Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tasty and Healthy Pizza for Celiacs
## Hello!! dear Steemians, how are you? Today I bring you a recipe of natural and very tasty Pizza for Celiacs that contribute to improve your health and energize you. I hope you like the post and if I have something to improve or have any suggestions let me know in comments. ### Let's go to the post itself: #### How to make pizza dough for celiacs and others intolerant to T.A.C.C. (wheat oats barley rye)


[Source]( #### What's in it? - 500 gr. of premix or 17.63 oz.


[Source]( - 1 10 gram of yeast or 0.35 oz


[Source]( - 5 medium tablespoons sunflower oil


[Source]( - Cassava chewing gum or chuΓ±o: 400 cm3 of water or 13.53 fl oz + 4 medium tablespoons of cassava starch - Sea salt or Himalayan salt to taste (without exceeding) #### Preparation of the dough How is gluten-free pizza dough made? As a first tip you can store this dough in your refrigerator and it will not lose its properties. First we have to make cassava gum or "chuΓ±o". We must mix the water with the cassava starch and when it is well diluted, put it on a low heat until it becomes well transparent and takes shape. Then in a bowl add the premix with the yeast and salt (taking care that the salt does not have direct contact with the yeast). Add the oil and the previously prepared cassava gum to the bowl. Add first with a spoon and then slowly with your hands until you get a dough that sticks to your fingers. Stretch in a previously oiled dish, add tomato sauce and leave to rise for at least 15 minutes. Take it to the preheated oven until the base is assembled (the dough separates itself from the base). Assembly Then you can add to your coeliac pizza what you want that does not contain T.A.C.C (wheat oats barley rye) Below I leave you as Bonus the recipe of how to make the premix or flour without T.A.C.C. ( wheat oats barley rye) How to make 1 kilo of flour for celiacs also known as premix #### What it takes?


[Source]( 1. 400 grams of cornstarch or 14.11 oz 2. 300 grams of cassava starch or 10.58 oz 3. 300 grams of rice flour or 10.58 oz Optional Ingredients - 5 medium spoonfuls of powdered milk - 2 medium tablespoons xanthan gum How do you prepare it? You must mix all the ingredients. - Once mixed, pass it through a sieve and store it in a container that protects it from light and humidity. #### You must put an expiration date and this will be the ingredient that expires soonest. ## I hope you can enjoy these Pizza and make your health shine! What are your favorite Pizza recipes? Please tell me in the comments. I want to know which Pizza recipe is popular in your country or which one you have adopted from another place in the world. [

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Originally posted here:

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