Friday, July 2, 2021

Human culling has arrived – one injection at a time

Those who still think that the covid vaccination is safe have perhaps not done much research into the matter. If you want to trust the science, then according to the New England Journal of Medicine it transpires that when pregnant women take the vaccine. 82% of them suffer spontaneous abortions. This is if they take it during the first or second trimester. In other words four out of five unborn babies are killed by the vaccine.

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Now the New England Journal of Medicine is perhaps one of the more prestigious science journals globally. This is pure science and statistics regarding the so-called vaccination, despite those same scientists trying to actually cover this up. Even if the data is over-exaggerated, any increase in miscarriages is unacceptable, especially for a flu from which the recovery rate is 99%.

It is becoming known that covid vaccines directly attack the reproductive organs via the spike protein released. This spike protein is an engineered biological weapon that apparently is designed to interfere with human cells, and the sterilizations and miscarriages are just one of the symptoms. Not only are unborn babies being culled but the whole human race is being culled via this fake vaccine.

It appears that the mRNA concoction in the injection is not actually a vaccine but a weapon of mass destruction. And what do we usually do to producers of such weapons of mass destruction? We hunt them down and hang them up. We stop the killer. It’s a simple solution. If these stats are true, then it implies that live births in USA will drop by 3.2 million babies in the coming year. As a result many like me are calling this entire fake vaccine a medical atrocity.

Now there are several types of covid vaccines going around from different big pharma labs, and it’s a fact that Canada has officially banned the Johnson & Johnson plus the Astra Zeneka injection. Maybe they are sold out to the Chinese CCP and are taking their jab right now instead. I can’t say for sure which jab is worse or which is killing the unborn babies in the womb, but they all look experimental.

Some scientists are saying that it’s fine to have some deaths due to a rushed and untested vaccine. It’s fine to have some fallout because the need is urgent, but that kind of mentality is condoning murder in my opinion. These deaths from the jab are murder. Do you want to play Russian roulette by going to get the jab, knowing that you may be the one to die in two weeks? And knowing that you may all be dead in two years, according to some researchers? This concept that the planet needs to be de-populated is in reality condoning murder. Let’s be honestly philosophical about it.

It’s one thing to stop further pregnancies before they occur. It may be harsh but there is no death involved. But to cross the line and condone enforced miscarriage and occasional human death by injection is outright murder. If you can’t see it in this light then you have lost your humanity. The primary principle in life and in medicine is “do no harm” which is also described in the deepest spiritual traditions of the east as “ahimsa” or non-violence. You do not need to kill people to make it more comfortable for the rest. There is plenty of space and food for everyone – if the planet is managed properly.

In the name of preventing death from disease, you cannot in any way go and cause even one extra death, what to speak of the fact that the deaths from this jab are equal to any death stats from the covid flu. The logic that a few deaths from side effects is justified, especially when the recovery rate from this flu is 99%, that is called “evil” in my educated understanding of life on earth. That is murder.

It implies that your government and those other unelected leaders at the WHO, WEF, etc, are murderers. The only time murder is condoned is during times of war. Therefore we can say that your leaders are at war with you. They have a plan to kill you, to cull you. It’s not about the covid flu. That itself may have been engineered to be a WMD. It may have been deliberately leaked by the CCP. We don’t know for sure. But we do know that the fake vaccine does indeed kill – unborn babies and many people have died from it.

Add to this fact the news that most of the covid cases in Israel now are occurring in people who have had the jab. They are the most vaccinated country globally apparently and yet they are still getting covid flu. Also this new “delta” variant or mutation of covid is occurring in those who took the jab all over the world, so this jab is ineffective, That’s why we cannot scientifically call it a vaccine, It does not adhere to the characteristics of a vaccine based on the definition. It is not fully tested. It does not protect you from the covid flu and some people die soon after taking it.

And yet your government is coercing you and in some countries forcing you to take the jab. They are blackmailing people and threatening them with loss of job if they refuse to take the jab. It looks like a systematic plan to dish out a device that causes blood clots and kills you in a painful manner. Many who die from covid have already been vaccinated. What kind of fool would take this jab after seeing the results? Don’t be fooled by your leaders. They are known to be the enemy. Doctors have sold out to keep their jobs. Big pharma have sold out to rake in profits from your death.

You are on your own buddy. You had better get your facts in order and do your own research. You need to wake up to the reality of death by injection happening all around you, otherwise you will be walking into the slaughter house like the sheep that you are. I have seen it in my own town, where a healthy pharmacist lady in her forties recently took the jab and died a few weeks later. How much more evidence do you need to show you that the jab does not work?

How many more websites do you want with information regarding this crime of the century? Mass global genocide is occurring right now in the form of a fake vaccine. Below you can find the link to a website that has some more info for you. I will never take the jab, even if they try to force it on everyone. I am perfectly well and since the recovery rate from any covid flu is 99% it is obvious that my chances are better without a jab. I may be crazy or misinformed, but I am fit and healthy and my research and intuition make me highly averse to the entire pandemic narrative and vaccine roll out. The evil that has overtaken the planet is so horrific that we don’t want to believe it, so we deny the murder perpetrated by our governments and the elite.

The denialism of the atrocities perpetrated by the elite in different ways upon the most helpless of humanity clearly shows that evil has overtaken the minds of some and fear-driven ignorance has taken over the minds of most others. Earth is now a department of hell. Welcome to hell. It has arrived. It’s not only in underground torture bunkers and trucks of trafficked children but in the systematic culling of the human population - one jab at a time.


(image pixabay)

Originally posted here:

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