Monday, March 1, 2021

Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 22nd February to the 1st March)


Hello beautiful people!

Welcome to the Abundance.Tribe Weekly Curation, where I (@trucklife-family) get to showcase some of the great Articles that the tribe members created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for.


The AbundanceTribe, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a *Community Abundance Generator,* which supports authors who write articles, that explore ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.

The authors who have been chosen to become part of the Abundance.Tribe community, are all writing content of high quality, which focus on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness | | Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism | | Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |


This week I have 15 gems to share with you all. Articles that remind us what it is to be alive and how to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead. Whilst also sharing some truths. We all can decide how we wish to live and what we wish to consume. But we need to also think about making decisions that will ensure the freedom of future generations. So these posts are here, to inspire us and motivate us, to become more aware in our daily lives. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribeVibes Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.


A week of self-loving practices



>It seems that finding love within is being the main work for many seekers who are in the quest of understanding themselves, Love, and Life these days. The times of looking outwards for answers seems to be coming to an end, and it seems as if we are being forced into looking at the inner workings so that we might heal the wounds we have created as humanity.


Leaving room for the unexplainable



>Something I've been thinking about lately is how, if we believe that all things that happen have a logical explanation, will this cause us to see only those things that seem to have a logical explanation and ignore those that don't? Is it possible that by precisely believing that everything can be explained, we see only what can be explained, thus making our belief self-fulfilling?


It's All About Love!



>When I think about love, there are so many things that come to mind, so many things that have opened my heart and fulfilled me. My journey with love, has led me from the dark into the light and then back again. For me, love is all about embracing, embracing myself, embracing the moment and embracing the many beings that have touched my life.


Runas Diarias y el Viaje Chamánico // Daily Runes and the Shamanic Journey



>Yesterday for the first time in several months, I had the opportunity to perform a ritual using cannabis. This plant has been very important for my process, it has enormous power and is a profoundly effective tool for self-exploration, especially with regards to emotions. Additionally, like all other psychotropic substances, it fosters empathy and the dissolution of the ego, thus facilitating the connection with other plains, dimensions and frequencies.


A New Life with Eze Sanchez: Episode 177



>Eze Sánchez is a life coach and expert in non-violent communication living in Gainesville, Florida. Here he tells us the story of how he first conceived the idea of being a life coach, even before he knew there was a name for it. Practicing reiki and massage therapy, he found that many times the important thing for the client was being heard in a space free of judgement. Being so ready to listen carefully to people, he found that often they would open up to him in a way they wouldn't even open up to their closest friends.


People Still Do Not See How Cryptocurrency Is The Answer



>As I travel around the futurism sites, places where people are pondering what life will look like 5-15 years from now, I see an interesting viewpoint. While many feel that technological advancements, overall, will be good for humanity, most believe there is a downside. Their view is the major technology companies, oligarchs, and elite will only get more powerful.


Smart Cities and Innovation Zones What You Need to Know


>Derrick Broze checks in to break down recent reports of “Innovation Zones” in Nevada and what this means for the push towards Smart Cities. Are these the cities of the future you have always dreamed of? Or are these so-called Smart Cities more akin to prisons? Find out in this report!


Mediocrity is a hellscape, worse than death (...for some).



>Back when I started playing shows, I was a mess. I could hardly play guitar, but I felt that if I didn’t force myself on stage, I would never get to a level where I could ever perform comfortably. I got in a habit of apologizing profusely. Many mistakes were noticeable and so there was no getting around it. “This is my second show.” “This is my fourth show.” “I’ve just been playing for a year.” People clapped and cheered like hell back then. They might have thought it was cute, “he’s doing his best”, or that I was admirable for pushing myself beyond my ability. “I couldn’t get on stage after just playing for a few months. Good on him.”


Control over Life or Controlling Life



>What do you think, are you in Control of your life, or are you controlling life. Do you think there is a difference in the two, or does it sound the same. Actually there is a very thin line between the two. When we try to Control life, we become too rigid, we just want things to work out in the manner we expect and desire, but life does not happen that way, it has it's own terms and conditions. So when we try to control life, at large we find that it slips away more from our hands and at times we land up feeling helpless, because too much of control and expectation for things to operate in a certain manner can lead to big time disappointments........


They Can Only Push You As Far As You Let Them




The Biggest Brainwash Of The Century



>Unless only organic materials are used, recycling is very limited. We make similar statements in our upcoming video. Recycling anything done with chemicals is another corporate solution. Addressing the "anything plastic" crisis will require to crash the world economy because the plastic market is too huge. Let's not forget that Fast Fashion is too a mega polluter as it sells synthetic fabrics that are petroleum-derived.


Building a Vocal Booth from Scratch - Part 2 - Manifesting the ELAmental Underground Studio for Self-Owned-Souls



>Part 2 of this project involves turning the floor into the ceiling due to head clearance limits (which is kind of unfortunate since it had a large stage-like presence to the elevated surface), layering the ceiling with soundproofing materials, designing and installing framing for the walls, setting the frame for the studio door, dealing with issues on the backside of one of the two pre-existing walls, and framing in a badass solid wood door for the entrance to the whole studio (got it for $50 at The Rebuilding Center in Portland).


Germ Theory or Terrain Theory? My Actual Innerstanding of Healing, Dis-ease, and Causality.



>Since last winter, I've done a lot more coverage (and intake) of things from the corporate-state media, and people discussing those things. No, it wasn't because of the presidential selection, though I did end up getting some contact politics at that point. No, what I was researching, discussing, was of course the largest global marketing campaign ever, for the launch of Bill Gates & Co.'s newest line of eugenics tools: mRNA injections. You may remember the slogans like "2 weeks to flatten the curve," "in this together," and "That's Newsom science baby!"


Asking the Brains Trust of HIVE for Ideas for Our Local Community Currency Exchange



>Something is blossoming in our little town. Whilst ten years ago this was mainly a farming area, very rural and populated by country folk, now it's becoming the 'surf coast hinterland' and as people can't afford to live on the coast, more young people and families are moving in to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and cheaper housing prices. It's exciting - with more new people comes new ideas and opportunity to start some pretty cool community projects, should anyone have the desire too.


Tomorrow Is A Creation Of The Human Mind





The @Abundance.Tribe Bi-Weekly Question Tie Up Post
Focalized by @Trucklife-Family
> *The aim of the biweekly question is to help promote self awareness, so that we can begin to go back to a point in our lives, where we are connecting more with our intuitive self. By asking these questions, we are getting one another to dig deep and to reflect on our lives. To focus on what we really want in life and on how we are going to achieve it.* > > **What Does Self Empowerment Mean To You And What Steps Are You Taking, To Empower Yourself?** > #
[Read the full post here](



Originally posted here:

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