Thursday, January 16, 2020

Quinnspiration #8 - Wisdom for Awakening

Through the generations we have become very disconnected from our bodies.
We seek outside sources to tell us how to manage them.

We go for wellness checks because we can no longer tell when we are well or not, and believe in the power of what others tell us over our own experience of ourselves.

We take pharmaceuticals because we have come to believe that chemicals
are better for us than nature, regardless of the fine print that tells us of all
the impactful, potentially detrimental, and even deadly side affects.

We eat "food" when it is approved by the FDA,
even if it has dyes, preservatives, herbicides, pesticides,
was created in a lab, is genetically modified, and/or comes wrapped in plastic.

We continue working at stressful jobs that don't fulfill us simply for money,
because we don't have faith that living our passion will meet our needs and more.

We have forgotten that health is natural,
and that our bodies can evolve to meet our changing needs.
We've forgotten that we have the ability to take care of ourselves
if we engaged a healthy lifestyle where thrival is of optimal importance.

All of our decisions in life are primary contributors
or suckers to our well-being.

May we remember that ...

"We are the power!!"  @quinneaker

Originally posted here:

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