Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Cancer Protects and Colds Eliminate!


I made a post about cancer last year but facebook deleted my entire profile so I don't have a copy to share. It was about how the body makes cancer cell sacks to store cancer cells to starve them of excess energy, effectively powering down or starving the mitochondria of extra energy absorption.

I also talked about how if you surgically cut or pop a hole in a cancer cell sack aka "tumor biopsy" then what happens is your body will keep moving cancer cells into the cancer cell sack but the cancer cells escape and spread.

The cancer cell sack stops growing but now you poison other parts of the body by allowing the cancer cells to escape the sack. When this happens, new cancer cell sacks will be needed but might not be made because your body has not recognized there is a hole in the original cancer cell sack.


This is why a lot of people die rapidly after a biopsy, unless they get very invasive treatment or chop away whole body parts where the damaged DNA cells are located.

All this poking and cutting is really not needed at all and I would say it is criminal! Your body creates tumor sacks to heal you, not kill you. It can also be a visual signal to you that there is a problem inside your body or you are poisoning yourself.

A Lot of these cancer cells in the sacks will still be used to pull needed minerals and chemicals out of them to help heal other parts of the body when needed.

Cancer was promoted as a death sentence and the body going wrong in order to sell drugs and manipulate people into thinking they are dying when all they need to do is change their diet, environment or behavior.

Many times these cancer cell sacks will be delivered to the skin and flake away over a few days. It depends on your genetics how you eliminate cancer cells.

We all should recognize much of the air, food and drink is toxic to our bodies which causes DNA damage to our cells. Instead we blame the body for trying to keep us alive by isolating these damaged cells in a protective bubble.

The fact is that people think tumor sacks are a problem when really the problem is the actions taken that forced your body to make them! This lack of understanding has been propagated by a psychological warfare operation promoted by many large industries like the medical industry! This is to make money off people's ignorance and to get away with producing and selling all carcinogenic toxic products without accountability!

Now you wanna know what's even more messed up than cutting the cancer sack open? Not being told that the common cold is your way of eliminating these cancer sacks out the body! Read that again and never forget it! The common cold is the body's way of eliminating cancer sacks!

If you read my recent post about polymorphic exosomes and there are no virus organisms you will understand more about what i'm about to say.

The So-called virus infection is actually the most healing thing your body can do to rid it of toxins and damaged cell tissue aka cancer!

So why are we trying to prevent our bodies from having symptoms of the common cold? Why are we scared of this natural body function so much that we crave to be injected with vaccines aka gene delivery drugs that damage our cells which causes more cancer?

The most healthy thing we can do is produce natural exosomes that are filled with enzyme codes that express proteins which allow our bodies to force toxins out of the body! Coughing, sneezes, rashes, high temperatures are all things that heal you and protect you from dying a toxic death!

Please remember this as the medical mafia wants you to never understand this so that you keep forcing poisonous drugs inside your body for their gain.

I would also like to inform everyone that the reason we cough and sneeze when we are around people who cough and sneeze is the same reason we yawn around people who have yawned.

Your body receives signals this can be visual, mental or physical but once received your body goes through a natural health check. If it finds an abundance of toxins or cancer sacks you will go through a detoxification process which is a healthy healing process!

What happens naturally is your body will produce "motility exosomes" aka healthy viral "proteins" using your unique DNA for your unique body! These viral motility proteins that are expressed on the outside of the exosome and on the outside of differentiated cells are used to collect and move toxins out the body.

Side note: The covid-19 vaccines aka gene delivery drugs actually produce a poisonous viral protein exosome that destroys and prevents healthy exosomes from being made and causes healthy cells to mutate into abnormal damaged DNA cells aka cancer cells!

So back on topic we cough, sneeze , sweat, have fever etc.. to rid the body of toxins or cancer cells and the entire tumor sacks! We do not need man made engineered nanoparticles injected into us to override our healthy DNA creation of healthy exosomes! Our bodies make exosomes which are lipid nanoparticles designed by each of our specific DNA to heal us. Why would we want trillions of synthetically engineered genetically modified nanoparticles to override our natural DNA?

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/deepdives/@shanhenry/cancer-protects-and-colds-eliminate

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