Monday, November 11, 2019

Children's yoga as a way to create a harmonious personality.
In this article you will learn: Features of children's yoga; The benefits of children's yoga for the personality of the child; Contraindications for yoga; The optimal age for doing yoga; Varieties of children's yoga. Each child is different and unique in its own way. There are many tips and ways to educate a harmonious personality that affect various areas of the individual development of the child. Balance is a harmonious correlation between thoughts, actions and emotions of a person. This character trait provides a rational perception of what is happening around the events and the ability to adequately and measuredly respond to them. In childhood, due to the characteristics of the course of psychological processes, this personality function is at a low level. But with improper upbringing, it will not develop into the next steps. One of the popular means of forming the ability to control one’s own emotional manifestations is yoga. Features of children's yoga Yoga is an extensive concept that is interpreted as a combination of spiritual and physical methods of changing a person’s consciousness and well-being. Of course, children's yoga has its own characteristics. One of the differences is that at this age, yoga is more like gymnastics to maintain and restore the health of the body. The next feature is that children are more flexible both physically and psychologically. They can easily learn something new thanks to their natural cognitive interest, they still do not have templates, stamps and clamps imposed by society. It’s easier for children to perform certain asanas, because they will always try to do first, and then they will conclude whether they succeeded or not. Adults will immediately say something like: “I can’t get weak hands ...”, adjusting myself negatively in advance. When playing with children, it is important to use the game form. Indeed, in childhood, the leading mouth of activity is a game. Thus, they better absorb information and the process itself becomes more interesting, which means that the motivation for doing yoga is growing. In general, the great advantage of doing yoga in childhood is that babies from childhood learn to take care of their health, both physical and psychological. The benefits of children's yoga for the personality of the child Yoga for children has a comprehensive positive effect. Most yoga exercises are aimed at ensuring the healthy functioning of the spine. Psychosomatically, the spine is the foundation, the support in life, the internal strength of harmony. Therefore, it is yoga in childhood that helps to strengthen these qualities of the individual. Yoga for children provides: Improving the blood circulation of the brain. Thus, increasing the level of concentration of attention and facilitating the flow of thought processes. Love for a healthy lifestyle. Development of coordination and vestibular apparatus. Supporting the body of the child in good physical shape. Positive perception of the surrounding reality. The development of a child's psycho-emotional stability, emotional balance and tolerance. Strengthening the immune system. Unlike playing sports, yoga does not strain the psyche of the child, the emphasis is on psychological relaxation, through physical exercise. The development of anatomical knowledge, because during classes it is important to have minimal knowledge on this issue. Yoga classes are indicated for children with hyperactivity, disinhibition of psycho-emotional processes. In such cases, it gently eliminates the excessive excitability of the nervous system. Also, these classes will be useful for timid, insecure children. Yoga will teach you to take the initiative, increase self-esteem and communication skills. Contraindications for yoga Like any kind of psychophysical techniques, children's yoga has its contraindications. Before taking the child to yoga, you need to consult a doctor and take into account all the possible risks. Yoga is strictly prohibited when: Diseases in the acute phase. Mental illness, especially with psychosis and childhood schizophrenia. Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system. Infectious diseases of the brain and spinal cord. Infectious diseases of the joints. Severe head injuries. The presence of malignant neoplasms. In all other cases, yoga will only benefit. But if, after practicing yoga, the child regularly complains of a deterioration in well-being, they should still be stopped. The optimal age for doing yoga There is no generally accepted opinion about age-specific priorities for yoga. But most experts agree that it is not age that matters, but the desire of the child. If we talk about baby yoga, then these are classes for children aged six months to one year. Helps to improve metabolism, good sleep and overall balance of the child. Classes are held with the active participation of mom. At the age of 3-5 years, yoga must be in a playful way. In this age period, it resembles charging. Later, you can gradually add the spiritual side of your studies and mastery of meditative techniques. After 6 years, a gradual introduction to the theoretical foundations of yoga begins, which is a necessary component of the child’s formation of self-discipline, respect and self-control. The complex itself is built on this principle: Assimilation of asanas acceptable to the child. Gradual assimilation of breathing practices. Skills for relaxation. Varieties of Children's Yoga First of all, it is important to form a positive attitude in the child, and the right attitude to training. It is important to give a minimal idea of ​​what yoga is, to ask what the child knows about this issue, to find out his expectations and possible fears. Simplification of adaptation to a new occupation will ensure the presence of friends and acquaintances in the group. In general, it is advisable to find a section where peers of the child are engaged. Yoga classes should be dosed, 2-3 lessons per week are enough. Duration - approximately 1 hour. The lesson begins with an introductory setting, performing asanas, and then final relaxation. Yoga classes should be conducted by a qualified specialist who can find an individual approach to each child. There are several varieties of yoga for children: Classes with parents are mainly related to baby yoga. It is worth noting that classes with parents significantly increase the motivation of the child. Fly yoga is a classic hatha yoga, for the implementation of which you will need a special hammock. Provides the development of a healthy spine. Held with children from 6 years old, because the hammock is located at a height of 1 m. Pair yoga - provides for the use of asanas, for which two people are needed. It provides the development of communication, brings together and sets up contact. It is important to determine the direction and correlate its components with the current capabilities and age of the child. Children's yoga will be an effective means of physical activity, which will give health, balance and harmonious development of the child’s personality.
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