Saturday, September 14, 2019

Living life and not contemplating death (suicide) - Mental Health Tips


September 10th was World Suicide prevention day, this brings us to the issue of mental health and wellness. The thought of suicide, could mean one feels that there is no hope to live in this world for various reasons because of various factors. However, this maybe an extreme and over exaggerated negative view one has strongly developed, a positive relook is urgently needed. It is quite possible the thought of suicide is a strong impulsive urge at one point, it may not be based on sane contemplation. Luckily, these days a suicide search on google leads you to suicide helpline, so it’s good that google search is deisgned to disuade people to take such extrem steps !!! A deep gloom and darkness...but as the saying goes there is light at the end of the tunnel.


It is extremely important to keep our minds healthy and here are a few tips to protect your mental health. Feed your mind only good inputs, so you think positive things. For ex, if you watch a horror film, your mind will be filled with pictures of gore and fear, if you watch porn constantly your mind would be taken over with horny thoughts and visuals all the time. Instead of this you can read something good, learn a new hobby, spend time doing something fun outdoors or otherwise. The trick is to train yourself to develop only healthy thoughts so flush away those damn sick thoughts!!!


Meditate everyday, so you clean out your mind and make it feel calm, balanced and centered. This even relaxes your mind, clears it, improving your concentration, focus, ability to feel happy and present. If your stressed, this is a great stress buster!! Find out your passion and invest in it, that will fill your life with purpose. This is extremely important, spend your time doing what you enjoy and love, because that is probably what your meant to do with your life. Else, you would feel purposeless, unenthusiastic and you simply would never be the bestest version of you are that you are meant to be(: Daily Physical activity is a must. This will refresh and build the endurance of your body and mind. Also good happy hormones come when you exercise, it will protect you from getting lifestyle diseases that are common these days. However, keep in mind, you should do a physical activity that suits you. For example, you may like yoga and not gym. Moderate exercise or at least doing a lively physical activity that suits you is needed to keep you fit and energetic.. The positive side effect of this is, you will end up looking good as well(: , it’s better than make up.


Immerse yourself in Nature, it’s a great way to disconnect from all the noise of the world and reconnect to oneself, get recharged as well. So, do activities that give you doses of sunshine, fresh air, etc. Spend time around trees, beach, sea, anything.. Nature has a calming and soul healing power!!! Also Nature simplifies your life. For ex, to be entertained you don’t need social media, or TV junk always, the outside is waiting and you can enjoy it almost free of cost. Tickle your happiness everyday. Expose yourself to something that can make you laugh, it maybe listening to your favorite radio jockey, or laughing at the impossible naughtiness of your pet cat, or watching a comedy serial. Laughing is healthy, it’s contagious too, will make others around you lighten up and feel good. It’s great to try to develop a good sense of humour as well, if you can, you will always be a fun person with who ever you interact with.


A LOL session on air in radio. Don’t overthink and watch your thoughts as a third person and control them. Overthinking drains your mind, don’t do it, keep life simple, don’t complicate it. Substitute overthinking, by taking steps to act instead. Don’t hold your tension and anxiety, manage it ,else it will rob your mental power. If this is persistent, clear it by first being aware of it, and then taking appropriate steps to get relief from these things. Don’t shy away from speaking to someone you trust and understands you or else talk to a counsellor. This will definitely relieve you. Do journaling. Well, it may not be uncommon to feel like you can’t express your overwhelming feelings to someone and sometimes its not good to express certain overwhelming feelings like rage. So vent it out of your system by writing it down, you will be calm from severe overwhelming feelings then. Also, build positivity everyday by feeling grateful. Learn to be grateful for what you have. You should be thankful, you have got an able body when many don’t, you should be grateful you have got a place to stay and food to eat when many don’t. Recognize all you have got and value it like it’s your wealth. This will charge you with positivity everyday. Infact, when you get up, you should be grateful there is a fresh day out there and you are alive to experience it!! To feel beautiful, just peep out and literally with the sun, wind and freshness of the day, your day will feel beautiful every morning. Don’t be haunted with your past, make peace with it. Always be in the present, but before that, make peace with your past, so you don’t bleed carrying the wound of the past in the present. Don’t protect your mind from facing this pain by avoiding it, feel it, embrace it and move on when your ready. Please take a break if you need it, it’s ok. Cry your heart out for the required period of time, so this pain exhausts and is not pent up. Take your time, but recharge and forgive everything including yourself from the burden of the past. Check any rotten believe systems preventing you from growing. If you have certain unhealthy belief systems, recognize it and clear it. We should have a progressive and open mind. This will grow you and widen your perspective, while we become more tolerant of other diverse varied kind of people doing whatever they do in life. Stereotypes, limiting belief systems shed them away. This way you can do things and live life to the fullest. Try to inject some adventure into your life, so your life is beyond this routine we are stuck in. Take time off, to do something adventurous, exciting that you like - hiking, trekking, travelling, volunteering etc. Also believe in yourself. Your own good qualities are enough to win you everything you need in life(: … Focus, discipline, hard work in a smart fashion in a consistent and persistent manner would surely bring the best of YOU for sure.


So, understand yourself, know yourself, improve yourself and love your self. Stop, doing that awful negative self talk to yourself, break that negative self-image in your mind. Would you ever be talk like that to someone else like your brother, sister, friend or family member or to anyone you really love and care about? Always attract love, peace, happiness and surround yourself with good people, who accept you as you are. Yup, I am sure there are way more tips, but this is all I can right now think of. If you find someone who is sad, depressed and has come to talk or express themselves,listen to them. Be kind and send them love, if that’s all you can do. It will give them solace. Redirect them, if necessary to a mental health counsellor, these days its ok, to seek professional help for all kinds of mental health problems.


Last, let’s stop labeling, judging and blaming others and make someone feel awful about themselves. We need to be sensitive, sensible and kind to others. It will be great if you can be a trustworthy and non-judgemental human being that others feel comfortable to be open with. Love is beautiful, keep spreading love and cheer in small ways. Infact, be that person who spots and appreciates the every tiny good of the other person, that is a sweet thing to do. With your dear and near ones, make small attempts once a while to make them feel special and loved, it actually makes the relationship exciting as well. Gift them things suddenly but with a lot of thought and love based on what you know about them, never gift things as a formality, it will be junk as there is no meaning. The time one needs to go to a mental health specialist is when someone is so depressed, or has some negative thoughts for a prolonged period of time which prevents someone to live life fully to one’s potential. Maybe there are feelings and thoughts that disengage our happy self from doing things which make us happy or those feelings and thoughts let us not concentrate to do our dialy work. There is no shame in taking these steps for your mental well being( Also, these days there is a lot of good stuff online with audio and video visuals that are geared to give you good insights on living and managing your lives. Watch them, for mature contemplation and understanding on how to manage the challenges we all generally face in life - from stress, fear,anxiety, limited belief systems, relationship and work issues, healthy lifestyle, positive and winning attitudes and so on. Here are some of them - : Fearless Motivation - Price Ea - Jay Shetty - Trent Shelton Yup, ending this with Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry be Happy” song, be happy guys(: ... Just listen to the lyrics - When you worry your face will frown that will bring everybody down,don’t worry be happy now… In every life we have some trouble, wehn we worry we make it double, so don’t worry, be Happy now!! ...


Originally posted here:

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