Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mango Smartphone Photography


Hello steemit friends, did you know that there are 7 Health Benefits You Can Get from Mango Fruit


1.Preventing asthma High intake of beta-carotene can reduce the risk of developing asthma. Therefore, the benefits of mangoes also play a role in preventing asthma. In addition to mangoes, this type of nutrition is also contained in many fruits and other vegetables that are orange. For example, papaya, carrots, pumpkin, and apricots. 2.Potential to prevent cancer According to a study at Harvard School of Public Health, a diet rich in beta-carotene intake may be beneficial in preventing prostate cancer. Meanwhile, according to a study in Japan, beta-carotene is also efficacious in reducing the risk of colon cancer. In research in Texas, scientists tested the effects of polyphenols on colon, breast, lung, and prostate glands affected by cancer. Polyphenols in mangoes show effects on all cancerous tissues, but more significantly on breast cancer and colon cancer. However, further research is still needed to ensure that the polyphenols in mangoes are indeed effective in preventing cancer or not.


3.Maintain eye health Eating three servings of mangoes per day can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration, which is a progressive eye disease related to old age. The benefits of this mango arise thanks to the antioxidant zeaxanthin in it. Zeaxanthin is able to filter out types of blue rays that interfere with eye health. This antiksodan can also prevent damage that can be caused by macular degeneration. 4.Smooth digestion Mango contains a lot of fiber and water. Thus, one of the benefits of mangoes is to prevent constipation (constipation) and improve gastrointestinal health conditions. 5.Reducing the risk of heart disease Fiber, potassium, and vitamins found in mangoes can help reduce the risk of heart disease. You can combine the benefits of mango containing potassium by reducing salt consumption to be more optimal in reducing the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. 6.Helps in maintaining bone health Mango contains vitamin K. This vitamin plays an important role in the absorption of calcium needed by the body to maintain bone health. 7.Maintain healthy skin and hair The benefits of mango for healthy skin and hair come from the content of vitamin A. This vitamin helps the production of sebum to maintain skin and hair moisture. Mangoes are also high in vitamin C. This vitamin is useful in building and maintaining collagen (a substance that makes skin supple and elastic). Although there are many benefits of mangoes for our health, do not forget that mangoes are high in sugar. Therefore, you need to limit consumption. Avoid eating more than 330 grams of mangoes per day. You also need to consult a doctor if you have certain medical conditions. With this, the benefits of mangoes you can get optimally.


***Greetings, Healthy friends are expensive, so let's take care of our health by always consuming fruits, especially mangoes***. By:@alexanderishak
Originally posted here:

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