Friday, January 15, 2021

Doctors Show COVID-19 Doesn’t Exist!
The world was told last March that we had to self-quarantine for 15 days to “flatten curve” of what was described by the World Health Organization, the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Bill Gates, and the corporate media as “a deadly pandemic”. By Neenah Payne Throughout the year, we were told that we were fighting a “silent enemy” that could kill millions of people unless the lockdown continued, we agreed to wear masks, social distance, and get tested. Gates (not an MD) says the world cannot go fully back to normal until almost all 7+ billion people got his expensive, rushed, poorly-tested, unprecedented mRNA, gene-altering vaccine for which the vaccine manufacturers have no liability. In March, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko told President Trump that he had used hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), zinc, and azithromycin to cure 699 COVID patients with a 100% success rate. Trump supported the use of HCQ nationwide. Similar success with HCQ was reported by the French MD Didier Raoult. In July, America’s Frontline Doctors held a press conference in front of the US Supreme Court to say that America need not fear COVID-19 because they had used HCQ to cure tens of thousands of COVID patients and no one had tied. The conference was seen by 17-20 million people, the most viral video in history, before it was shut down by Big Tech. However, the World Health Organization, Gates, Fauci, the NIH, CDC, FDA and the corporate media all ignored HCQ and three other proven inexpensive ways to prevent, treat, and cure COVID – intravenous vitamin C, budesonide, and Ivermectin. The push was on for the vaccine – which is now proving to cause horrific injuries and deaths in a growing number of healthy young people and the elderly for whom the world was ostensibly shut down to protect. The lockdowns have destroyed much of the world’s economy and food chain and have led to more deaths than COVID-19. Yet, the lockdowns have not only continued but have become much more severe in many countries with even threats of detention centers in Canada and New York. This is in spite of the fact that the CDC statistics show that COVID is a threat to less than 1% of the population! The world seems to have gone truly insane!

THE Key Question: Does SARS-CoV-2 Exist?

Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance interviewed Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Thomas Cowan on January 13 in his show Has COVID-19 Been Isolated? Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Cowan explain that because SARS-CoV-2 which is said to cause COVID-19 has not been isolated (purified), it has not been scientifically proven to exist. Therefore, it cannot be used in tests and no vaccine can be made for it. Dr. Cowan is the author of Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness. Amazon sells several books by Dr. Thomas Cowan as well as many of his nutritional supplements. However, Amazon banned his 2020 book The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") Are Not the Cause of Disease which was a #1 Best Seller at Barnes & Noble until it stopped ranking it – which Dr. Cowan said was an unprecedented step. Amazon Banned My Book! is an informative discussion with Dr. Cowan and his co-author Dr. Sally Fallon about the shocking causes of COVID they document. What gives Amazon the right to decide which books people can read? What is Amazon afraid of people knowing about COVID? Banning books in this era is equivalent to burning books in Nazi Germany. In “Whatever Happened to Rigorous, Open, Scientific Discourse?”, Dr. Cowan wrote subscribers: >The central premise of “The Contagion Myth” is that, contrary to what we have been led to believe, no actual scientific evidence exists that any novel coronavirus exists. Science lays out clear, well-accepted and defined rules for how we determine that a new virus exists. Researchers take a sample from a sick person, macerate, filter and centrifuge it until a pure virus is obtained. This virus is then examined under the electron microscope. >Shockingly, on page 39 of the CDC’s July 2020 bulletin, the CDC acknowledges no published “isolates” of the coronavirus are known. Equally shockingly, the authors of the six most important papers on the isolation and characterization of this new virus all publicly and in writing admit that they neither purified nor isolated this virus. At this point, there is simply no evidence this virus exists, let alone causes any disease. >We, of course, could be incorrect in our documentation of these statements as well as many other pieces of historical evidence we lay out, in which case in a free, open and post-Enlightenment society, other researchers would come forth with clear evidence that we are in error. I would welcome such a discourse. I would love to review whatever studies they would present. Yet, instead, we are met with censorship and scorn. This response is an ominous development in the life of humanity, one we must oppose.

COVID -19 Fails To Fulfill Koch’s Postulates

In The Healthy Truth with Dr. Andy Kaufman, Dr. Kaufman explains that he went to MIT undergrad where he got his degree in molecular biology. He worked for the Health Department in a CDC position collecting epidemiological data for AIDS cases. He then went to school to become a physician and joined the faculty at the Medical University of South Carolina where he worked in hematology and oncology for two years. He got his MD there and did his psychiatric residency at Duke. His Fellowship in Forensic Psychiatry was done at the SUNY Medical School in upstate New York. He joined the faculty there where he ran a research program in forensic psychiatry. ZERO Evidence that COVID Fulfills Koch's 4 Germ Theory Postulates is a September 2020 interview with Dr. Kaufman by Sayer Ji. Dr. Kaufman said in the interview with Derrick Broze that he used to believe in germ theory. It is only recently that he began to question the scientific basis for that theory. Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends | Ep:1 - Dr. Andrew "Andy" Kaufman is a September 2020 chat between Dr. Cowan and Dr. Kaufman about viruses. Covid-19 – Evidence of a Global Fraud is a December 2020 video by Dr. Cowan in which he links to the November 17, 2020 article Covid-19 – Evidence of a Global Fraud by Iain Davis which says : >The entire official COVID 19 narrative is a deception. Ostensibly, there is no scientific foundation for any part of it. If these claims are accurate we can state that there is no evidence of a pandemic, merely the illusion of one. We have suffered incalculable loss for no evident reason, other than the ambitions of unscrupulous despots who wish to transform the global economy and our society to suit their purposes. In doing so this “parasite class” have potentially committed countless crimes. These crimes can and should be investigated and prosecuted in a court of law….It is not clear that SARS-CoV-2 is a human virus capable of causing illness. It may not even physically exist. Is it nothing more than a concept based upon predictive genetic sequences?...They openly admit their tests don’t necessarily show if SARS-CoV-2 is either present or causes COVID 19.

COVID-19: Evidence of a Global Fraud

The article concludes: >Conclusive Fraud >Fraud is a criminal act. The legal definition of fraud is: “Some deceitful practice or willful device, resorted to with intent to deprive another of his right, or in some manner to do him an injury.” The Legal definition of a conspiracy is: “A combination or confederacy between two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing, by their joint efforts, some unlawful or criminal act”. >It seems, those who claim we face a pandemic have not provided any evidence to show that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called COVID 19. All of the information strongly suggesting this possibility is readily available in the public domain. Anyone can read it. For there to be a fraud the deceit must be willful. The intention must be to deliberately deprive others of their rights or injure them in some other way. If there is evidence of collusion between individuals ad/or organisations to commit fraud, then this is a conspiracy (in Common Law jurisdictions) or a Joint Criminal Enterprise (JCE) under International Law. >It seems COVID 19 has been deliberately used as a casus belli to wage war on humanity. We have been imprisoned in our own homes, our freedom to roam restricted, freedom of speech and expression eroded, rights to protest curtailed, separated from loved ones, our businesses destroyed, psychologically bombarded, muzzled and terrorised. Worse still, while there is no evidence of unprecedented all cause mortality, there were unseasonable spikes in deaths. >These correlate precisely with Lockdown measures which saw the withdrawal of the health services we pay for and a reorientation of public health services to treat one alleged disease at the exclusion of all others. >Further, it is proposed by those who have forwarded the COVID 19 story, that this alleged disease provides justification for the complete restructuring of the global economy, our political systems, societies, cultures and humanity itself. To be allowed to participate in their so called “new normal,” which is the wholesale transformation of our entire society without our consent, they insist we submit to their conditions. These include, but aren’t limited to, bio-metric surveillance of everyone, the centralised control and monitoring of all of our transactions, oppressive business and social restrictions and an effective demand that we have no right to sovereignty over our own bodies. This constitutes the condition of slavery. >There is no doubt that we have been deprived of our rights and injured. In Common Law jurisdictions innocence is presumed, but the evidence that harm has been deliberately caused by an international conspiracy is overwhelming. Destructive policies, enacted by governments across the world, clearly originated among globalist think tanks and supranational institutions long before the emergence of this non existent pandemic…. >Those responsible for the crime of conspiracy to commit global fraud should be tried. If found guilty they should be imprisoned while the rest of us get on with trying to repair the damage they have already inflicted.

Book: The Contagion Myth

The Contagion Myth – Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease – Dr Tom Cowan >Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell ask the question: are there really such things as “viruses”? Or are electro smog, toxic living conditions, and 5G actually to blame for COVID-19? >The official explanation for today’s COVID-19 pandemic is a “dangerous, infectious virus.” This is the rationale for isolating a large portion of the world’s population in their homes so as to curb its spread. From face masks to social distancing, from antivirals to vaccines, these measures are predicated on the assumption that tiny viruses can cause serious illness and that such illness is transmissible person-to-person. >It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries, he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.” >While the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people have taken sick with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and “fizzing” feelings—and hundreds of thousands have died. Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution. Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth-generation wireless—5G. In The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) are Not the Cause of Disease, bestselling authors Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell tackle the true causes of COVID-19. >On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America. >Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call “contagions,” numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time….As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is true. Could a packet of RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no “coronavirus” at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.” Germ Theory vs. Immune System Dr. Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell Discuss The Contagion Myth is an October chat between the co-authors of the book. The inconsistencies of the Corona Virus Story is an October 2020 video by Dr. Cowan to help people understand the thesis of his book The Contagion Myth. The misunderstanding about what causes disease started with Louis Pasteur's "Germ Theory" -- which he reportedly recanted on his deathbed and admitted that the key is the "terrain" (the immune system) as Antoine Béchamp said. Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation - 1 says: >The odd thing is, Pasteur himself was reported to have admitted on his deathbed that, "Claude Bernard was right--the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything." But, even as he was dying, he would not give credit for the demonstration of this fact to whom it was due -- Antoine Béchamp! Do Germs Actually Make You Sick? SHOCKING Hypothesis From Dr. Thomas Cowan MD is an August 2020 interview with Dr. Cowan.
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