Monday, October 12, 2020

What is Okinawan Diet and Why Is It So Effective?
Okinawan diet basically came from one of the island in japan named Okinawa. Okinawa is also one of the healthiest place on the planet. The people living on the island are much elder then they look like and they are less likely to have any major disease Like heart problem or cancer. The people have to live under poverty level this is mainly because of its far distance from the mainland.


[Image Credits]( ## What Okinawan Includes? - Okinawan diet mainly consists of green and yellow vegetables, fish and each of which is served in small quanitity. The quantity of rice is much less than that served in mainland japan. Purple sweet potato ,pork belly and soy are also included in the meal which make it a perfect example of a well nutrition meal. This meal have a well balanced amount of carbohydrates, fats, fibres and protein.


[Image Credits](
- In an Okinawan diet, most of the carbohydrates come from vegetables with only a limited quantity of grains and not refined sugar neither processed sweets. There is limited amount of red meat and some dairy products. In moderation seafood is eaten and alcohol intake is limited to special occasions. Sweet potatoes, bitter melon, mushrooms, burdock, tea, seaweed, and an array of herbs and spices are popular foods in this diet. - Other vegetables like leafy greens and bitter melon are included in this diet. Bitter melon is a gourd which can be converted into juice or a tea and are served with salad and stir fried meals .It is rich in vitamin C and makes the immune system powerfull and have medical benefits As well.


[Image Credits]( ## Benefits There are so many health related benefits to this diet One of the principal contributing factors to the excellent health of the Okinawan people could be a diet that is low in fat and calories and high in fibre and antioxidants. This diet also help you to maintain a proper weight which is essential to avoid chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease , diabetes, and some forms of cancers. Inflammation and omega-3s help to improve and minimise inflammation. Low in refined carbohydrates (like sugar) so it doesn't have a big effect on your Sugar levels and help to maintain it All the time. Diet possibly plays a role because Okinawan foods, though low in calories, refined sugar, and saturated fats, contain essential nutrients, fibre, and anti-inflammatory compounds.
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