Thursday, October 22, 2020

Staying Healthy


Since I purchased the Apple Smartwatch, I’ve been trying to find ways to use it to improve my overall health. I’m already tracking my steps better because I sometimes don’t carry my iPhone. It has also tracked my heartbeats which is handy to check after strenuous activity. I downloaded this app, Sleep++, to track my sleeping habits. Sometimes I snore or have restless nights. I felt it would be a good idea to chart that and maybe have a way to improve my sleep patterns. The bar charts show the last three nights. The blue fields represent sleep, while the mint green stripes represent restlessness (rolling over, etc). The gaps represent when I’m awake. The larger one last night is my waking up to use the bathroom and not falling back asleep right away (checking hive). The smaller gaps I believe is my snoring and waking myself up - moving around until I fell back asleep. So I hope this will help point out where I can change. Less spicy food maybe. Perhaps not drinking too much water before bedtime. It might even help with my sleeping position. I’ve only been doing it the last three nights, so I will need more data for sure.
Originally posted here:

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