Friday, January 15, 2021

Weight Loss: The Importance of Fruits and Vegetables in your Eating Plan
Many people who are trying to lose weight fall victim to the yo-yo syndrome. What exactly is the yo-yo syndrome? The answer is obvious. You go back and forth with your eating habits, and your weight responds accordingly. I go through that myself from time to time. You might be tempted to say that it is a lack of willpower that people go off on a yo-yo period in their eating patterns. Not so, for me. For me I have more month than I have money, so therefore I run out of the good low-density foods like fruits and veggies. When I don’t have the proper food to fuel my body, I get hungry. When I get hungry, my body stimulates insulin production, which causes an endless cycle of eating and feeling hungry in just a little while. I know I am not alone. When I have more month than money, I often get out the Ramen Noodles. I love those things, but they are so salty, and high in fat and empty calories. When I eat Ramen, I don’t just eat Ramen. I have to make it a little soupy and then add a half-sleeve of saltines to the mix. I’m in hog heaven! What have I done to my body?! I’ve caused my weight to go up by 8 pounds. I have caused my feet to swell from the sodium intake. [source]( Often, people find themselves in the same boat I find myself in. We have more month than we have money, and therefore we run out of our stash of healthy foods, and we fill up on the high density, fat-laden foods. If we had the low-density foods, like fresh fruits and veggies, we could eat a snack and it would hit the spot, and you wouldn’t be hungry for hours. Because I have run into this yo-yo syndrome, myself, I have to find a way to resolve this problem. It’s not always feasible to save money out to buy fresh fruits and veggies when you need them. I know I can’t. What we can do is stock up on frozen fruits and veggies that come in the big bags. At some stores you can buy a 4 or 5 pound bag of certain fruits and veggies. Some veggies don’t come in large quantities, so you just have to buy them by the 1- or 2- pound bag. I like to stock up with about 15 pounds of broccoli at one time. I also like to buy about 15 pounds of stir-fry veggies. I still have some in the freezer. I cooked up a bunch of Brussels sprouts a couple of days ago and I’ve been enjoying them for snacks, since I don’t have any fruit at the moment. I suggest that we, who have more month than money, stock up on frozen fruit. If you don’t want to get frozen fruits, you can get canned fruits which are almost as nutritious as frozen. I buy large cans of sliced peaches. I buy fresh cherries when I can, and when I can’t, I buy canned cherries. I buy apples in the bag. I like the big individual apples, but they are too expensive, and they aren’t really the right portion size. Those big apples are sometimes 2-½ to 3 servings. It does matter what you eat. It is very hard to lose weight when we eat the way we have always eaten. We might justify that we have always eaten a certain way. We have favorite foods that are not so good for our bodies. I still eat steak and potatoes, but I eat them in moderation. I pick a potato that is about the size of a small apple. I eat lean cuts of meat, and I only eat a 2 or 3 ounce portion. I no longer crave the potato chips, and the snack foods; I would actually rather have an apple, or a small bowl of peaches. I’d rather have a big bowl of green beans with that spray butter stuff. I’ve learned to limit the margarine I use. I just squirt that fake butter spray stuff on my food. There are a few different brands, and they are all reasonably tasty. To lose weight consistently we have to change our lifestyles. We will have to make arrangements to make ourselves and our needs a priority. I have learned a valuable lesson this last two weeks. I hate it that I have gained 8 pounds. That is 8 pounds that I am going to have to lose all over again. My strategy is to plan ahead. I am going to fill my freezer and my pantry with the low-density foods that will satisfy me and help to promote weight loss. You don’t have to do what I do to succeed in your weight loss efforts. You may make a pot of beans, and I may make a pot of beans. You may make yours totally different than I make mine, but in the end, we all have a pot of beans. What I am saying is that you may have a way that works for you consistently. I cannot diet. I cannot live on a diet, because it is not natural to me. I have to change my lifestyle and my eating habits. Speaking lifestyle, my next post will have to address getting off your butt and onto your feet to put one foot in front of the other. I’m speaking as much to myself, as I am to you. Since I am working at home from my computer, I am sitting for 12 or more hours a day. I have to make time to get out and walk to get the circulation going in my legs, or I could be in danger of a blood clot. That said, I will save the rest of what I have to say for another post. ---
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