Wednesday, July 7, 2021

What's like being too Sensual !


Referring to google the word ''Sensual'', means :

relating to or involving gratification of the senses and physical, especially sexual, pleasure.

But translating the world to Russian, I see it just ''Sensuous''.

Again referring to google the word ''sensuous'', means :

relating to or affecting the senses rather than the intellect.

So, ''sensuous'' is the word I prefer to talk about. I may call that ''emotional'' as well.

I like the word because I've been all the time like that. But recently I fight that in myself. Not only to not let others notice that, but for myself and to have a better health. I think too much of that can be really harmful. It's needed, maybe to make us more human. To not let us turn all to monsters. But that's also a sign to let us distinguish what's not needed for us and to feel those who really need help. Getting rid of emotions at all is inhuman, but controlling them is for sure needed !

We have only two three of emotions : positive, negative and neutral !

The positive ones are great. We need them to build healthy relationships. But not all of them are good. When people drink a lot of alcohol or take drugs in any form, they may turn to aggressive people and cause in the end a lot of harm to others. In this case, the emotions they have are positive for them, but negative for others. So, it depends on what emotion we consider positive. Who is experiencing in this case and in what situation. Sometimes even some aggression is needed to protect ourselves, family and relatives or those who are in danger !

The negative emotion may also be positive or even useful. The hate, for example, is not always bad. We may hate to do things, but it doesn't mean we are bad. It's all subjective. As well as arrogance. It may save us in some situations. Because when an aggressor see that, he/she may fall behind. And you may never look like a victim, and you may have less chance to be used. That's why such emotions shouldn't be at all avoided, but used in the proper time, place and with special people.

The neutral emotion may even not called an emotion. It's the state when you turn off all the feelings and study the situation first, then decided what to do. Such state may help people to take the right decision. It could be even a life-saving. That's why when we see someone neutral about something, it doesn't mean he/she is not helpful. Maybe knowing that he/she can't do anything about the situation is what makes this person stay neutral. Why to waste time and energy on something we are sure we can't affect. The life is too short and there are much more important things to do.


So, being too sensuous is not bad, in fact.

It's a good training for emotional health !

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Originally posted here:

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