Thursday, October 15, 2020

Skin to Win: Secrets to Surviving Contact With a Hidden Enemy
Finally Some Fantastic NEWS! [image credit]( Protecting against all invaders, foreign and domestic, is a virtually-impregnable twenty-square-foot barrier, which employs a combination of remarkable, often unconventional methods to keep the elements, toxins, bacteria and other *pathogens* right side out. Compartmentalized, water proof and self-sealing – to name only a few properties – the integumentary system works symbiotically with the immune system to form what the leading industry-remunerated scientists, doctors and talking heads have long claimed is “the body's first line of defense.” It turns out, the “experts” missed a step – *or three.* Not only are we infinitely better equipped than we've been led to believe (including a few extra surprises), it would be more accurate to describe our outer facade as part of an integrated, comprehensive mobile defensive suite, intelligently designed to support **the most sophisticated technology ever created.** #### The Body's True First Line Of Defence --------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Autonomous & Active Surveillance Grid | PNS** Occupying the outermost reaches of the the body's layered defensive network exists a constellation of highly-specialized, surface-mounted sensors, orifices and protrusions, assigned to remotely monitor our external environment for potential dangers. These silent sentinels quite literally protect our hide, while remaining distinctly apart from it, a cohabitation arrangement that extends our defensive perimeter far beyond the fleshy threshold. The data collected by our eyes, ears and nose, represent only a fraction of the complete spectrum of autonomous external sensors, belonging to the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Others detect heat, vibration, atmospheric pressure change and touch, to name but a few. These processes go largely unnoticed, as they run continuously in the background, subject to instantaneous analysis by the *brains behind the entire operation.* **Mobile Command & Control (C&C) | CNS** The added flexibility of a mobile, self-contained command centre, replete with vast resources at its disposal, affords the central nervous system (CNS) the added luxury of time and distance, from which to safely formulate a range of on-the-fly resolutions – up to and including a kinetic response. This may entail a simple command to move a few feet left or right, or instructions for a sustained evasion process; a limited response or the simultaneous engagement of multiple systems for maximum carnage, to mitigate, or even destroy the threat. The common denominator in all cases is to prevent contact with the skin – the original social distancing formula! **Close in Weapons System (CWIS)** If contact with the skin appears imminent, the other benefactors of the cohabitation arrangement receive their *warning orders.* When all preventative measures have either failed; or been ignored, dismissed or so violated, the body's close in weapon systems (CWIS) – a master stroke of original engineering – is prepared to wreak havoc to keep poisons and toxins – and their administrators – at arm's length. Even a babies and toddlers instinctively kick and fight and wail in alarm, preserved in their youth, prior to continuous adolescent-to-adult reprogramming that overwrites the innate natural tendency to forcefully object to pain and serious bodily harm. The arms and legs, even human jaws – capable of inflicting appropriately-vicious bacteria-laden wounds – render a final and potentially lethal protection in what amounts collectively to a potent arsenal, tasked with denying the enemy, at all costs, access to the skin and bloodstream beyond. It may seem a stretch, or appear we have strayed from the skin, a ways, but this is the correct order of operations – and we've only just scratched the surface! What lies beneath will assuredly scare the living wits out of your fears, and if any dare remain, take strength in the fact that when God created the spark of your life, He tasked legions of armies – in their trillions! – as tiny angels to your care. He made them so abundant, in fact, they're in our soil and seas, in equal proportion. A recurring theme, this *balance* is. You can't see them, but **trillions** of tiny bacteria, fungi and oh lordy, **viruses** are in us all. Some may know them as our *microbiota.* Without them, homeostasis, the *balance* in humans, is quite impossible. *So is life!* In fact, they're *everywhere* life is. *Guess they're kind of important?!* Well, yes, **viruses are the good guys!** They keep bacteria — *doh, often more good guys*— in check. **Balance!** Sleep content in the knowledge, *friends, family and fellows* — **the Allies have arrived at last!** Treat them well and they'll deliver unto you a fortune in healthy returns! —*Canusapatriots* **Image Credit** Ben Garrison ##### Good News Reminder: @canusapatriots and Populist Culture need your generous support to help fund what has become my primary job. For well over 6 months, this has meant devoting entire working days towards the coming effort, completely unsponsored and unpaid.
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