d certainly go into sensory overload and our nervous systems would go on hyper alert which leads to all sorts of problems namely adrenal fatigue, but that’s another topic altogether. But we have to remember that alpha is a state that we should be wary of because it leaves us most susceptible to Matrix propaganda and subliminal messaging. Like t.v. advertising, there is a very good reason that companies pay top-dollar to do ads during big sports events like the Super Bowl. They know, again, that this is the prime time to insert programming in the back-door, very similar to the way a hacker would insert a trojan horse virus when we are not aware of it. Why do I keep mentioning the nervous system you ask? Because the state of our nervous system whether it be in a sympathetic or parasympathetic state is very important, as is the health of that system. The sympathetic nervous system is the “fight or flight” mode where we are very engaged mentally and prepared to do whatever is necessary. This is a high-energy system where we are hyper aware of our surroundings. People report things moving “in slow motion” when there is a particularly alarming event happening and this the activated sympathetic nervous system. Conversely the parasympathetic system conserves energy and is associated with digestion and healing of the body. It is a rerouting of energy internally instead of hyper vigilance. A healthy nervous system can switch between these states easily. Unfortunately many people are stuck in a sympathetic state where they are chronically stressed which causes all types of problems and explains a lot of digestive issues at their core. And we have a lot of digestion issues in America these days. The bottom line is that in the Matrix we are basically programmed at a young age to not think for ourselves and we have lost touch with the basic connection we have with our bodies. We cannot control our brainwaves, or so we are told by corporations that want us to use their products and drugs instead of taking care of ourselves. Schooling for the most part does not help with this as we are taught absolutely nothing about controlling brain states. But for the rare crop of people that stumble over or are drawn to information like what I am saying here this is an enormous breath of fresh air because it explains so much about the current state of affairs in this world. More importantly it empowers us to take control of our thoughts and become aware of our bodies and minds like we never have before, fixing all sorts of problems along the way. Remember: pharmaceutical drugs will not fix brainwave state problems. They will not teach people about how to control their thoughts and thus impact these brain wave patterns. They will only put a small band aid on a cut that is much too large for it to handle. This leads down a very dark path that simply cannot and will not end well. Everything, and I mean everything depends on our abilities to learn about and change these wave patterns to optimize these flesh-sacks called bodies that our souls entertain while in this realm of existence. It is a matter of life and death, depression and gratitude, a life of failure and regret versus a life of abundance and the ability to help other people. As usual, a toast to you, me, and everyone’s health. Namaste. Inlakesh. *If you enjoy articles like these, please follow and share articles as health information on the internet is highly censored and information is harder to get out than ever before. Also, follow me on and Instagram @h24leanmachine, or feel free to email me at for questions or writing collaborations.*
Originally posted here:

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