Saturday, September 14, 2019

Dentists who harm you or your children
Please be very careful when it comes to dentists. There are natural ways to heal your teeth. People should NOT be going to a conventional dentist. ### It took me years to realize how nasty they are.

Even biodentical (holistic) dentists can also be scammers (I went to one in Vegas), and they really don't give a shit about you as a patient UNLESS you are lining their pockets. When I first went to a holistic dentist and he asked my previous conventional dentist for my file, the conventional dentist ignored his repeated requests for my file. ### I had been seeing the conventional dentist for years and this is what he did.

Also, he NEVER took proper notes about what he put into my mouth as far as what type of filling which is VERY important. ### The dental industry has been poisoning people for YEARS!!!

First, they lie about fluoride in the water being good for you. Then they put mercury in your mouth which is a known toxic heavy metal that causes a whole slew of health problems including brain issues. There are tons of dentists (not just in the US) who do procedures to children and adults that are NOT needed and Kool Smiles was just one example. And obviously they know they can get away with it when it comes to poor people because they tend not to be as educated, nor will they question what so called people of "authority" tell them. I mention poor people because that's what this case is all about. They serviced poor people. Even people who are supposedly educated almost never question people who have "Dr." before their name. ### I'll say what I always say...

People who have degrees are often some of the most unintelligent people I've come across. They can also be unethical, criminal, fraudulent, etc. A degree means NOTHING to me, especially when the government uses it to brainwash people into going to college. This EVIL CORP specifically hired many immigrants just out of Uni who were desperate for a job due to student loans. Overall in society, companies will NOT hire people who don't have degrees even if they can do the job. They go along with the sham to fuel the debt that people endure, which just means that people who become slaves to the system, will do unethical and criminal things when their life is on the line and they need the money. Crony capitalism has harmed our society and turned many good people into terrible ones. It's just another way to brainwash and control society into thinking they are NOTHING unless they have a degree. And parents go along with this scam and it's shown in many TV shows as being the ONLY thing any high school student should look forward to. Yes, you need to learn how to do XYZ job, but that doesn't make a person any more intelligent or ethical than someone without said degree. A little 2 year old boy died due to this EVIL CORP called Kool Smiles, and the parents are suing them, but this clinic of nationwide dental clinics has been ALLOWED to remain open, and I can bet you after a few years when things have died down and all of the cases have been settled, they will be right back to physically and psychologically harming children and adults. Do you know that they would put kids on these boards and swaddle them with a net and velcro so they couldn't move? They also had hairdryers in each of the rooms. ### Would you like to know why?

The kids would wet themselves so they would dry them off before they went out to their parents. That's childhood trauma these children may never recover from unless they get proper alternative therapy which is unlikely since most poor people don't even know about this type of therapy, let alone can afford it. ### Thank you whistleblowers for your courage in standing up to these criminals.


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