Sunday, January 10, 2021

Winning Is A Way Of Life: Small #Win's Add Up Into Big #AutomaticWin's!
These days... one thing is clearer than ever! Health and the prevention of disease is far more important than many thought it was. As the years go by it’s easy to allow priorities to shift. Our modern society has us focused on ways of life that are in actuality unsupportive of good health. Disease begins in the spirit and the mind as unsound values and beliefs and work their ways into how we ultimately treat our bodies. People trade their health to gain what society deems wealth to be. They subsequently forget that it is the sustainability of health that holds the world together. Compound this over days and decades and now we all know where that leads... Unhealthy people construct the constructs around us and if we forget it and let it those blueprints for “success” and “happiness” erode the health that was ours; forgotten by the wayside... until something like this pandemic comes along... A blight on us all exposing our fallacies and facades in thinking. Our mortal finite condition comes under the harsh light of reality. Our health… Our lives hang in the balance. Leading up to the current health crisis what used to make sense didn't anymore (but we ignored it right?) and it wasn't long before it seemed that everyone had to wear a cape just to get through their day! We were told that EVERYTHING was a priority and living the good life meant being a hero and saving the world! But at what expense? Loosing your health just to live a life of consumption and more more more!? Defer what you really wanted (before they told you what you want) and forget about who you really are or were… Just keep up with what we're being sold and keep on selling more of the same! Give up being “hot stuff” to get the “hottest stuff”! Exponential gains and getting in a world of finite resources translated into a lot of things people didn't actually need with no time to enjoy them... and piles upon piles of debt to add to the dis-ease! It all seems so backwards now that we have all slowed down long enough to think about it. Like a game of musical chairs… the music stopped and we all stood still wondering what it was all about. Tumbling out of control… But there's good coming out of this pandemic. There really is! It's a chance to re-evaluate our lives and what we want from life. It's a chance to focus on what's truly important, take back control, and discard the fake allures of the things that distracted us from what we really want. We don't need more things do we... What we need is more experiences. We need more meaning in our activities and the things we do. How we make a living and how we live matters more than ever. We need more time with the people we love and care about! That's what we need and those are the sorts of lives and lifestyles we need to be designing. And this is the perfect time to begin doing just that! So how do we go about doing this without overwhelming ourselves with more things to do? There is only 24 hours in a day right? Well, we figure it's about time to refine our lives. Spend more time doing what matters. Taking care of the things that are important... And you can't live that way without saying, "No." "Nope." "Never." and "HECK NO!" “Yes”, takes us places doesn't it? But you have got to say, "N-O!" a whole bunch before you can get to saying "Yes!" "Oh yeah!" "You bet!" and "HECK YES!" to the right things! So, do yourself a favor and simplify. Cut out some of the clutter. Do less so that you can do more... of what matters! And yeah! Keep it simple! By stringing small win's together over and over again... This is the foundation that we can all form to produce wellness and a life worth living! A lifestyle where we are all winning! It's an adventure and it all begins with the first step... But if you’re not going to, first, let go of somethings... The journey is going to be a very difficult one! How fun life is isn't about how much stuff you can accumulate and bring along with you... *FUN* is actually about the adventures you go on and who you bring along with you! It's not about acquiring one more thing! It's about going on one more adventure with one more person! That's when an exceptional lifestyle comes together! It's a simple realization combined with simple action. A practice, if done daily, that compounds into the life and lifestyle that you *actually* want to live! Today we are excited to introduce you all to two exceptional people who exemplify this shift to a health first value system and the *win* lifestyle! Each have done a great deal of stepping with the @Actifit dApp and they have shared those adventures using the #AutomaticWin and #Win hashtags over the last 2 years! @practicaleric and @roger5120 are on our list for recognition today! Between the two they have managed hundreds of #AutomaticWin's! (10,000 steps before 10pm) It's really incredible what they have accomplished and that's why we would like to share a little about them and what they have to say about their stepping adventures with the @Actifit dApp! First up is the 2nd place participant in our last @AdventureReady event! @practicaleric managed to achieve 419 #AutomaticWin's (10,000 steps before 10am) over the space of 2 years! YOU ARE AMAZING ERIC!!! Here’s what Eric had to say about @AdventureReady and the #AutomaticWin Initiative: ___


It has been close to two years since I joined the #AutomaticWin Initiative. The idea of starting my day with ten thousand steps before ten o’clock really appealed to me. It was also a challenge to get out of my comfort zone for the sake of my health and well being. At first it seemed difficult and I would do it three times a week but once I got used to it, things went like clockwork. Once I start my day with a bang it gives me that extra *oomph* and the rest of the day turns out fantastic. If you are not much of an early riser then you could also aim for the #Win with a minimum of ten thousand steps throughout the day {by 10pm}. It is what doctors and health experts recommend, combine it with a good diet and you are good to go. I do believe health is our only true asset and investing time and money to get more of it is definitely not a waste. #AutomaticWin will make your later years better and more enjoyable! :} @practicaleric ___ Our next participant achived 3rd place in the last @AdventureReady event. And, by the way, she knows what she’s talking about! @roger5120 achieved 401 #AutomaticWin’s (10,000 steps before 10am) over the last 2 years! YOU ROCK ROGERINE! Here’s some of what Rogerine wrote (Click here for the complete source). Check it out! ___


Participating in these health initiatives is pretty easy and simple. All you have to do is to ensure your win is to obtain 10Ksteps before or at the exact time at 10AM (#AutomaticWin) or 10 PM (#Win) and take a screenshot, attaching your proof when it's time to post your @actifit report. As for me, I have been using the #AutomaticWin hashtag since 2018 and just recently the #Win hashtag was introduced on May of this year, 2020. Since, I joined @actifit, I've been doing my activity almost daily. There were a few days that I missed, nevertheless it's a daily routine for me. (I've been working out since 1981 to this day except the time when I was ill, back in 2015-2017.) Fitness has been a wonderful and amazing journey for me. Being active physically through exercise is important as I firmly believe that my health comes first for several reasons: 1. *Being* healthy 2. Longevity 3. A good immune system 4. Just feeling good 5. And looking good too! And now having said that, here are some of the experiences that I shared with my followers and audiences during my participation with the #AutomaticWin Challenge: One of my first experiences with @AdventureReady was when we had to submit our highest step count for the day for 14 days straight! This was indeed very challenging. That experience was fun, intense, as well as invigorating for everyone involved. I won first place on that challenge and was generously rewarded for it. My favorite part about using the @Actifit dApp is sharing and showing photos of the places I’ve been while doing my activity, or when I stop to dine somewhere in a restaurant or cafe, or maybe some of my recipes! I think that my reports are just another means of building good foundation for discovery and other possibilities whatever that maybe here on the Hive Blockchain! Going back to the usage of the #AutomaticWin and the #Win hashtags; I am very glad that I used them accordingly because it allowed me to amass a total of 401 AWIN Tokens. And as a result of the buyback i.e., in order to move the tokens from steem to Hive with a ratio 1:1, I was placed third and was rewarded an additional 25 token, hence I received 426 hives from @wil.metcalfe. The first place was given to @danmaruschack, 2nd place to @practicaleric and so I would like to extend a warm congratulations to them as well to others that participated on these initiatives. Congratulations everyone! And thank you, @wil.metcalfe - you're awesome. Finally, I just wanted to say that it has been a fantastic journey experienced both with @actifit and @AdventureReady and want to thank them for all that they do. These experiences are something memorable that I'll treasure as a part of my healthy lifestyle. @roger5120 ___ That's it for now everybody! A special thank you to both @prcaticaleric and @roger5120 for taking the time and putting in the effort to writing about the #AutomaticWin & #Win Initiatives! As well, we would like to take this opportunity to thank EVERYONE who has participated in these health and fitness achievements over the years! You all know who you are and we think that you guys and girls are truely AMAZING human beings! The dedication required to make an #AutomaticWin or #Win happen is in it's self significant. Waking up early or sticking to it long enough to reach the 10,000 step mark is the way to prioritize your cardio health! *THAT* is what winning is all about! This is a simple yet effective way to take control of your life. It could become the foundation for building a healthy sustainable lifestyle (pandemic or no pandemic) into 2021! Thank you each and every one of you for coming along with us on this stepping adventure! Please stay posted… Time slips by but you all are still front of mind for us here at @AdventureReady! We have many more GREAT things planned and will be announcing them VERY soon! All the very best in the New Year to come! @AdventureReady
Originally posted here:

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