Sunday, October 25, 2020

Today, I've become a part of the flashmob in the Russian social net Vkontakte. To tell you the truth, I'm not a great fan of such activities, but today I couldn't pass by.. The topic has touched my heart deeply. When I see kids with limited abilities, or "special kids" like they are called here, my heart is always touched. I deeply respect these small heroes and their parents who are, without any doubt, extremely strong personalities!!


Here in Kerch there're a lot of such kids. For example, when I've extra money I help this very family with a boy who is sick with cerebral palsy. His mother is so strong....


*the family often asked for help using mass-media, and it allowed them to gather money for treatment of the sick son* She is able to stay positive and open to people, she is sincere and endlessly thankful for any help. And she was awarded for her strength - she gave birth to the second baby not so long ago, and the baby is healthy! Special kids are a part of this life like all the rest, and I'm full of pain when I see bad attitude to them.. The flashmob was simple but important - to share the text that can help people to analyze and think about such kids and attitude to them. I put the text to the wall of my page, and all participants did the same using a special tag #let's be humans Here it is... *I would like to make loud an urgent problem: when a child with autism is not taken to a school trip, a child with Down syndrome is kicked out of the dance class, and a child with cerebral palsy has no place in the playground because he cannot run like all childrent, I feel the need to write about it.* *There are some boys and girls whom noone invites to birthdays and holidays. There are children who want to be in a team, but noone takes them, because it is more important to win than to give such children the opportunity to participate.* *Children with special needs are not rare or weird, they just want the same thing as others: to be accepted! They just don't wanna be outsiders in this life! (flashmob to support of parents and special kids) #let'sbehumans*


Today the world is very tolerant to many aspects of life and human's personalities but still cruelty and humiliation for people and kids with limited abilities exist... It's unacceptable. It must be stopped. Forever. I hope this flashmob will attract people's attention to this problem again.
Originally posted here:

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