Monday, September 9, 2019

9,268 Reps From 10 Steemians After 24 Days - The Steem Daily 100 Rep Fitness Challenge - 50 Push-ups & 50 Squats - Day 25 (9/8)
A new record of 2:40 for 50 push-ups and 50 squats recorded in this video _after_ playing two baseball games today. No excuses, and no reason not to get my best results ever. Where there's a will, there's a way. Talk is cheap. Actions are what matter. Thanks to those who are sticking with this. ### Day 24 Overview: 420 reps from 4 Steemians that completed the challenge. ### Let's grow this healthy community now by spreading the word and contributing some reps. This is for _your_ health. Why not try to join us just once to see how it goes? ------- To people new, see the kickoff post linked below. We'll be opening up to other exercise types in due time. I'm trying to keep this simple for now to get everyone assembled and on the same page. What's the challenge? 50 push-ups (modified if needed) and 50 air squats. See my video. If you want to do a different ratio or split, that's fine. Just reach 100 reps from these options and reply below with an affirmation, pic, link, or video. We're on the honor system. If you can't do all of the push-ups, I know you can do squats for the rest. Get involved! ------ #### My New Reps: 50 push-ups and 50 squats timed in 2:40! #### I pitched 3 innings today against a great team and held them to one unearned run due to a fielder's error. I stuck out two batters and made many look bad with big swings and misses, as well as lots of bad contact. Long live the knuckleball. I threw only knuckleballs for these 3 innings. At the plate, I had 3 walks and 1 strikeout looking at a horrendous call by the umpire. I was able to get through 35 push-ups easily -- good progress from the previous 25-30 range. My chest and tris feel amazing. I also did another 11 reps of bicep curls with my 75 pound bar. Tonight's fuel was a pound of ground chicken with onions, a 20 gram protein bar, kefir, raw sprouts in olive oil with sea salt, and grapes. #### Highlights: #### - A new record for me after not timing myself in over 10 days. -----

#### Net Participation: 10 Steemians from 8 countries for 9,268 reps #### Day 1: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @belemo (NIGERIA) [Video proof.]( Day 2: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @belemo (NIGERIA) - [Video with proud smile at the end.]( - @thevillan (AUSTRALIA) - [Video proof that the Aussie Beast is back.]( Day 3 - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @belemo (NIGERIA) - @joshman (ETHIOPIA) Day 4: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) [2:19 Video Here]( - @joshman (ETHIOPIA) - @mamalikh13 (IRAN) [Proof Post]( Day 5: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) [Amazing video here.]( - @belemo (NIGERIA) [Video here]( - @celestal (FINLAND) [Video here](( Day 6: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @joshman (KENYA for travel) Day 7: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @belemo (NIGERIA) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) Day 8: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @belemo (NIGERIA) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) - @joshman (KENYA for travel) Day 9: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) In superhuman time of 1:43! - @joshman (KENYA for travel) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) 120 reps. - @bitfiend (USA) - Day 10: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @belemo (NIGERIA) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) - @bitfiend (USA) Manned up to do his 100 and extra various reps! Day 11: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) 144 reps total Day 12: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @joshman (ETHIOPIA or KENYA) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) - @bitfiend (USA) Did lots of legs for 160 total reps! Day 13: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) Day 14: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) Thank you. - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) Thank you. (@bitfiend did some other stuff - thank you.) Day 15: - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) - 144 squats - @joshman (KENYA for travel) Day 16: - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) - 120 reps Day 17: - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @joshman (KENYA for travel) Day 18: - @steemmatt (US) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) - 144 reps Day 19: - @steemmatt (US) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) - 144 reps - @joshman (KENYA for travel) Day 20: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) Day 21: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) Day 22: - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) 500! - @mightpossibly (NORWAY) 100 first reps - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) 162 reps Day 23: - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) Like clockwork. - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) Like clockwork. Day 24: - @steemmatt (USA) - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - @khufu (AUSTRALIA) 120 reps - @joshman (Kenya for travel) ------- To any interested Steemians who want more info/background: *Please see this [link from the kickoff post]( for details. Everyone please support and encourage the team here. They're working hard to build a community the hard way. It's about the bigger picture. Make sure you go 90 degrees with your elbows and legs, with your back straight, on each rep. Don't have your elbows too wide on the floor. Feel free to help others if they look like that can use some advice. Again, this is just a baseline of activity for the day. This will be far from all I do on most days, and the same can go for you. --- ### Markets and spirits may be down now, but our health should always be on the rise. ### ### We don't always need an app and tokens for everything, or to worry about things we can't control. ### ### Worry about what we _can_ control. Let's put the human back into fitness here, and you _will_ see and feel results. ### Rep on, @steemmatt P.S. - Please use the fitnesschallenge tag if you can.
Originally posted here:

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