Tuesday, January 7, 2020



Day by day I’m getting better and better. One by one I’m one step closer. Making a mark is about setting a mark to achieve. Yes. These days I’m cobbling together are packed right full... but I have found that if I have a solid morning and evening routine I am more likely to stay focused and on track avoiding the distraction that leaves me exhausted, frustrated, and played out. Designing a lifestyle that’s health and wealthy has been about protecting my mental processes. Starting with how I wake up in the morning. I get up early most days; Anywhere from 4am - 5am every day. I used to pick up my cell phone and start scrolling through it first thing... but I have realized (part of my New Years Objectives/Promises to myself) that by doing this I’m missing out on the focus and control/self-direction that I could gain. This mindless routine had to stop! I decided that I would protect and reprogram my brain at the same time by meditating for 5 to 10 min. First thing upon waking. And I would commit to doing this for the next 365 days. (Today is day 7 and so far I’m on track!) The flow of time feels to me much like a string. When I wasn’t mindful with my time the string seemed to loop and scramble into frustrating nots skipping from event to event devoid of my overwatch and input. The simple act of beginning my day with meditation has been wonderful in that I now feel as though each days timeline is anchored to the same starting point. No matter what happens during the course of my day I can calm all anxiety and negative focus with the knowledge that I booted up my brain on the best way possible. Combining the new morning routine with an evening one has had the effect of attaching both ends giving me the structure in need to fill my day with meaningful content no matter how scrambled the string seems to get. I’m really doing my best to create a BE NOW LIFESTYLE. I want to mindfully move through my day in the pursuit of what makes me a better, stronger, and more healthy being. I have found that it’s become easier to plan and accomplish my daily objectives just by setting an automatic morning and evening routine. Speaking of which! Here’s today’s #AutomaticWin!

The #AutomaticWin has also become an important structured daily objective to my day... and I have to say! An ENORMOUS, “Thank-you!” to everybody who has intentionally accomplished an #AutomaticWin (10,000 Steps before 10am) this year! It’s been really inspirational for me just to have all you wonderful guys and girls along for the journey! Going after a common health goal together with you all has directly benefited my health & fitness in so many ways! I hope that you all have gotten as much from the #AutomaticWin Initiative as I have! So if this is the case... I would really love to hear about it! Maybe if you share your Adventure with all of us it will encourage and inspire other people like yourself to be more intentional with their health and to get started on designing a better healthier lifestyle! Keep stepping you all! *wil.metcalfe* Fitness Entrepreneur Certified Personal Trainer @BeachReady @AdventureReady @Actifit @EveryStepCounts @OneMoreNutrition

Daily Activity,Walking,Weight Lifting

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/actifit/@wil.metcalfe/actifit-wil-metcalfe-20200108t061536460z

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