Sunday, November 17, 2019

Clear Water for Clear Life


Clear water is very good for our bodies to consume. Drinking clear water regularly supplies our body's basic needs for water. Water is needed by our body to launch its metabolism so that it is always in a healthy and fit condition.


Our body is dominated by a large amount of water. So that lack of water makes our body's ability to be disrupted


I will share the benefits of Drinking Water from : 1. Good for skin health The skin contains a lot of water and serves as a shield to prevent the body from losing too much fluid. When lack of fluids and dehydration, the skin will look dry and wrinkled. Therefore, meet the needs of fluids. 2. Helps maintain body fluid balance As much as 60% of the human body consists of fluids. These bodily fluids play a role in various processes in the body such as digestion, absorption of nutrients, circulation, to maintain body temperature. 3. Helps lubricate the joints Most of the cartilage in the body is made of water. This bone serves to be a cushion in the joints. If the body lacks fluids, the cartilage can lose its ability and make the joints in the body feel painful. 4. Healthy oral cavity One of the benefits of water that is rarely known is its role for oral health. Body fluids help the formation of saliva in the oral cavity. Saliva has a very important function for oral health, because this component is a natural cleanser of the oral cavity. People who experience lack of saliva production, are at high risk of having cavities. 5. Helps maintain blood pressure If you consume less water, the blood will also be affected. The blood will thicken more, so the flow is not as smooth as it should be. As a result, blood pressure becomes higher. 6. Good for the body's circulation system Fluid is important for the smooth circulation of blood in the body. Because, 90% of blood content is water. In addition, water will also help remove waste substances that are not needed by the body through sweat, urine, and feces. 7. Increase stamina Fluid is very important to increase stamina in the body. Little fluid loss, will affect body fitness. So, do not be surprised if you will feel weak and easily tired after exercise, and when the weather is hot. 8. Improve brain function In order for the brain to function properly, meet your daily fluid needs. Even the slightest loss of body fluids can affect brain performance, such as concentration and mood disturbances, and trigger headaches. 9. Prevent and treat headaches For some people, dehydration can trigger headaches and migraines. Therefore, drinking water can help relieve both conditions. 10. Smooth digestion Another benefit of plain water you need to know is to help digestion. Conversely, lack of drinking water increases the risk of constipation. 11. Helps prevent the formation of kidney stones Drinking water, will make the urine form in the kidneys. The urine flow will then help dissolve minerals in the urinary tract, and prevent the formation of kidney stones. 12. Helps to lose weight The benefits of drinking water this one is well known. Drinking enough water will help increase the metabolic processes in the body, so that the body can burn more calories. 13. Good for the respiratory system When dehydrated, the body will naturally restrict the airway to minimize the body's loss of fluids. In certain people, this condition can worsen asthma and allergies Thank you
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