Thursday, July 8, 2021

Still trying to find the balance

Here I go again. Once more it has been - glimpsing at my blog - a month that I published a post, actually almost exactly four weeks ago.

Arrrrgh - why do I always do this?!

Despite my best efforts and intent I just wasn't able to blog, but instead, and like so often was consumed by my day job. That probably sounds worse than it is because I like my job. Sure, it is nothing fancy and I admit that I'd rather be a paid artist and sell my fine art photos or composites, paintings or drawings, but - the reality is, I am not there. Yet. There's always hope, right?!

The reality is that art-ing or for that matter, blogging does not provide me with income and therefore their priority is on the back-burner for me. Considering that I am currently the sole income provider in our household I think that is understandable. Hubby is pursuing his calling: He is an independently published author of humor, fantasy novels, and I love and support that he is following his path.

Hubby's fantasy novels are fun!

Let me know if you're interested in hearing more about them and I shall oblige.

So, in case you're asking yourself what I have been up to when I was not working - well, for starters there weren't that many hours in the day that weren't spent either working or sleeping. Yes, sleep is absolutely necessary and I'm always trying to get as much of it as I can, for the good of my close surroundings, of course. It has been said that you don't want to encounter me when I am sleep-deprived. Or food-deprived, for that matter.

2021-06-16 07.53.44.jpg

Anyways, to balance my work, I helped hubby a little with setting up a book blog tour for his upcoming novel (to be published on 7/29/21) for which I also contributed a map drawn in ink. But mostly after a long workday, I tried to disconnect and relax over a bit of gaming, Splinterlands, or World of Warships with friends. On the other end of the spectrum, I also tried to stay somewhat healthy, both physically and mentally, by going for jiggy-walks in the morning, not too long, and just around the neighborhood, but at least I got my blood (and butt) moving while listening to the NYT podcast or an audio book.

And the photos you see scattered through this post are part of my reward system for doing these morning workouts. I take photos with my iPhone. Mostly flowers definitely drops on leaves and interesting puddle reflections, but sometimes something else strikes me photo-worthy, too. Like this one here, please meet


2021-06-22 08.24.40.jpg

I intended to take it off the road, just in case, you know. See how its right hindleg is looking kind of wonky? That's because it switched to turtle-turbo as soon as it spotted me closing in, not realizing that I was being a good girl. Needless to say, its turbo-speed was no match to mine. I carefully grabbed it by its shell and safely placed it into somebody's yard - phew - catastrophe averted.

And on that positive thought, I will leave you with a few of the flower photos.

Stay healthy and have an amazing day!

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2021-06-12 08.11.03.jpg
2021-06-02 08.25.23.jpg
2021-06-01 18.03.37.jpg


Originally posted here:

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