Friday, October 23, 2020

Exploring the rugged Cape coast of Africa during lockdown to find the mindful moment


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--- During lockdown a little while back, I took another hike down to the rocky shoreline on the south Cape coast of Africa. It is there that I’m able to tap in to the power and beauty of the natural environment, as well as accessing a meditative space for myself. In this video clip you can see the epic landscape on the shoreline of Africa. It really has been medicine to be able to retreat into nature and access the vast open and empty space which feels so valuable to the health, both physically and psychologically. The health and immune system really thrives in the oxygenated and ozone rich atmosphere at the coast or in most nature environments. I’m sure you are able to tap into the beauty of nature wherever you may be on the planet. Here in Africa I have plenty of wide open space. Leaving the city is a great strategy, especially at this stage in the global medical emergency being foisted upon us. There is very little chance of catching covid here, and even if most of us end up testing positive for it, we will have a strong enough immune system to be asymptomatic. I recommend getting out into nature every other day of the week for an hour or two. Whatever the situation, you have a better chance of keeping fit and healthy if you are located in a spacious and remote place with space to get out into the sunshine at least. If not then even at the window of your apartment, you can tap into the sunlight for a while, which is medicinal in itself, as long as you take solar flares and UV into consideration. It Takes me some hours to really perform my coastal hike, as a round trip down the cliffs and up again. And I have the whole place to myself here. It makes for a remote life but gives a feeling of freedom and exhilaration for me, which really helps my well-being. Ike these we really need to take up a regular practice to positively influence our mental state, like a self-help regime, so that we can keep our minds in a positive state. This is what will boost the immune system even more. Some like sports or gym, I enjoy outdoor hiking. Even long walks outdoors help to balance the sedentary life that we may have been forced to endure under this year’s conditions. My surroundings may appear bland to some, or empty, and it’s hard to tell how it appears to others, as we all live in such varying areas of the planet. Life is viewed so subjectively that it is a matter of opinion about how good your zone might be. However, I’m presuming that some people may also appreciate seeing a lifestyle of such seaside vistas, so I post my personal experience here as an inspiration. Personally I find so much inspiration just being in this environment regularly, that I’m sharing something that is really valuable to me, even though it is free and beyond my capacity to ever own. It is nature at its finest and purest, and for a healthy life in the long run, it is an ideal place to situate yourself whenever possible, either by moving there or by visiting your natural areas wherever you are. (image pixabay) --- ▶️ [3Speak](
Originally posted here:

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