Thursday, January 9, 2020

Relieve Pain With Nature's Medicine


I have decided to start looking for alternative natural remedies to help with my ailments, especially with the laundry list of side effects that come with medications these days (including over the counter drugs). I have found that nature supplies us with everything we need to help with pain, but without the terrible side effects that medications cause. Since pain killers are a huge problem right now I decided a post on all-natural pain relievers would be a good place to start. So without further ado here are some plants with natural pain-relieving properties to look out for. [source](
## Kratom (Mitragyna species): >Kratom is native to Thailand but is also grown in warmer climates like California. This medicinal plant, especially the red vein kratom variety, is frequently used to treat severe pain caused by traumatic increases such as broken bones or torn muscles. Its pain-relieving effects are comparable to oxycodone but without the addictive properties and side effects. ------------------ [source]( ## Blue lotus (Nymphaea Caerucea): >Despite its name, blue lotus is a type of water lily found in most ponds. It is used to reduce pain, particularly for migraines, severe muscle spasms, tinnitus, and systematic pains like menstrual cramps and body aches and tension. When combined with an alcoholic beverage, it becomes more potent. --------------------- [source]( ## Wild opium lettuce (Lactuca serriola): >Although this plant is considered to be an invasive weed, it is actually a safe and effective painkiller. It has a milky latex sap, which is scraped or squeezed from the leaves and stalks, that contains pain-relieving properties. It numbs the whole body, relieving muscle and joint inflammation, aches, and pain. The sap can be ingested orally, mixing it with juice or making it into a tea. This plant can also be smoke for a faster effect. ---------------- [Source]( ## Boswellia and Rhus Toxicodendron: >Both Boswellia and Rhus Toxicodendron have been used to treat arthritis and arthritic symptoms. Combining these two herbs makes them even more effective. --------------- [Source]( ## White willow bark (Salix alba, S. fragilis, or S. pourpurea): >The compound known as salicin is a well-known general anti-inflammatory remedy that can be compared to aspirin, without the side effects, and salicin can be found in the bark of these willow trees. Willow bark can also be consumed as a tea. ***These are just a few of the many options nature gives us to relieve pain*** ----------------- # Why pain killer/relievers should be avoided: The biggest reason why you should avoid taking pain medications is because of the dangerous side effects. The most obvious problems with pain killers are addiction and overdose, everyone knows of the epidemic the world is having with them. Unfortunately, people don't consider things like Tylenol dangerous, unsafe or unhealthy and therein lies the problem. >The most common side effect of acetaminophen is **toxicity to the liver**. Taking acetaminophen at high doses causes ***liver damage or failure***. Even lower doses of acetaminophen can cause liver damage in people who drink alcohol regularly or those who have pre-existing liver disease like hepatitis C. Acetaminophen is also often incorporated into other drugs, which increases your risk because you are not exactly aware of how much you are taking. >*Taking NSAIDs and aspirin can also damage the stomach lining*, which can result in blood loss from the irritated area, stomach pains, and ulcers. Some people using NSAIDs have also reported experiencing kidney problems, while women are more likely to have a miscarriage.
## Keep your body happy and healthy, *Go All Natural*!

Originally posted here:

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