Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Detox Without Fancy Juices (No B.S)

*written by Edward Casanova | Nov 21, 2019*
So, wanting to get rid of all those deadly toxins (mercury, pesticides such as DDE and DDT, PCB or PFCs, etc.) found in foods such as fish, meat, poultry and eggs? Well, just stop eating them! [1] [2] If you wanted to hear good news about your bad habits, sorry, this post is only for mentally strong people that are willing to digest the hard truth. No magic celery juice, pill or diet regimen it’s going to work if you keep filling your body with shit instead of good whole-food plant-based material. These deadly toxins, insecticides such as DDT, can last in the soil for decades and creep up the whole food chain into the fat of the animals you eat. [3] And even if the argument about plants being equally affected by these chemicals is valid, seems that whole food plant-based eaters have lower levels of dioxins in their bodies. [4] ## Your daily deadly cocktail Many people are concerned with exposing their children to mercury-containing vaccines but ironically they have no problem serving them cans of tuna or dairy for breakfast. Tuna ranking the highest in mercury content [5](; diary, in lead content and poultry, in arsenic. [6] And let’s not forget about eggs and processed meat. The best friends mouth, colon, bladder, prostate, and breast cancer. [7, 8, 9, 10] But don’t worry…still delicious isn’t it? ## How do they get in our food? Even in you are still thinking about switching to grass-fed beef or organic meat and dairy you are still in risk of catching up with these bad boys. The polluted chemicals can just come down in the rain, get into the soil and inside your red-meat burger. [11] However, if you’re pregnant don’t panic. You naturally detoxify yourself by passing all these chemicals through your breast milk to your first kid. The latter brothers and sisters will have a better chance of not developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s because as the saying goes, the first man through the door often gets shoot. [12, 13] Okay, enough joking and a moment of silence for these little guys. [14] ## What’s the way out? This is the part where almost everyone gets discouraged because they aren’t willing to give up their red-meat Sunday barbecues or fried fish in the beach in exchange for a healthy lifestyle and offspring. You don’t have to wait too long to see the results. Apparently, mercury levels drop after 2 months on people who stopped consuming fish, the body got rid of nearly 99% of it. Unfortunately, PCBs and DDT stay with us for longer times. [15] It’s up to you to keep waiting or swallow the red pill and shift right now. Here are some useful sources (not affiliated by any means whatsoever) you can learn about how to slowly transition to a whole foods plant-based diet: • []( • []( • []( #
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##### References: 1. Fromberg A, Granby K, Højgård A, Fagt S, Larsen JC. Estimation of dietary intake of PCB and organochlorine pesticides for children and adults. Food Chem. 2011;125:1179–87. 2. European Food Safety Authority. Results of the monitoring of non dioxin-like PCBs in food and feed. EFSA Journal. 2010;8(7):1701. 3. Arguin H, Sánchez M, Bray GA, et al. Impact of adopting a vegan diet or an olestra supplementation on plasma organochlorine concentrations: results from two pilot studies. Br J Nutr. 2010;103(10):1433–41 4. Schecter A, Papke O. Comparison of blood dioxin, dibenzofuran and coplanar PCB levels in strict vegetarians (vegans) and the general United States population. Org Comps. 1998;38:179–82. 5. 6. Vogt R, Bennett D, Cassady D, Frost J, Ritz B, Hertz-Picciotto I. Cancer and non-cancer health effects from food contaminant exposures for children and adults in California: a risk assessment. Environ Health. 2012;11:83. 7. Fromberg A, Granby K, Højgård A, Fagt S, Larsen JC. Estimation of dietary intake of PCB and organochlorine pesticides for children and adults. Food Chem. 2011;125:1179–87. 8. Fromberg A, Granby K, Højgård A, Fagt S, Larsen JC. Estimation of dietary intake of PCB and organochlorine pesticides for children and adults. Food Chem. 2011;125:1179–87 9. Zhang T, Sun HW, Wu Q, Zhang XZ, Yun SH, Kannan K. Perfluorochemicals in meat, eggs and indoor dust in China: assessment of sources and pathways of human exposure to perfluorochemicals. Environ Sci Technol. 2010;44(9):3572–9. 10. Schecter A, Cramer P, Boggess K, et al. Intake of dioxins and related compounds from food in the U.S. population. J Toxicol Environ Health Part A. 2001;63(1):1–18. 11. Hageman KJ, Hafner WD, Campbell DH, Jaffe DA, Landers DH, Simonich SL. Variability in pesticide deposition and source contributions to snowpack in Western U.S. national parks. Environ Sci Technol. 2010;44(12):4452–8. 12. Bjermo H, Darnerud PO, Lignell S, et al. Fish intake and breastfeeding time are associated with serum concentrations of organochlorines in a Swedish population. Environ Int. 2013;51:88–96. 13. Zeliger HI. Exposure to lipophilic chemicals as a cause of neurological impairments, neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. Interdiscip Toxicol. 2013;6(3):103–10. 14. Gallo MV, Schell LM, Decaprio AP, Jacobs A. Levels of persistent organic pollutant and their predictors among young adults. Chemosphere. 2011;83(10):1374–82. 15. Wimmerová S, Lancz K, Tihányi J, et al. Half-lives of serum PCB congener concentrations in environmentally exposed early adolescents. Chemosphere. 2011;82(5):687–91. *This is a curated post made from different sources. The health information here is provided as a resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes, nor intended to be medical education, nor creating any client-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Always do your own research and consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions, for guidance about a specific medical condition or fitness purposes. Edward Casanova shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site.*
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