Friday, January 17, 2020

Laughter Clubs : Growing trend of lowering stree


An old adage *Laughter is a best medicine* and it is free. If anyone ask me which is the #1 enemy to us in the current era, without any second thought, I would say *STRESS* and a good laugh is stress buster and laughing has several health benefits. In India the trend is fastly catching up and more and more Laughter clubs often referred as *Laughter Yoga* are opening up in every nook and corners of India. The objective of Laughter club / yoga is to bring good health, joy and world peace through "*Voluntary*" Laughter beating stress and depression. Unique *Laughter Club* session with combination of laughter & yogic breathing helps bring in more oxygen to body and brain to feel more energetic and healthy and further helps remain cheerful throughout the day. I have asked several members about the benefits of of the Laughter Club who attend 45 min session daily in the morning and as per them the benefits are manifolds as they have experienced significant improvements in their health and positive state of mind/attitude towards life. A laughter is not only good for heart but also improves energy , positivity keeping stress and depression at bay also boost social life networking with people from diverse culture and communities. A good way of investing time on your own health and wellness, child like playfulness, better social connects. Love...Miliend
Originally posted here:

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