Friday, November 8, 2019

Feeling Blue? Here Are 10 Instant Mood-Boosting Ideas!

Feeling drab, dull or a little blue? Is this fast-paced demanding life getting the better of you? Then this post is for you my friend! While we try to keep our heads held high and find happiness in the small things, every now and then our mood takes a nosedive (and I am not just talking about “that time of the month”)! It’s during this time that we find ourselves down in the dumps. Sometimes there is a reason for our glum dispositions but other times we battle to pinpoint what’s making us feel like the world is on our shoulders.  

OK, I get it - this intro sounds utterly morbid! Perhaps it’s lowered your spirits in itself (sorry)! But before your frown lines deepen, please know that I am about to cheer you up – hopefully even for life! Keep those blues at a distance and turn that frown upside down with the following techniques. 

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In an effort to make the world a happier place to live in, below you will find a list of ten mood boosters that I hope will leave you with a cheery heart.  These techniques are easy to include in any lifestyle and they will lead to a happy and healthier you!  

1. Make Peace with Your Sour Self

Nothing makes you feel more down in the dumps than being upset with yourself for feeling blue. You need to make peace with the fact that you are human and as humans, it’s impossible for us to be in constant high spirits.  The first step is to give yourself permission to feel sad, grumpy, and even angry. You are allowed to feel that way! 

At the same time, remind yourself that a bad mood does pass. When you give yourself permission to feel the way you do, then you will feel more in control. This sense of control and entitlement can be an instant mood alleviator in itself. 

2. Call A Buddy

Friends are great to have around for the good times but a good friend is also one who will allow you to offload. A friend is someone who should listen to our whining and complaining. Even if you do not feel like talking about any problems at hand, a casual chat a friendly listening ear has the power to put you in a better state of mind. 

3. Splurge on Something Silly

There’s no need to spend your life’s savings but a tad bit of shopping therapy won’t break the bank.  Head out and spoil yourself with something gimmicky and silly. An item that you don’t need but just find fascinating.  Shop for something you wouldn’t normally buy but that would put a hint of a smile on your face. Examples are funny books and magazines, a stand-up comedy DVD or a goofy gadget that has no real practical use at all. 

4. Put A Smile on Your Dial

When you’re wallowing and feeling glum, then the notion of a smile might seem impossible. But I ask you to put every effort into forcing a smile. Yup, just force it! Did you know that when you smile, whether it’s faked or the real deal, your brain releases feel-good endorphins and will put you on a natural high? Endorphins are hormones that feed our souls and lighten our spirits. Give it a go – I dare you!

5. Go for A Stroll

There’s more truth to the saying “just walk it off” than one may think. Walking or any type of exercise can help to boost your mood and it may even give a touch of fresh perspective. Meander through nature or see what the neighbours are up to and walk around your block. Once you get your blood pumping, you will feel so much better! The fresh air will do you good too! 

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6. List All of the “Good” Things

Sometimes we hang onto all the negative things that are happening in our lives that we forget about all of the good things that we have going for ourselves. Get yourself a fresh sheet of paper and jot down all of the things that make you happy in life. Write down your achievements, mention your loved ones, and note all of the good things you have going. Read your list out loud…again and again if you have to. 

7. Be Kind

If you have ever done an act of kindness then you will know that it stimulates a “feel good” feeling within yourself.  When we step out of our comfort zones and do something good for others, then we are often reminded that our own problems are not always so big after all. Just remember that you also need to be kind to yourself! Everyone deserves to be treated with love and if you ever need assistance – just ask.  

8. Sleep It Off

This is my favourite on the list! When you sleep, even if it’s a short cat-nap, then you can recharge your batteries. This energy boost will give you the added energy you need to overcome your sour mood. Even scientists agree that a good night’s rest or a short afternoon nap can have excellent physical and mental health benefits. 

9. Eat Healthy Food

What you eat can determine how you feel. If you load up on carbs, sugar, and unhealthy oils, then you are bound to feel worse for wear.  But if you stick to a healthy diet, you will feel fresh, energised, and revitalised.  Stick to fruits, vegetables, and nuts and you will have the best energy sources at your disposal. And if the blues hit you in a bad way – indulge in something naughtier and more delectable! Indulge in your mom’s best dish or nibble on a few blocks creamy chocolate (I won’t tell)!

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10. Let Music Lift Your Spirits

Empower yourself by listing to music that’s uplifting and inspiring! A tune that gets your foot stomping sets the scene for an excellent mood! It is quite magnificent how a catchy song with lyrics that have a personal meaning can immediately uplift one’s spirits. Listen to music, dance, and get those happy endorphins pumping! 


  1. Instant Mood Boosters. Reader’s Digest
  2. 25 Best Instant Mood Boosting Ideas. Best Life Online
Much love - @sweetpea

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Originally posted here:

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