Tuesday, March 16, 2021




**#Agave** is a cactus-like plant that belongs to the Agavaceae family. There are over 300 species of agave, among which there are those that are grown as potted plants. They grow in width and take up a lot of space. ## Description of agave


*The plant is perennial, without a stem. Few species form short woody trunks. The length of its leaves varies from 30 centimeters to about 3 meters. They are fleshy, very large, hard, wide or narrow, gathered in a rosette above the root. In some varieties of the plant, strong curled or erect spines are found at the end of their leaves. The long leaves end in hard and sharp tips. Therefore, when harvesting and transporting the agave, corks are placed on top of the leaves. Their color is gray, green, blue-green.*


*In some species, the edges of the leaves are highlighted with yellow, white or creamy-white stripes. In others, fibers are released from their lower surface. The leaves are covered with a thick waxy coating.* *Agaves are very beautiful plants, so they are also grown as decorative for decorating gardens and rooms. When grown in a pot, their leaves can reach a length of 1 meter.* ## Agave peduncle


*The flowering agave is a remarkable and rare sight. Its peduncle is huge, reaching 10 meters. Forms an inflorescence of thousands of yellowish, funnel-shaped flowers. This plant blooms only once in its life every 10-15 years in natural conditions, and when grown in gardens and in pots - after 20-30 years of its life. After flowering it dies, leaving numerous root shoots. 8-meter inflorescence is reached at the age of the plant 30-40 years.* The most famous of the agave species is the American agave (Agave americana). Its leaves are ribbon-shaped, colored in gray-green or bluish-gray. Under favorable growing conditions, it can reach a length of 1-1.2 meters and have sharp thorns. The species grown in the Caucasus reaches 2-3 meters. Characteristic of the structure of the leaves is that at the end they have straight or slightly curved brown teeth, their upper side is flat and the lower curved.The inflorescence is a huge apical panicle, containing many flowers (about 10 thousand and more), and after flowering, the plant gradually dies. The flowers are yellowish, up to 7 cm in diameter. Agave blooms once in a lifetime, at about 15 years of age. The peduncle in large specimens can reach a height of 10 m and more. Agave finds a place as an ornamental plant in the design of winter gardens, interior design, in greenhouses and outdoors. Larger species are difficult to grow indoors, but there are some that are not very large and have very slow growth. The Aztecs were the first people to know and use the agave. They called it "a gift from the gods" and "honey water" because it was sweeter than honey, but with a much rarer consistency. Thousands of years ago, agave nectar was used to sweeten various beverages


## Spread of agave **Agave is distributed in Mexico and neighboring areas, the islands in the Caribbean, Central and South America. It is introduced in the Mediterranean, tropics and subtropics. Agave was imported to Europe in the 17th century. As a cultivated plant it is grown in the Mediterranean. In Russia, neighboring countries, the Caucasus and the Black Sea coast of the island of Crimea, the plant is seen in parks. The American agave is the most common there. In temperate and northern latitudes it is grown as a houseplant and greenhouse plant.** ## Usable part of agave


*The agave core is used to make syrup. From the leaves of many species of agave are made ropes, twine, coarse cloth, wrapping paper, ship rigging, fishing tackle.* *Parts of the plant used in cooking: flowers, leaves, stems for making salad. Only syrup is extracted from the core of the blue agave and tequila is made.* *From the juices of some other types of agave, molasses is obtained by special cooking, and during fermentation - alcoholic beverages.* ## Chemical composition of agave **100 grams of raw agave contain 16.23 g of carbohydrates, 0.15 g of fat, 0.52 g of protein.** *Agave juice consists mainly of fructose and glucose. The fructose content is very high, reaching 90%. Agave nectar has a very low glycemic index - 27. The plant contains coumarin, alkaloids, estrogen-like isoflavonoids, saponins and fructanines, inulin, fats, sodium, carbohydrates, potassium, fiber, protein, sugar, calcium, calcium, calcium, calcium , zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, folate, folic acid, vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E*. Saponins have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action, strengthen the immune system. Fructanines have a beneficial effect on the colon and irritable bowel syndrome. Inulin is a type of fructan and can be effective in weight loss due to its low effect on blood sugar levels, reduces appetite, creates a feeling of satiety, lowers cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of some cancers. Inulin can also be found in some types of yogurt. It stimulates the production of the hormone GLP-1, which regulates the level of insulin in the blood.The content of calcium, iron, other minerals and vitamins in agave syrup contributes to a healthy bone system, overall health of the patient, protects against dental problems and osteoporosis. Glycemic index of Agave compared to other sweeteners: agave nectar - 27, lactose - 65, fructose - 32, honey - 83, sucrose - 92, high-fructose corn syrup - 89, glucose - 137, glucose tablets - 146, maltose - 150, maltodextrin - 150. **Agave is sweeter than honey and not as dense. Due to its higher fructose content and low glycemic index, it is preferred by people sensitive to honey and sugar. But it should be consumed in a limited way due to its caloric content**. **Glycemic index**: *Foods with a lower glycemic index retain the feeling of satiety for a longer time. Foods with a high glycemic index can cause unwanted increases in blood sugar and create the feeling of "empty stomach". The index shows how carbohydrate foods affect the body and its blood sugar levels.*


## Medicinal properties and application of agave Sweet nectar is extracted from the core of agave, which is 1.5 times sweeter than sugar. In Mexico, nectar is also known as "honey water". It has been used for thousands of years as a dietary supplement. The resulting nectar is processed by filtration and hydrolysis. It turns into a syrup containing fructose and glucose, which is lighter, amber or darker in color. Its taste depends on the color of the syrup. Light agave syrup has a more neutral taste, while darker ones are sweeter and have a caramel taste and aroma. There is raw agave syrup, which is produced at low temperatures. Agave syrup is a 100% natural product, composed mainly of fructose. About 90% of the mass of agave syrup is fructose and about 10% glucose. It is quickly absorbed by the body. Only 2 tablespoons of syrup replace 100 g of granulated sugar. It contains almost twice as many calories as sucrose, which makes it an excellent substitute for white sugar or aspartame. Agave syrup is also used as a substitute for honey. It has all the qualities to be a sweetener, but it cannot completely replace honey in terms of all its beneficial properties. It is recommended to consume about 15 ml of syrup per day. Agave juice is suitable for use by vegetarians, vegans and carnivores, those striving for proper and healthy nutrition and people who follow other different diets. Despite its useful properties, it should not be overdone due to the danger of gaining weight. Due to the high content of fructose in the syrup, diseases and conditions such as diabetes and metabolic acidosis can be triggered. Agave is successfully used as a sweetener for tea and coffee, flavoring yogurt, bread and cereals, jams, jellies, desserts, candies, pancakes. It dissolves very easily even in cold drinks and is more suitable for flavoring cold foods and drinks, because in pastries the sweetness of the syrup decreases. Agave syrup does not flavor the products it contains, something that is observed in maple syrup and honey. Agave is used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system (ulcers and inflammation of the intestines and stomach), inflammation of the oral cavity, bronchitis, arthritis, eye inflammation, menstrual disorders, wounds and cuts. Agave mixed with pumpkin seeds and yellow chili is a very useful mixture for people who are repeatedly suffering from a disease. The plant has soothing properties, protects the mucous membranes and accelerates the healing of the body. ## Other properties of agave **diuretic antiseptic analgesic antipyretic disinfectant anti-inflammatory loosening expectorant** *Agave syrup contains substances that protect against colon cancer, strengthen the immune system and increase the body's energy reserves. If it replaces sugar and is consumed in moderate doses, the syrup can help to lose weight.* Agave improves metabolism, helps remove excess fluid from the body, rapid healing of various tissues, normalizes the function of the digestive system, breast, gallbladder. The leaves of the plant help with pathologies of the sciatica. Traditional medicine recommends the use of agave as an effective remedy for the treatment of boils and snake and insect bites. Decoction of agave leaves is used in dyspepsia, which is often accompanied by gastrointestinal disease, bloating, belching, heartburn. **Forms of application of agave: paws for the treatment of skin infections and inflammations, infusion for internal treatment, juice - for cuts, wounds and abrasions.** ## Blue agave


Agave Tequilana is used to make tequila. The first spirit drink that was produced from agave was known as mescal wine. Today, the general category to which tequila belongs is known precisely as mezcal. Another species of agave, A. sisalana, is grown in subtropical America and Kenya. It is a source of a substance - hecogenin, which is the starting point in the production of corticosteroids. Ropes and hammocks are also made from the fiber of the plant. The substances contained in Agave anordrin dinordrin suppress the ability to conceive, so they are used as an effective contraceptive. **Agave is quite close in genus to Aloe Vera, so often in the past the two plants were replaced with each other in use, depending on their availability**. ## Contraindications to the use of agave About 90% of the mass of Agave syrup is fructose and about 10% glucose. Some types of commercial products are more average, but this is probably due to the decision of the manufacturer. These values ​​indicate a risk of fructose oversaturation with excessive use of agave. Therefore, about 15 ml of syrup per day is recommended. High fructose can cause disease much more easily than glucose, as glucose is metabolized in every cell of the body and fructose only in the liver.Therefore, it should not be taken by people with liver disease. Increased intake of agave syrup can lead to loss of valuable minerals in the body (calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium), which is not observed in white sugar. Conditions that can lead to excessive consumption of agave syrup: diabetes, increased lactic and uric acid, metabolic acidosis, cirrhosis of the liver, accelerating the aging process of the cell. The best alternative to agave syrup is fruit and honey. The downsides of the syrup are many, as are the pros. It is a high-value sweetener and is used mostly by vegetarians, people leading a healthy lifestyle, confectioners. Agave syrup loses its useful properties in case of overdose and of course after fermentation (therefore the favorite tequila is not among the most useful drinks).


## Agave pests #### Aphids, aphids, thrips and mites. ## Honey or agave nectar? Honey is one of the most valuable foods. It is completely absorbed by the body. Up to 3,400 calories of energy are absorbed from 1 kilogram of honey. Composition of honey: protein substances, provitamins - A, PP, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, K, C, E, enzymatic invertase, lipase, organic acids, carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, disaccharide sucrose and about 20 other di- and trisaccharides), organic acids (citric, tartaric, lactic, formic, etc.), minerals (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium), amino acids (about 20 in number - tyrosine, glycerin, glutamic acid, lysine and others.). Comparing honey and agave syrup, it is understood that the first product more nutritional value and useful qualities can not be completely replaced by the second. For people with honey intolerance, agave syrup is a good alternative. However, if it does not meet your preferences, you can replace it with stevia - an herb with a sweet taste that does not contain sugar. It is used in the form of dried or fresh leaves. Available in the form of drops or powder, stevia contains synthetic substances. [search](https://medpedia.framar.bg/%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0/%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B5)


Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@hivelifebg/agave

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