Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Diabetes Prevention: What to Do if You Are at Risk of Having Diabetes?

You may be at a risk of having diabetes and be unaware of it. It is best to gain awareness just as I did. Diabetes is a lifelong disease with no cure yet discovered but it is treatable. It has become very common. Some members of your family may even be suffering from it. You probably think it effects older people but you are wrong. There are two types of Diabetes. Diabetes Type 1 is most common among young people, teenagers and children. Diabetes Type 2 develops slowly and then there is a condition known as pre-diabetes in which the sugar level in blood is higher than normal but not high enough for the patient to be considered as diabetic. People with pre-diabetes eventually end up having type 2 diabetes later in life. https://res.cloudinary.com/grohealth/image/upload/f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto/v1583493758/DCUK/Content/iStock-910336730-1-1000x600.jpg [image source](https://res.cloudinary.com/grohealth/image/upload/f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto/v1583493758/DCUK/Content/iStock-910336730-1-1000x600.jpg) Most of the food we eat is converted into glucose (a form of sugar). There is a hormone in our body called insulin which is produced by the pancreas and its task is to control this sugar level in the blood. The insulin takes the glucose out of the main blood stream and into our cells, muscles and fat. This glucose provides energy to our body. Diabetes occurs when there is a high sugar level in our blood. This happens when pancreas does not produce enough insulin or stops altogether or the cells stop responding to insulin which is present. Without this insulin the glucose cannot enter our cells and muscles and remains in the blood. All this could be happening inside your body right now without you knowing about it .So it’s best to be aware of the signs. In case of Type 1 Diabetes the symptoms occur quickly over a period of weeks or months. In case of Type 2 the symptoms appear gradually. The signs to watch out for include an excess of water. People suffering from Diabetes drink a lot of water and feel thirsty constantly. If you are drinking more than 8-12 glasses a day and feel thirsty if you don’t, then don’t ignore the sign. The other symptom related to the first one is frequent urination. Other signs include hunger, blurry vision, fatigue, headaches and weight gain and weight loss. Diabetes Type 1 cannot be prevented and people suffering from it need to be injected with insulin shots. Those with type 2 diabetes are given tablets and a diet plan and they need to exercise to avoid complications caused by diabetes. If you want to avoid having diabetes or at least delay its onset for a few years you need to change your diet right away. It is difficult and would require a lot of will power to avoid the foods you previously enjoyed eating but you need to do so in order to bring down your sugar level. You need to cut down on sugar. If you cannot let go of it immediately then do so slowly. It’s important to follow a low-Carb, low- fat diet as the foods which are rich in these nutrients produce more glucose in our body. Switch to an all protein diet. The foods that helped lower my sugar level include meat, egg, an apple, a pomegranate, milk, radish, fish, chicken and peanuts. Once your sugar level goes down include carbohydrates and fats in your meals but in a low quantity so as to maintain the balance of your body. This means you can still eat your favorite dessert but do so rarely. Fruits and vegetables will keep you healthy but what you need to know is that some vegetables also have natural sugar present in them. The foods you need to avoid include honey, sweets, potatoes, white bread, white rice, soft drinks, ice cream, chocolate, cakes, cottage cheese and biscuits. Avoid fried foods, mayonnaise, pasta, pizza, carrot and peas. Replace these foods with a healthier high- in -fiber alternative such as brown rice, brown bread, diet coke and sweet potatoes, instead of fried foods go for baked foods. You need to limit the use of some foods and drinks such as carrots, peas, butter and fruit juices. If you are eating something out of a packet make sure to read the back of the pack to know about the nutrients present in it. If carbohydrates and fat are in greater quantity than protein, than avoid such snacks. If you want to have snacks try nuts instead. The foods you can eat include all types of meat including lamb, goat, bacon, pork, and all sorts of poultry including chicken, duck and turkey. You can also eat sausage, fish and other sea food. You can eat cheese but don’t go for cottage cheese. Eat beans, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes and drink fat-free milk. It is best to consult your doctor or dietician for a complete list of foods that you can eat and those you need to avoid or limit the use of. Exercise is another way to avoid having diabetes. Those who have gained weight will benefit from exercising. Exercising regularly encourages the pancreas to produce more insulin. Even if you do not lose weight, exercising everyday will help lower your blood sugar level. People with pre- diabetes can avoid having diabetes by following a healthy diet plan and by exercising regularly. There are also medicines available which can delay diabetes but if you want to avoid it naturally exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and follow a strict diet routine and have your meals at proper times. ---
Posted on [NaturalMedicine.io](https://www.naturalmedicine.io/@veramen/diabetes-prevention-what-to-do-if-you-are-at-risk-of-having-diabetes)

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@veramen/diabetes-prevention-what-to-do-if-you-are-at-risk-of-having-diabetes

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