Thursday, November 28, 2019

Chickenpox Vaccine Reactivates in Two Boys, Causing Rare Meningitis

As the push for mandatory vaccinations sweeps the World we see yet another case of why Vaccines are not as 'Safe and Effective' as the so-called health authorities claim them to be.

CNN Reports:

Doctors described what they believe are the first known cases of meningitis due to reactivation of chickenpox vaccine in two 14-year-old boys who received both recommended doses, according to a paper published Wednesday in the journal Pediatrics.

Of course, as you'd expect the scientists involved in the study have downplayed the issue and in an email wrote that the:

"Varicella vaccine is an incredibly safe and effective vaccine that has dramatically reduced the incidence of chickenpox in the US, over 50 million doses have been distributed, and this rare side effect has only been described in a handful of cases, In contrast, meningitis is a well-known complication of chickenpox and pose a far greater risk to children."

Interestingly one of the boys described in the new study was immunocompromised with a history of leukaemia, and his temporary symptoms included numbness and slurred speech. This, of course, begs the questions to why on earth was the boy vaccinated in the first place considering his immunocompromised condition?

The other boy had been healthy prior to the vaccination. Both boys were successfully treated with the antiviral drug, acyclovir.

CNN go on to state the Chickenpox infection stats for the US as published by the CDC:

Each year in the United States, varicella vaccination prevents more than 3.5 million cases of chickenpox, 9,000 hospitalizations and 100 deaths

Which is relatively insignificant, at 1 in 35000 dying of the disease, all of which can be put down to a previously health compromised child at the point of infection - again we have to weigh up the risks ourselves, but I think most would agree that Chickenpox is just a mild childhood disease which in days gone by was dealt with a few days in bed and a little pampering.

Originally published on our website over at OYE NEWS :

Originally posted here:

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