Monday, January 18, 2021

Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 11th to the 18th January)


Hello beautiful people!

Welcome to the Abundance.Tribe Weekly Curation, where I (@trucklife-family) get to showcase some of the great Articles that the tribe members created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for. I have also included some of the responses to the latest BiWeekly Question.


The AbundanceTribe, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a *Community Abundance Generator,* which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.

The authors, who are a part of the Abundance.Tribe community are all writing content of high quality, which focus on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness | | Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism | | Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |


Today's articles are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribeVibes Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.


Perfect Knowledge and the Evolution of Our Species



>What would you do with perfect knowledge of your body? If you knew exactly what caused that back ache or what ideal nutrients you needed right now or if that virus was trying to replicate in your system and exactly what was needed to combat it? How would you treat your body differently if you knew exactly what that drink of alcohol would do or that refined sugary treat? Would you exercise more and in the most optimal way for your specific body type and current ideal needs?


Nothing in this post is true, but is exactly how things are ...



>It isn’t hard to notice the sudden ramp up in intensity this past few weeks! What with Trump apparently causing a mini revolution and riot in Capitol Hill, Corona virus mutating into an apparently much more infections disease, freedom of speech utterly eradicated, vaccines making no apparent difference to any lockdowns, schools closing for months and maybe more.. on the list goes! For any budding conspiracy theorist like myself, it is clear that there is now nothing i can do to provide any other kind of alternative theory about what is going on to my old friends who still frequent Facebook. In fact, it is clear now that I am a threat to them, and apparently to society.


From Centralized To Centralized To Freedom



>We are seeing major shifts in the world taking place. The established system is rapidly changing and few are truly aware of what is taking place. There is little debate that we live in a world of centralization. All our institutions are centrally run. They operate, for the most part, on a hierarchical structure. This top-down approach allows for the few to control the power over larger numbers. Think of the typical corporation. Those with the most power are the C-level executives and, perhaps, the board. Depending upon the organization, this could be a couple dozen people.


2021: New Year, New Liberty



>Since it's 2021 now, I figured it'd be appropriate to kick off the year with a post about my intentions for the year. Of course everything is subject to change without notice, see the entirety of 2020 if you seek examples. 2020 was an awesome year. Full of adversity that was very strong. But remember, God will not allow us to be tried or tempted beyond what we can handle, and we can do all things through the strength of Christ. My nonreligious friends will roll their eyes, but I like to add in the verse that says the word and spirit of God is all-natural. You can translate that loosely to being that a natural and right lifestyle is unstoppable.


@Abundance.tribe BiWeekly question: What Are The Things, (My Roots) That I draw my Strength and Security from in Life?



>I had to really read this question many times to really understand the depth of this question. I am giving out my response, but I somewhere feel this question has a very deep meaning and I may not be able to justify it completely. We live our lives in many dimensions and how much strong we are mentally and emotionally there are still times when we need that extra strength and how much ever independent we are we still need security for ourselves, or at least a sense of feeling of being secured. Some of it comes from our values, our roots and some from people around us.


BIOPHILIA: A Reliable Source of Strength + Security




Drawing Strength From My Core! - Abundance.Tribe BiWeekly Question!



>Everything I have been through has prepared me for this life. When I was going through a tough time a couple of years ago, I kept telling myself that all of this, this heart break and grief was preparing me for what was yet to come. I had hit rock bottom, for the 3rd time in my life and I knew that the only way now was to come back up! That all the frustration and anger I felt, was really just a testament to the strength that I possessed. Once you hit rock bottom, once you have that experience, you discover, that you alone are the only one to pick yourself back up. You have to let go and surrender to the waves of emotions that crash into you, that toss you about as though you are nothing but a rag doll.


Healing Journey With Alistair Hart: Episode 147



>Alistair Hart is a meditation teacher, showing students to learn how to be free of thoughts using knowledge from yoga. In this episode, Alistair tells his story about facing various health difficulties - problems with his hip and shoulder joints, with his eyes, among others. Eventually he realized that the solution was to be found inside, using techniques such as yoga, astrology and applied kinesiology.


Moving Past A Debt-Based Society with Charles Eisenstein




Crystals, Chinese medicine and my relationship with woo woo and science



>I woke up today and rolled out of bed and the first Hive post I saw was @hiddenblade's I bought some pretty crystals as a gift for myself :3. It brought me back to about 7 years ago when I was exploring consciousness full time (high as fuck, if you will) and much more sensitive to the subtle things in life. I felt that there was a whole world beyond our senses, in the space in front of us and could even slip into it for a few moments. At the same time, I know a lot of people who claimed to understand it, to be able to communicate with it...and to be entirely honest, most of the sounded full of crap.


Paper Squares and Purple Stars: My Life As A Rave Outlaw - Chapter 1



>Throughout the years, my mind would sometimes drift toward the idea of writing a sort of memoir. After all, I did spend a fair amount of time deep in a mysterious underworld, where I was in a rare position to peek behind the curtains and see how it all worked. I never got around to this project though. There were always more pressing matters at hand, more important projects demanding my time and energy, things that needed my immediate attention.


Buckle Up! The Ride is About to Begin




What Are The Things, (Your Roots) That You Draw your Strength And Security From In Life?



>Recognizing my roots and coming to terms with them has been one of the central topics of my life lately. At a point in my existence I begin to feel that if I wanted to be truly free, I had to break away from everything that had shaped me until this day. I ran from everyone, tossed out my phone, went traveling hoping to never come back. I wrote this post answering to the @abundance.tribe bi-weekly question: What Are The Things, (Your Roots) That You Draw your Strength And Security From In Life? So, here are some things that keep me rooted in the 3D world: Growing food and foraging


Sneak Peak at the New Pro-Style Sound-Proof Vocal Booth - What I Have Been Manifesting


>New Year's Resolutions? Intentions for 2021? I am WAY ahead of the curve on that this year as I started planning and acquiring the tools I need for a severe studio upgrade months before the new year began. As a result - I have my professional sound proof vocal booth completely built only just over two weeks into January. We are applying the texture to the drywall tomorrow and should be painting primer by evening. ---


The @Abundance.Tribe Bi-Weekly Question
Focalized by @Trucklife-Family
> *The aim of the biweekly question is to help promote self awareness, so that we can begin to go back to a point in our lives, where we are connecting more with our intuitive self. By asking these questions, we are getting one another to dig deep and to reflect on our lives. To focus on what we really want in life and on how we are going to achieve it.* > **What Are The Things, (Your Roots) That You Draw your Strength And Security From In Life?** > #
[See the full post](


Cross Culture question : 🌎🌎🌎How has your hometown changed in your lifetime? How has it changed since your parents were young?🌎🌎🌎
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Focalized by @whatamidoing
> *Cross Culture Questions is a chance to get to know more about each other’s culture and dive into the deep topic that is culture, whether it be the culture of a country, a minority, a sub-culture or any collection of people. Hive across Culture is a community for discussing any aspect of any culture, cultural analysis, culture shock, comparison, or any aspects of a culture or country or language. All bilingual posts are welcome too.* > #
[Read the full post here](



Originally posted here:

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