Saturday, September 21, 2019

My progress/ “Ideal weight”-Day 18 Slimming challenge
According to my scale today I lost 2,5lb +4,5 lb from my weigh in 2weeks ago= 7lb in total I started this challenge as a test to see how slim I can get without counting calories , macros or carbs! I am 5’8 and my lowest weight was 62kg (around 140lb) but to maintain that weight I had to maintain “diet mentality” too! You know, the one “I can’t have that” or “To much carbs in this” or “I will skip breakfast so I can have a cheat meal later” So this time I don’t have weight loss goal but competitive part of my mind is trying to to tell me ,It will be great to be 62kg again😁 I try to ignore this “trap” of ideal weight and focus more on : 👍Good habits, 👍Eating nutritionally balanced meals 👍 Mental health 👍Keep moving every day 👍 Eating out more You know what completely convinced me to stop having weight loss goals? Body set weight theory! Which means our bodies are designed to know exactly what our healthy weight range is and if we lose to much weight it will fight to maintain that weight range. How my body fights when I get to “My ideal” weight goal?


Photo from: First it Keeps my mind occupied by food, Than I am hungry all the time, I get irritated and moody, I feel cold all the time I feel tired which stops me from going to the gym I binge eat and snack a lot! So I eat more and move less which is the reason why I am gaining all my weight back and can’t maintain my “Ideal weight” of 140lb! Everyone has a set point and, just as you have no control over your height, shoe size, aging or eye color , you also have no control over what your set point will be.


Photo from: When I look back to those years before I had my kids and never thought of dieting my weight range was between 155-165lb till late 20s. I felt amazing! Happy, energised, never had to plan any meals, just eat and keep being active! Bottom line for me: No more “ideal weight” My body will give me plenty signs to tell me I am going to far and is time to slow down😉 If you keep losing and gaining weight consider your body set point and if you are not happy about the way you look,start lifting weights😉 This video can explain this in more detail (fast forward to min 2:30)
Originally posted here:

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