Thursday, October 1, 2020

30 Days Blog Challenge (Day 12) - 3 Healthy Habits
Hello Hivians! Today is the 12th day of my 30 days blog challenge. Today's theme is **3 Healthy Habits**. I'm sharing with you today 3 Healthy Habits I practice every single time. [All images used designed by me using](
### 3 Healthy Habits #### No. 1: Physical Activities I try to stay physically active as much as possible because it helps build the mind and also my body. It helps keep my weight in control, fights off chronic diseases, reduces stress, improves my mood, and gives me a sense of accomplishment. Me trying to stay physically active does not have to involve hours at the gym. Instead, there are many ways that I can make small changes throughout the day to make my life less sedentary and get my body moving. This includes: **Doing housework,two-minute walking habit every hour that I sit, exercise every morning and evening, walk whenever I can, etc.** Getting physically active does not have to involve hours at gym (which is good), but when I'm not exercising, sometimes I just dance.
#### No. 2: Forgiveness Now, this is one healthy life style I practice for myself. There are many Healthy benefits to this, The truth is this, when you are consciously able to let something go, even without an apology, it reduces your anger, stress, and tension. The thought of feeling hurt takes a toll on the body, so being able to release those negative feelings and replace them with positivity is a healthy habit. Choosing to not forgive someone increases your anger and this lead to the feeling of loss of control. According to research, holding onto a grudge can increase muscle tension, heart rate, and blood pressure, which are all harmful to your health. I try to do some of the following to help focus on having a healthy lifestyle, they include; **me not going to bed angry, I focus on understanding myself instead of blaming others,Remember that it's better to be kind instead of right. I try to observe without judging, I take responsibility for my own shortcomings.**
#### No. 3: Healthy Eating Sometimes it's not about what you're eating as a person but how much of it you're eating. I try as much as possible to maintain a good portion of meal, practicing a good healthy eating habit is good. For instance, research shows avocados are extremely healthy and have a lot to offer in terms of nutrients and healthy fats. However, they are very dense in calories, so eating three avocados per day would not be a healthy habit. So the fact some of the things we take in are full of nutrients doesn't mean we should take too much of them. I try to eat until I'm physically satisfied, and then stop. If I think I may still be hungry, I wait for 20 minutes, then I drink a glass of water, and reconsider if I really need another meal.
Remember that your health is your wealth, there is a saying that, **prevention is better than cure** or like we will playfully say, **provision store is better than Kiosk ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚**. **Stay Safe out there**. #### Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ™


This is my 12th day of the 30 days blog challenge, we have @macchiata, @wolfofstreet, @suffgrace, @lauramica, @janettyanez, @pejupops, @martinstomisin, @tripode and @starstrings01 already on this challenge. The goal of this challenge is to keep Hivers active on the Hive Blockchain and also solving the issue of not knowing what to write about. Thank you for reading ๐Ÿ™ Thank you for Visiting my Blog ๐Ÿ‘




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