Thursday, January 9, 2020

Complimenting Functional Fitness with Your Lifestyle


As I mentioned earlier in the previous [post](, hoping for the perfect 10 out of 10 body is unrealistic and quite impractical. The basic aim should always be maintaining a healthy body you as a person are satisfied with. Being fit is only an extra benefit to yourself. That said, your exercises shouldn’t interrupt your schedule, but rather flow inside of it. Once it becomes a problem to find time for your workout, a red flag should signal in your mind. Here are some tips to keep in mind when crafting a workout routine that works for you; Firstly, it shouldn’t take long at all. A 15 to 25-minute routine is enough to make a difference, so long as you’re implementing this workout every day. You don’t need anything that hard, just simple repetitive movements to properly pump your muscles. Your short workout can be early in the morning or after your busy day. Typically, it’s better to work out before you start your day’s work, otherwise doing anything at the end of the day will tire you out more than you’d usually be. You can also develop intense strain and pain if you remain idle for too long after a workout. Another idea is to spread out your workouts through the week. On days you’re working, work out for only 15 minutes and on weekends or holidays, work out for 20-25 minutes. This way you won’t tire yourself out when you have other things to do. Any system that suits your schedule is fine, so long as you’re getting the essential minimum of 15 minutes. When you start out, keep all of your moves minimalistic. Nothing too extravagant that’ll pull your muscles before you’ve even used them. No weights in the beginning. They will strain your muscles far too quickly. Once you’re used to the burn from simpler workouts, you can apply small two or three pound weights. Never start out big, as it’s unhealthy, unrealistic and impractical.


When you’re working out, keep some water nearby and put on your sports gear. Always keep yourself hydrated when working out and stay safe at all times.
Originally posted here:

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