Sunday, November 3, 2019

Intermittent Fasting Might Help Increase Motivation For Exercise
There are a variety of [benefits that are known to be associated with intermittent fasting](, *also known as interval eating,* such as increased energy, reduced insulin resistance, help with [weightloss]( and more. It might even be beneficial in helping to inspire voluntary exercise, according to recent research that was published in the Journal of Endocrinology. Scientists discovered that by limiting access to food in mice, prompting the fasting to take place, that it contributed to an increase in levels of the hormone ghrelin which [then inspired the boost in exercise](
Ghrelin is an appetite-promoting hormone and researchers noticed that levels of this hormone would surge after access to food was limited and a period of fasting was initiated. Scientists have taken the results to be promising for those pursuing weight-loss goals today. The findings that they uncovered suggest that for those who are struggling with their weight and those who are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, *that seeking to engage in intermittent fasting* could help them to get better control of their health. ## By engaging in interval eating and embracing that rest period, they might end up seeing more effective results from an exercise routine that they are trying to stick with. Anything that might inspire them to stay on track with their exercise activity could help to boost success for their weight-loss goals and that could be as simple as an increase in ghrelin. By trying to engage in intermittent fasting it might inspire individuals to get up and try to exercise more. And seeing as one of the known benefits for intermittent fasting is *believed to be an increase in energy*, then it's not much of a surprise that it might inspire a desire for more physical activity too. Pics: [pic1](pixabaycom) *The information that is posted above is not meant or intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.*
## RELATED POSTS: ### [New Study Suggests Fasting Could Be The Key To Longevity]( ### [Research Suggests Cannabis Might Help Motivate People To Exercise Among Providing Other Benefits](
Originally posted here:

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