Monday, July 5, 2021

Besides being used as a vegetable, it turns out that petai is beneficial for the health of the body.


Besides being used as a vegetable, it turns out that petai is beneficial for the health of the body.

Food in Indonesia is identical to fresh vegetables and chili sauce, but if the chili is served, the taste is lacking without this petai.

Petai is one of the foods with high antioxidant levels that can counteract the effects of free radicals on the body, petai is also commonly found in several other Southeast Asian countries, such as Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. In some of these countries, vegetables with the Latin name Parkia speciosa are also used as traditional herbal medicines because they are believed to be able to overcome various diseases.

Petai plants are able to make digestion smooth, this is because the petai contains approximately 10-20 fiber needs that we need in a day. We all know that fiber is very important for digestion which helps to expel excess food material so that it is easier to defecate and provides comfort to digestion.


The petai plant itself turns out to have an anti-infective effect that is obtained by inhibiting the growth of germs such as pylori and ecoli, pylori is a germ that plays a role in the formation of ulcers in the stomach, while ecoli is very instrumental in the occurrence of diarrhea with the prevention of the two commas, of course our digestion will be healthier.

The petai plant itself is believed to be able to nourish the skin, because it turns out that the petai contains a fairly high antioxidant content, the high antioxidants in the petai of course provide a protective effect on our skin against free radicals, so that our skin looks healthier and the skin degeneration will be better. Healthy skin can change a person's appearance, so we will feel more confident, in order to get perfect skin you can consume petai regularly to get skin health which is very important.


Furthermore, consuming petai can reduce high blood pressure, the studies that have been carried out so far have proven to be mainly carried out on cells and animals, these studies show that petai has a fairly high antioxidant content. The high content of these antioxidants turns out to provide protection to our bodies, preventing free radicals in the body, this of course improves the regeneration of blood vessels and also prevents the formation of plaque in these blood vessels. With good blood vessels, blood flow will be better and blood pressure will be even better, as we know people with high blood pressure have rules in consuming food, this is done to prevent the emergence of fatal risks such as heart attacks.

The interesting fact is that in petai there are two mechanisms for lowering blood pressure, the first is the content of beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol which helps activate our bodies to be more sensitive to the presence of insulin sensitive bodies. Hard fiber will help reduce blood sugar content in the body, after we consume the second carbohydrate, it turns out that petai has an effect based on laboratory studies to provide an inhibitory effect on amylase and beta enzymes.


The evidence for these two enzymes is that it inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates by inhibiting the option of carbohydrates, so that blood sugar levels in our bodies will be more controlled, but this has just been researched with petai extract and carried out on animals. Therefore it is very important to maintain a diet and pay attention to the nutrients that enter the body, sugar levels can be said to be high if they exceed 200 mg, this must be addressed immediately before diabetes occurs, but various rumors have been attached to the community about foods that can lower blood sugar levels. one is petai.

In addition, consuming petai is also able to prevent cancer, this disease is one of the deadliest, there are several foods that trigger it. But we can avoid it by consuming foods that are rich in benefits such as petai, petai is indeed known for its properties that many petai can prevent cancer. Based on research, it turns out that in petai contains an active substance called lupeol, the lupeol actually helps to provide an apoptotic effect on cells, meaning that cancer cells will die and cannot regenerate, that is the basis for the anticancer effect on consumption of petai. The second consumption of petai, of course, there is a high antioxidant content in petai which helps our body to avoid the occurrence of free radicals and prevent oxidative stress in the body which is one way or cause of cancer.

But you need to know that consuming petai in excess will have a high risk for health In the body, consuming petai is thought to be harmful to the kidneys. This is because it turns out that in petai contains a substance called jengkolat acid, jengkolat acid turns out to have an irritating effect on the bladder, especially the ureter, this is what causes if consuming too much petai and not accompanied by drinking enough will cause pain disorders in the digestive area.

Then what is the right way to consume petai, here are the tips for you.

There are so many advantages of consuming petai, it must be remembered that these studies are generally conducted on animals and have not been carried out on humans. as much as 150 calories, 100 grams was equivalent to 4-5 tablespoons.

Petai that has been peeled has the mineral and vitamin content contained in petai which is approximately up to 15 percent of our daily nutritional needs, but there are two things that are important in correcting petai, the first is the high content of Sheng in petai, which is approximately 80% kg. and the second is the content of vitamin C which turns out to be up to 50% of the kg requirement.

Indonesian people in a day until now there is no reference that states how many doses are safe in consuming petai, indeed some references say when we consume approximately 30 petai seeds there is no negative effect, but it must be remembered that in petai there are substances that are anti-nutria Gene antibiotics are substances that inhibit the absorption of nutrients, including tannins, antitrypsin and hemoglobin. By cooking, boiling, washing properly, the nutritional content of the above will be reduced, so it is better for us to consume petai in a ripe condition compared to consuming petai raw.


The next thing we need to remember is that when we cook petai it is recommended to drink quite a lot, remember again that the petai contains jengkolat acid which is quite high. Jengkolat acid is irritating to our bladder so that when we drink a lot, the side effects of jengkolat acid will decrease.

Although petai has many health benefits, it does not mean that eating petai can replace the function of medicines. If you are still in doubt or have questions about the benefits of petai and their effects on health, immediately consult a doctor if your illness persists. Hopefully this post is useful for all of us, greetings healthy.

Originally posted here:

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