Friday, September 20, 2019

Which foods are good at bedtime for a good sleep
Sleep deprivation is a serious test for both health and the psyche. The quality of sleep is influenced by many factors - from the presence of stress and ending with genetic diseases. However, eating here is of considerable importance. And if you have trouble sleeping, it might be worth reviewing your diet. We figure out which products help and which, on the contrary, interfere with getting the right, healthy rest. If you periodically suffer from insomnia , include them in your diet and after a while you will see the difference. ## Bananas These fruits are rich Nutrition Facts & Calories: Bananas, raw potassium and magnesium - substances that act as natural muscle relaxants. They help the body relax before bedtime. In addition, bananas contain the amino acid L ‑ Tryptophan. [Source](
Serotonin , in turn, under the influence of an enzyme in the pineal body of the brain turns into melatonin, the “sleep hormone”. It takes about an hour before tryptophan reaches the brain, so it’s best to have a bite an hour and a half before bedtime. ## Almond These delicious nuts are rich Nuts, almonds not only protein, but also magnesium - a substance that provides The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double ‑ blind placebo ‑ controlled clinical trial muscle relaxation and makes falling asleep easier. [Source](
Almonds are also a valuable source of melatonin. Dietary Sources and Bioactivities of Melatonin and can lower cortisol levels Strategies of Functional Foods Promote Sleep in Human Being - stress hormone that interferes with sleep. So a handful of almonds at bedtime or a sandwich with almond oil will be a great help in the fight against insomnia. ## Cherry Treatment of Insomnia and Investigation of Mechanisms showed that adults with insomnia, who drank 250 milliliters of cherry juice before bedtime, slept one and a half hours longer than those who did not consume cherries. In addition, their sleep was stronger and they had better rest. [Source](
So eat a handful of cherries one hour before touching the pillow or drink a glass of natural cherry juice. ## Passiflora Tea In addition to chamomile, tea from passionflower, or passionflower, also has a good effect on sleep. It also contains apigenin. Risks and Benefits of Commonly used Herbal Medicines in México and has a calming effect. The effectiveness of this drink is proven experimentally. A double ‑ blind, placebo ‑ controlled investigation of the effects of Passiflora incarnata (passionflower) herbal tea on subjective sleep quality Specialists from Monash University in Australia. [Source](
In their study, a group of adults drank a cup of passion flower tea just before bedtime for seven days. And by the end of the week, the quality of the night's rest of the subjects significantly improved compared with the control group, which was given a placebo. Start drinking tea from passionflower before going to bed, and after a couple of weeks it will be much easier to fall asleep. ## Kiwi Kiwi contains Kiwifruit, held in storage, raw a large amount of serotonin - a neurotransmitter that has a relaxing effect and helps to fall asleep faster . In one experiment Effect of kiwifruit consumption on sleep quality in adults with sleep problems participants were asked to eat two kiwi an hour before bedtime every night. After a month, the researchers noticed that the time required for the subjects to fall asleep was reduced by 35%, and the duration and quality of rest increased. [Source](
In addition, serotonin Brain serotonin, carbohydrate ‑ craving, obesity and depression in kiwi reduces the body’s craving for carbohydrate absorption. So, if you eat it before going to bed, you will less want to go out for a snack in the middle of the night. ## Milk A glass of warm milk before bedtime - greetings from childhood. It contributes to falling asleep, because it contains Milk proteins as a source of tryptophan ‑ containing bioactive peptides tryptophan. It is also an excellent source of calcium, which regulates the production of melatonin. If you woke up at night and cannot fall asleep again, drink a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey. [Source](
## Walnuts Walnuts are one of the best sources of melatonin. In addition, they help the body produce serotonin , thereby contributing to falling asleep. So a handful of walnuts, eaten just like that or added to a salad, just before bedtime will not hurt.
Love you Steemian's @georgia14

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