Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How can exogenous proteases help you?



The body only has a finite amount of digestive enzymes which must be recreated during digestive down-time. Ok, so here’s a bit of a scientific deep-dive into how exactly food is broken down in the body and why well timed nutritional supplementation can help you pack on muscle and clean out the digestive tract at the same time. ## Enter proteases There are literally uncountable amounts of different proteins in the human body that perform all the tasks to keep us healthy. Some proteins carry nutrients through the bloodstream to vital tissues, some help cells remain strong structurally, some help the immune system. They literally perform every conceivable function in our bodies. One crucial use is the creation of enzymes which are basically acidic particles that help to dissolve different particles. They serve very specific tasks, otherwise they would be devouring the wrong tissues! Proteases are a special group that target proteins. Our body’s also contain lipases that dissolve fats (lipids) so you can see where the name comes from. Glucose and carbohydrates have their own set as well. The body keeps a set number of proteases available at any given time. Whenever we eat foods and meals with protein, we use these proteases to break down the protein into its constituents: protein breaks down to peptides which are then broken down into amino acids which are transported through the body to muscle cells, visceral organs, etc. One issue that fitness competitors and people that eat lots of food in general can run into is that they eat so much protein that they exhaust their body’s natural enzymes to break the food down. So food can end up in the digestive tract, undigested, which leads to all sorts of problems. One is that this food can ferment and putrify in the gut, causing all types of problems ranging from bloating to gut bacteria dysfunction. These peptides can also penetrate the gut wall if the person is particularly unhealthy because of leaky gut syndrome. At any rate it is not good to have undigested or partially digested foods in the digestive tract. So one solution is exogenous proteases that can be taken orally in tablet form. I have a particular brand that I use with myself and nutrition clients. The idea is to basically reinforce the body’s natural supply of enzymes to allow more protein to be absorbed at a given time. The estimate of how much protein can be digested at any given meal is debatable but the number I learned in college was anywhere from 30–40 grams per meal. Many fitness freaks are consuming twice that in a single meal. This can cause the problems mentioned above. In case you’re wondering exogenous just means external as in not produced by the body. Endogenous means it is created in the body. These proteins can also serve another function: They can help clean out the undigested protein in the gut! Those partially digested proteins called peptides can cause problems. So exogenous proteases can literally clean out the trash that’s in everyone’s gut. We have a rash of digestive problems in this country currently, and all sorts of issues are associated with these issues that would appear unrelated to the uninitiated including headaches, depression and skin issues, just to name a few. Think of the skin as inside out digestive tract, or vice versa. And the vagus nerve is the contact point…the communication route if you will…between the digestive tract and the brain. This acts two ways as well. Mental issues can cause gut problems, and gut problems can lead to mental issues. So it is very important to keep your gut healthy! Proteases are just one way to do this. If you enjoy articles like these, please follow and share articles as health information on the internet is highly censored and information is harder to get out than ever before. Also, follow me on Minds.com and Instagram @h24leanmachine, or feel free to email me at h24leanmachine@protonmail.com for questions or writing collaborations.
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/health/@zydane/how-can-exogenous-proteases-help-you

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