I really miss seeing people's smiles. My youngest daughter is very sociable and loves to greet everyone she meets, I have noticed though that she now only says hello to the people whose face she can see. That makes perfect sense to me, as she really just wants to connect with them.
She does however still like to reach out and touch people when I am carrying her on my back. Most people respond really well to this, but there are a few who are not impressed. I tell her that some people just do not like to be touched by strangers and her response is always "WHY", to which I respond "I don't know". It's not really my place to speak for other people. >Today I went into town and even though we are not meant to be out without a mask, I just can't bring myself to wear one. Mostly I am ignored by others, but some folk are surprised or annoyed. How can I tell, well from their body language of course and especially their eyes. It saddens me, that my youngest is growing up in a world where this is normal for her, she is at that age where she will begin to remember these days, in the years to come. Her first proper memories and most people are masked. Right now in Spain, you have to wear a mask, even when you are sitting at a restaurant or bar. You can only lower it when you are putting food into your mouth.
Suddenly the virus now can't tell the difference between sitting down and standing up. Took it 8 months to get there! I like to walk around and smile at people, especially children, their faces always light up when they see me, so I sometimes stick my tongue out or make a silly face just to get them to laugh. What a serious word they are seeing right now, a serious world, that makes no sense. I can't even debate with people anymore, I don't have the energy for it. I can hear the fear in their voice straight off, so I just give them my best and walk off. My focus is to keep living in the world I want. To not let the fear get it's claws into me. >Yes it saddens me to see people all masked up, and to feel the anxiety and worry in the air. But, I am also ready for this era to fall away. So much continues to be unearthed and that will continue for quite some time yet. This cleansing runs deep and it is greatly needed. The best we can do, is to focus on healing. To strengthened ourselves, by learning new skills and creating new ideas. To look at the many ways in which we can continue to shine during these dark months. To come together and be creative, to sing and dance and raise the vibration. >I have been learning some new songs to sing with my friends, songs that uplift and empower us. I really feel it is important that we keep coming together now. The one thing that we are being told not to do.
There is literally, so much info out there, that debunks everything that the MSM is telling us. Just go check out the World Doctor's Alliance and the video that I have posted. Listen to the experts that are not being paid by the elite. Those who are not pushing an agenda, but only wish to speak out for the people. For sure we need to think about our health, but why the hell are we not being told about the many ways in which to improve it, the many ways in which we can boost our immune system. Because this is not about making us healthy, it's about making us sick!
Right now we need to be taking back control for our lives. Because things are shifting and we need to focus on where we want that shift to take us. This is in our hands now, it is up to each one of us to make a stand and be prepared. To not let the fear take over and don't forget to smile and let other people see it!
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