Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Coffee, Good or Bad?


If you follow me on social media, any social media, it'd probably come as no surprise that I love my coffee. However, with everything, there's always a positive and negative. I'm well aware of some negatives when it comes to coffee. It stains your teeth for one, and it has stained my teeth for sure. It's also addictive, thanks to the high caffein content. In fact, most people that claim to 'love' coffee, are actually just addicted to it! It's one of those socially acceptable drugs, like sugar, that many of us are on. Anyhow, it turns out, unsurprisingly, that coffee has it's many benefits too. Some scientific data has shown that people that drink ***black*** coffee are less likely to get cancer. The ones that are of most interest to me, however, are the brain-related benefits. I've been studying the brain intensively through audiobooks and available scientific research online, and I was delighted to come across [**this article**]( at **brainHQ**.


So this is to another cup of hot black coffee. Cheers. Peace & Love, *Adé*

Originally posted here:

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