Tuesday, March 16, 2021

When does the disease occur? part 2

Hello beautiful LIFESTYLE LOUNGE community, I share this new publication as a tool for conscious self-healing, to keep us balanced, stable, in harmony, and in inner peace. ***

When does the disease occur?

All disease has a mental and emotional origin, as I said in my last post, first the thought originates and then the Emotion appears. These thoughts can be positive or negative. Let's see this Example, you had a thought of hatred towards a person, the emotion that it is going to generate in you, is of anger, of impotence. If, on the other hand, you had a positive thought of Love, the emotion is of kindness, generosity, harmony, joy, etc. So our health depends on how we handle our thoughts and emotions.



These are some emotions that cause the disease: - The ignorance - Selfishness - Instability - Hate - Resentment - the cruelty - Pride - Greed - The fear - The envy - The blame - Shame, etc. All these emotions make us sick because they contaminate our auric field.

How to achieve my healing?

To reach a state of total healing, the first thing we must do is accept that there is a problem, that there was an emotional cause, that originated that appearance or illness, then it is necessary to have the determination to find the solution. Of course you have two alternatives, the first is to go to the doctor, because the doctor will act on the physical aspect, and since we know that there is also a mental and emotional origin, we can go to an alternative medicine systems therapist. There are many, many systems of alternative medicine that are very good and recommended to help us heal and achieve a perfect healing.



Another very important point to achieve our healing is that we cannot leave our healing alone to the doctor or the therapist, we must put a large percentage of intention in our healing, we must participate in our healing process.

Why not leave healing only to formal medicine?

Because formal medicine is only going to treat the physical part, it only treats the physical conditions, not the mental and emotional cause, which is where the disease originates. Countless cases have been seen, including, I have personally witnessed, that when the patient only takes pharmaceutical drugs, he could achieve improvement, but not complete healing, therefore the disease, after a while reappears. That is why, which I have explained to you in the previous point, that the mental and emotional origin must be treated.



This is where Alternative Medicine Therapies come in, because they can help the patient to heal the cause that led him to generate the condition or disease, making the patient find his true state of peace, harmony and healing.


Pranic Healing


These are some of them: • Reiki • Bach flowers • Flowers of the Mediterranean • Geomedicine • Music therapy • Meditation • Decrees and affirmations • Acupuncture • Laughter therapy • Massages • Relaxation • Aromatherapy • Homeopathy However, all this without the conscious participation of the patient would not help much. To achieve a perfect healing we must be very receptive to accept and generate change in ourselves, we must have faith, hope and above all love for ourselves, this is fundamental.



Reminding you that you are a being of love, created by a divine consciousness, created in the image and likeness of the Creator, so you are a being of Light, that you deserve to live in harmony and in inner peace, in happiness, prosperous, abundant, and therefore healthy and healthy. EMOTIONAL IMBALANCE = ILLNESS - EMOTIONAL BALANCE = HEALTH
From my heart I hope you like this publication. Thanks for viewing and reading my publication. *** by: @mirla33

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-114105/@mirla33/when-does-the-disease-occur-part-2

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