Saturday, January 11, 2020



Have you ever had something super important that you wanted to do but you didn't get around to it? It was something important... In fact it was something so important that you usually set aside time to do it annually. But here's the thing... life happened and before you knew it it an entire year had slipped by and what you intended to do just didn't happen... It got pushed off to the side like so many other important things. I think we have all been there right!? It's part of being a finite human being living within an infinite ocean of things we could, should, and want to do. The thing I'm talking about that I usually do each year is a multi-day fast. Going without food and only drinking water for a couple days. I believe that fasting (even intermittently) is a good way to start the new year. It cues the body to hone in on what's healthy. It sharpens the mind to what's important. It makes keen the spirit to all that I am grateful for. To add to these benefits it grants extra time (that I would normally be preparing and eating food) to re-focus and do things I have been putting off and procrastinating with. There are also some additional health benefits to the body. It allows my digestive track the rest it needs to cleanse and detoxify. There is even research that indicates that cancer cells are broken down and purged from the system reducing the risk of cancer! It's also (after the first couple days) a fantastic way to regroup the bodies energy systems and reduce stubborn fat reserves the body has been holding onto. I have also found it to be a pretty sure way to rewind the clock. I feel and look younger after going on a fast. The discipline of doing a fast also brings me extra focus and clarity. Just the thing I need when I'm starting out on a new year! So! These are all good reasons to fast if you ask me and this is why I make a point of doing at least one every year. However, despite all of these benefits I managed to miss out because I didn't prioritize last years fast... It's been on my mind every single month but there always seemed to be a reason not to do something hard like this. Well that's NOT going to happen 2 years in a row. No it's not if I can help it! Previous fasts that I have done lasted anywhere from 4 to 5 days so I have adjusted my schedule over the coming week. I don't usually set a goal for how many days I will fast though... It's something I take a day at a time before deciding to break my fast. If you would like to follow along with my fast this year I have included a image link (at the bottom of this post) where you can check in on my progress. As long as the timer is ticking it means that I still haven't eaten food yet. By the way... Any and all words of encouragement that you can leave in the comments section of this post will be appreciated! I always find fasting to be a difficult thing but I'm committed to completing my fast this year! 2020 is the start of a new year and a new decade so let's all do something every day to make our health better this year! Here's to a healthy fit 2020 everybody! *wil.metcalfe* Fitness Entrepreneur Certified Personal Trainer @BeachReady @AdventureReady @Actifit @EveryStepCounts @OneMoreNutrition ___ [


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