Thursday, November 21, 2019

About the healthy symbiosis of responsibility and genuineness

[Source]( ***When we contemplate in which way we deliver the greatest service to the world we often tend to believe that our service is only valuable when it is acknowledged and appreciated by others.*** ***But that is not true.*** ***The greatest service we can give to others is to step into our most heartful authentic version.*** --- --- ***This service of ours is not rarely completely overlooked and disregarded, because our authenticity unmasks deceit and shortcomings of others, flushing even their most hidden nooks and crannies of self-love deficites onto the surface with no escape possible.*** ***Feeling triggered always exposes where we still need healing within. When we allow our own energy signature to be superseded by others we tend to re-act, which means picking up and shooting back the energy somebody else emitted, whether verbally or non-verbally. We will always be on the verge of petulance, with our serene composure being tossed about by others at whim any given time. In this way, building a sustainable sense of well-being and inner peace won’t be possible.*** ***Only by prioritising our own energy signature we will be capable of taking responsibility for our well-being.*** ***Responsibility, which translates into „the ability to respond“, is the exact opposite to reactivity. It means to not authorise others to play with our energy field, hence well-being.*** ---

[Source]( ***Responsibility and authenticity share a healthy symbiotic relationship:*** ***Becoming authentic with ourselves, therefore with others, means we start taking responsibility for our well-being. At the same time, starting to take responsibility for our well-being means becoming authentic with ourselves, therefore with others.*** ***But even if our authenticity is detested by others, on a most subconscious level it will strike a deep chord in everyone entering our energy field without any spoken word needed. The soul reverberations encounters with authenticity will spark might appear irrelevant at first glance but in the long-term they will crystallise as a most melodious symphony eliciting other souls‘ scintillating wit of inspiration which will eventually open their heart to follow suit when they are ready.*** --- --- ***That’s why authenticity is the greatest service we can give.*** ***It stimulates others in the most effortless and natural yet at the same time most effective manner to eventually take responsibility for their own inherent well-being.*** ***This is the basis of heartful living.*** ***Alex***
Originally posted here:

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