Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Unhealthy Cycles of Dread + Daily Runes



The harm of worrying too much

First I'd like to say that my mission yesterday was not only successful but quite fluidly so. I left the Runes in four locations connected to the balances of power and wealth in the country, including the Central Bank and the Government Palace. These locations were energetically off-limits before, but since the regime has lost so much power (as further confirmed by the poor spectacle of planes above the city for the Independence Day parade that you can see in the picture,) it was a pretty simple thing to identify a proper place to conceal each Rune. Then I returned home even though I'd been invited by my combat brothers to train. Rest and meditation are very important after performing such tasks. Thus I once again strengthened my vows of service and took another step on the path marked by my Purpose, securing greater health for my city and my country and, of course, for myself and those closest to me.

A dear friend lives close to these locations and he's exceedingly concerned about the virus and the vaccines. He's been a public employee for nearly two decades, so he's in constant contact with the regime's crap and has grown bitter with this situation, but he's also very stubborn and won't leave his job even though it's been slowly poisoning him for years. I can't discuss this with him because he simply won't hear a different view, essence of his current condition, so the best I can do is visit him when he's available, listen to his issues and include him in my prayers. I've also carved a stone for him and now the entire area where he lives is slightly lighter due to yesterday's mission. This is something that I've had to do with many other friends here and abroad: offer passive help while keeping quiet about the rest. It's been hard for me not to be able to share the full range of my work with people I love, but I've managed.


I haven't talked much about the issue of this pandemic and the turmoil revolving around this virus and its purported cures, because my perspective isn't particularly appreciated and I have no right to barge through anyone's door to tell them what I think. As some of you may remember, I contracted this virus myself at the start of the year and reached some critical conclusions about it. Imagine that you could see this virus in the air, drifting through your window or floating in your living room. Would you stop what you're doing to look at it? Would you cover your face in your own house to limit the amount of air entering your lungs in the hope that these microscopic organisms won't be able to get through? People assume that masks and social distancing work because we've been told that they work, and now we've been told to also trust the vaccines as if they were properly researched and truly effective even though the numbers of contagion haven't dropped significantly since they've been making the rounds. The reality is that no level of precautions can shield us from this disease, it's just a circumstance now and it isn't even the worst hazard we face daily. We cook with highly flammable gas that can reduce our homes to rubble if there's a leak; when we cross a street, we put ourselves in the line of movement of objects that can literally break our bones with a nudge, objects that also work with highly flammable material; all of our appliance and machines function with extremely hazardous levels of electric power. In any home there are so many things that can harm or even kill us and that we still use on a regular basis without even thinking about it.

Why, then, does a virus worry us so? Why do we not question the information that we're getting from it? What exactly is it that we fear so much? Is it the virus itself? Other people's opinions? Pain? Death? Regardless of which answer we pick, the core remains the same: fear weakens and imprisons us, it precludes a healthy life. The more we fear this disease or anything else around us, the less we live and grow. Yes, we should take some basic cares, being reckless is pointless, but we have a life waiting for us to walk out the door and if we get boxed in by our dreads, we'll never enjoy anything.

This applies to all other stuff that we view as threats such as Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change, governments, corporations, conspiracies, etc. The more we think about them, the more energy we give them and therefore, the more we manifest them. If we genuinely want to take care of ourselves, we should aim for renewal and expansion, giving power to the things we want to bring into our lives rather than raising defenses against those we want to keep away from. Every time I've faced a fear, I've become freer and stronger. I encourage you all to do the same, always.


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Night Rune: Algiz

Two entities take me to many places to meet hundreds of people. They tell me that all of them are sick and that I can heal them.

Daylight message: Uruz

Eat well and bountifully, thank for the food sincerely and thus you will increase its vibration. When a tree is ill, it is first noticeable on the leaves, so too the lacks and failings of our systems are observed in our works and legacies. Every ailment primordially originates from fear and anger, clarify your emotions and your body will heal itself. Do not think so much on the risks of each choice, focus on the purpose; evolution requires boldness, there is no time for preoccupations. Those who seek to advance in the unknown cannot concentrate too much on protecting themselves from possible dangers or they will not make much progress; trust in your own strength is your first need before novelty. Get rid of the inhibitions that stagnate you, lower the volume of your intellect, listen to the beating of your heart, do not stop to think, do what you know you have to do, move and act.

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@drrune/unhealthy-cycles-of-dread--daily-runes

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