Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Refusing The Jab - The Common Sense of a 91 Year Old - Enjoy with Troy!

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Dear Old Mom

This photo was taken at our July 4th church service by the bandstand of the courthouse lawn. This is my mother, Dolores, who is singing 'God Bless America' for the closing song. On June 28th she celebrated her 91st Birthday. Go Mom.

Won't Take the Depopulation Jab

She is fragile with progressing short term memory loss and hearing, but she is very aware. Dolores knows there is something wrong with the covid vaccines and refuses the injection. She has heard reports of folks getting sick and even dying from the jab. She has spoken to other friends, saying there is something not right about how they closed down businesses and are overly promoting the vaccines. Her gut tells her not to trust the TV propaganda. Something just isn't right.

Common Sense Cannot Be Brainwashed

Dear old mom may be forgetful and hard of hearing, but she is smart enough to value her life. She hopes to live a few more years, and feels the jab would shorten it. If only more folks were as perceptive as an aged forgetful 91 year old.

Life is already short, why make it shorter than it is?

In test studies, mice who got the vaccine died within two weeks following the injection. That is approximately 2 -3 years of human life. These vaccines have not been properly tested. Yet, there are researchers, doctors, teachers, moms, and truth tellers speaking out against the jab. Many vaccinated people have noticed how their arm now is able to hold magnets. That is not normal. In addition airline pilots and younger adults are experiencing blood clots... and early death.

My late sweetheart died several years ago from a blood clot. They are dangerous and folks must stay clear of them.



Sponsored With Propaganda By Our Government

Sadly, some folks have lost their jobs for not taking the jab. They have chosen to take a stand. They believe if we do not take individual responsibility for our health... who will? Big Daddy Government certainly won't care about your safety. I mean, did they ever care about the American Indian? Did they ever give a damn about families and children stolen by the CPS child trafficking rings? No. Our government was too busy collecting corrupt money and promoting depopulation agendas (like abortion, child trafficking and covid vaccines) to care about us. They are the criminals and accomplices to this global crime. They are the death jabbed virus.

If the vaccine is healthy and safe, folks will know. They will not need to be bribed with Krispy Kreme Donuts, hamburgers, lottery tickets, vacations or time off. Hyyper-marketing propaganda and forced agendas will not be necessary.

And Neither Should You... Do your own research.

Yeah, Dolores may be old and forgetful, but she is one smart cookie. She will not take this depopulation jab... and neither should you. Do your own research as I have. You will need to explore other sites and reports than the state run 3 lettered alphabet television channels, or censoring of Google and Youtube. You will need to look beyond the press-stitutes of the internet and find real grass roots reporting of truth telling journalism.

There is a big difference between well tested proven vaccines and a fast tracked injection jab. That difference can be life or death.

Be Healthy and Be Smart.

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Thanks for listening. Feel free to comment, upvote or repost.

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/informationwar/@enjoywithtroy/refusing-the-jab-the-common-sense-of-a-91-year-old-enjoy-with-troy

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