Monday, September 30, 2019

Only 12% Americans metabolically healthy.
The prevalence of metabolic health in American adults is 'alarmingly low,' even among people who are normal weight, according to a new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Gillings School of Global Public Health. Only one in eight Americans is achieving optimal metabolic health. This carries serious implications for public health since poor metabolic health leaves people more vulnerable to developing Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other serious health issues.
Originally posted here:

16,912 Reps From 12 Steemians After 45 Days - The Steem Daily 100 Rep Fitness Challenge - Push-ups/Squats/Shoulder Presses - Day 46
To try to catch time zones better, I'll be posting the next round of challenge earlier on Tuesday, 10/1. Please respond to this one a little earlier than usual to help me even out the days again. #### By popular demand, shoulder presses have been added to the challenge options. Please include the weight. Thanks, @thevillan. Hope to see you around more now. #### We had 350 reps from 3 Steemians for this round. ----- Please step up for yourselves to improve your health _right now._ It's our most valuable asset. ----- ### You can work together to produce "team reps" to more easily get involved. ### - As long as 100 reps of a combo of push-ups, squats, and **shoulder presses** are done, reply on my post with those who helped. - I encourage more of this so people don't feel intimidated. The goal is to be happy, proud, and healthy from this exercise and participation. - Excuses are thinning! ### Current charts with everyone's stats and progress: ###


_It's not a competition between people, but it's one with ourselves to improve our health and wellness._ ------- ### Day 45 Results: 350 reps from 3 Steemians for Sunday EST, 9/29. ### - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - 150 - @mightpossibly (NORWAY) - 100 - @mamalikh13 (IRAN) - 100 Talk is cheap. Actions matter. Thank you for being involved! ------ ### My 9/29 Reps & Feedback: Rest day #2 with intense baseball for 6 hours in hot weather. ### - My body was so spent from the games and prior exercises, that there was no way it felt smart or helpful to push out reps. I caught a full game behind the plate and did plenty of squats there, but it doesn't count. - I felt a little guilty for resting, but I really didn't want to hurt myself. Also, my body needed a little time to build the muscle I consistently keep challenging. - I never use supplements or any type of cheating. Just food, hydration, passion and hard work. ---- ### Today's Highlights: ### - [@rmsbodybuilding's kettlebell workout video]( Watch his form. - @mightpossibly finding a way to get his reps done when he thought he wouldn't. ------- ### What's the challenge? ### 100 reps from: - Push-ups - Air squats/squats - Shoulder presses (include weight) Reply below with an affirmation, pic, link, or video. We're on the honor system. *Team entries are now accepted. If you can't do all of the push-ups, I know you can do squats for the rest. Get involved! To people new, see the kickoff post linked below. We'll be opening up to other exercise types in due time. I'm trying to keep this simple for now to get everyone assembled and on the same page. This is for _your_ health. Why not try to join us just once to see how it goes? --------- To any interested Steemians who want more info/background: *Please see this [link from the kickoff post]( for details. Everyone please support and encourage the team here. They're working hard to build a community the hard way. It's about the bigger picture. Again, this is just a baseline of activity for the day. Use good form to avoid injury and to get the best results. This will be far from all I do on most days, and the same can go for you. --- #### Markets and spirits may be down now, but our health should always be on the rise. #### Rep on, @steemmatt P.S. - Please use the fitnesschallenge tag if you can.
Originally posted here:

Medical Questions and Answers - Vitamins
Recently I have commented that I work online giving some medical advice, in a free page in which anyone can enter and ask their respective questions, in a matter of hours or days will be answered. In this page it is not allowed to indicate treatment or refer to specialists. Since only in writing it is not always possible to arrive at an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to make an assessment based on a thorough physical examination and to complement it with laboratory examinations.

[Image edited from the following source](
>Thanks for visiting my blog. >>Welcome to my new publication.
This time I will answer questions that have to do with the use of vitamins, specifically the**vitamin C**. These are microscopic compounds that play important roles in human metabolism. We need small doses of these. Excess can cause serious illness, even death, and its deficiency also has effects on the body. Most of the time, if we have a balanced diet, it is not necessary to ingest them as medicine, but in certain pathologies its use is essential.
#### Question 1: My little sister is 14 months old, can she be given vitamin C in gummies? ###### Vitamin C or ascorbic is very important at any age for all its properties it has for the body, its intake generally goes through food, especially citrus contain it. In such a case his brother could ingest them but it is necessary to consider that by age it is estimated that the daily consumption of vitamin et should be of approximately 15 Mg a day, if these gummies that you refer have a greater concentration, it is not the ideal thing. The recommendable thing in this case is that you be medicated by your pediatrician and in case you need it, because if you are already eating food and not only breastfeeding, surely the daily requirements are covered through the diet.
#### Question 2: What vitamins other than C can I take to strengthen my immune system? My doctor prescribed me 1,000 mg a day of vitamin C, but I would like to know what others I could use. (I have HPV). # ###### Vitamin C is ideal for helping the immune system function better. In addition, vitamins A, B, and E may also benefit you. Vitamin A participates in the formation of proteins by the liver, immunoglobulins are proteins that help us counteract infections. Vitamin B helps in cell reproduction and white blood cells are cells that are responsible for the defense of the body, so in this way this vitamin helps. Vitamin E helps to eliminate what they call free radicals, which take a lot of energy from the body for its elimination, energy that can be used for other more important functions, such as defense, for example. These vitamins are sold in the form of medicines, but you can also get them all through a good diet. Exercises keep the body healthy, revitalize it, and help everything, including the immune system, to be in better shape. And adequate rest is necessary for the body to be well.

**I invite to be a part of** [


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7 Week Health Challenge

What's Going On

I have been meaning to post about what is going on in my life. My ultimate goal is to become a life coach.

There are many areas were I could help people, however there are other areas where I am struggling.

The 7 Week Experiment

I've decided to take 7 weeks to experiment, especially with Keto to get healthier.

On September 16th, I took some inventory to see where I am starting. My blood pressure was 130/87. My heart rate was 101. My weight was 243 and my estimated body fat was 33.4.

I know this isn't great but I have been doing the Keto diet and have lost weight, but on the 16th I decided to get more serious.

What Exactly Is Keto?

Everyone's definition of the Keto diet is different. This is the version I am doing. I focus on eating low carb, leafy green vegetables and healthy fats such as olive oil and coconut oil. I also add a moderate amount of protein.

How I'm Also Working On My Health

I also have been working on getting daily exercise. Although I was focusing on eating better, I was very physically out of shape. I decided to add a little walking 5 days or so a week to start.

Working On My Mental Health

Finally part of the reason my heart rate was so high is that I am drastically out of shape. Another reason is from stress.

I have been dealing with several issues like the passing away of most of my immediate family over the years, dealing with issues of bullying from when I was young, different anxiety issues etc...

So, I also am incorporating meditation, cognitive therapy and other therapeutic approaches to help with my emotional wellness.

Follow Up In November

I will let you know how everything works out in early November.

This is just the start of my adventure to live the best life.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Originally posted here:

DIY #86| How to treat Combination Skin & what actual need to do for care
Mostly combination skin is creating some confusion because on the part of your skin some area are dry and some have the oily part. But don't worry I am gonna share some useful tips that can very effectively help you to solve all your combination skin problem. Combination skin is good because this can not early effect from any kind of bad situation. [source]( So here's am gonna sharing some ideas that you can follow in daily routine life. ## How To Take Care For Combination Skin Some important work of taking care of your skin is needed to follow some steps. ## 1. Cleansing You need to cleanse your face daily in the morning and night time. This is the first step you should do it daily. Never dry your face from towel just you can leave for a minute to dry itself. Because the area of your face is the most sensitive part so you really need to do extra care for it. Use the best cleanser which is available in the form of gel or lotion type. Gently wash your face with the cleanser. [source]( ## 2. Moisturizing Add the best one moisturizer in your daily skincare routine and keep moisturize your skin well. It helps your skin to stay healthy and protect from any dry or ruff weather condition. Moisturizer can be hydrated and nourished your skin all the time if you applied at night time then the whole night your skin takes good feels. [source]( ## 3. Toning Toning is a must because it can solve all the common skin problems. This is useful to apply after washing or cleansing your face. It can minimize open pores and makes smooth your skin. It makes a layer on the upper surface of your face then you will feel more relaxed.
Originally posted here:

Foods for Diabetes | Helpful Diabetic Diet Tips

Best Foods for Diabetes & Diet Tips

Eating well can help you get good control over your blood sugar levels. Do you know a well-balanced diet, combined with physical activity, can control the disease spreading further and can even delay it?

At times it can even help you get rid of those medication pills that you have been taking for a long time. Whether you take medication or not, a balanced diet is the basis of your treatment if you are diabetic. 

What are the Best Foods for Diabetes Diet?

Add Turmeric To Diabetics Diet:

As we all know that Turmeric contains curcumin. The presence of curcumin in turmeric helps to reduce blood sugar levels and inflammation.

Not just that it also helps in protecting is against heart and kidney disease.

Cinnamon is Useful in Diabetes:

Cinnamon is very helpful in improving blood sugar control along with insulin sensitivity and cholesterol. Not just that cinnamon is also helpful in aiding triglyceride levels in type 2 diabetics.

Eggs Are Excellent for Diabetics Diet:

Eggs help to promote good blood sugar control along with protecting eye health. When you consume eggs it will leave you feeling full for long.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar helps to improve insulin sensitivity and also helps to lower blood sugar levels. Apple cider vinegar all helps you feel full for longer.

Fatty Fish Will Help:

Fatty fish is a rich source of omega-3 fats which helps in reducing inflammation. Not just that it also reduces the risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

Chia Seeds Are Useful in Diabetes:

Chia seeds have a good amount of fiber and are low in digestible carbs. Consuming chia seeds may result in decreasing blood pressure and inflammation.

Go!! Garlic When You Have Diabetes:

Garlic just doesn't add flavor to the food, but also brings in loads of health benefits.

Garlic is very helpful in lowering blood sugar levels. Not just that it is also helpful for managing inflammation, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol in people with diabetes.

Broccoli Is a Super-food for Diabetics:

Broccoli is indeed a super-food loaded with fiber. It is low-calorie, low-carb and high nutrient food. Broccoli is packed with healthy plant compounds that can protect against several diseases.

Nuts Make Your Diabetes Diet Perfect:

For a diabetic diet nuts are indeed a healthy addition. They have low in digestible carbs and also help to reduce blood sugar, insulin and LDL levels.

Squash It Up!!:

Squash contains helpful antioxidants and may help lower blood sugar and insulin levels.

Include Whole-grain and Higher-fiber Foods in Your Diet:

Instead of choosing wrong foods try filling up on these to avoid overeating. Include dried beans, black bean, corn salsa, lentils, and peas in your diet. You can combine them with colorful raw veggies.

Though these foods have carbs, you cannot deny their flavor. They are sure to pep up your plate with some nice and different flavors.

Delicious Strawberries:

These delicious strawberries are low sugar fruits and have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming them can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Add Greek Yogurt To Your Diabetes Diet:

This one is my favorite, it not just promotes healthy blood sugar levels but is also helpful in reducing risk factors for heart disease. Looking for weight management, consider having yogurt.

Tips to Best Balance you Blood Sugar Levels:

The tips in this article will help you make healthier food choices. We have listed down some general healthy eating tips as this can help you control your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

At the same time, it can also aid in managing your weight and further reduce the risk of diabetes complications, such as heart problems and strokes, and other health-related problems.

Rule1: Have 3 meals a day:

It's very important to follow regular schedules to stabilize your blood sugar levels. The recommendation from specialists or precisely the dietitian-nutritionist is that you should be having three meals in a day and that too at regular intervals.

Rule 2: Avoid Skipping your Breakfast… No Matter What! 

Breakfast is an essential meal of the day and it accounts for 25% of the calorie intake of the day. It should mainly consist of cereal products like oats, bran, wholemeal bread, country bread, health drinks preferably of fruits & veggies along with some dairy products. 

It is advisable though, to eat bread with a little butter because the fat slows the absorption of carbohydrates and therefore it may cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

If the bread you are consuming is white bread, it is better to avoid the jam, but you can add for pleasures: ham, cheese, dairy, egg etc as they will work as a source of protein for your healthy meal.

Rule 3: A well-balanced food menu:

The contents of the food menu on your plate should be well divided & should be balanced. Ideally, it should have 10-15% proteins that should give you the feeling of fullness.

Which makes you say that “YES what I ate gave me satisfaction”. Other then this add at least, 35-40% of lipids, especially unsaturated fats to your menu. Adding 50-55% of carbohydrates is needed, which includes "2/3 of complex sugars and a third of sugars of rapid assimilation.

It is advised that your meal should consist more of raw vegetables along with a dish with meat or a fish.

Apart from this, a portion of starchy foods, fruit, natural milk or cheese, and a piece of bread are also the other options available and are considered good.

Starchy foods help maintain a stable blood sugar level and avoid becoming hungry. They limit the situations of hypoglycemia possible in case of treatment by insulin.

Foods to Limit or Avoid if you have Diabetes:

  • Avoid fried foods.
  • Do not consume high saturated fat and trans fat foods.
  • baked sweets and candies along with ice creams should be avoided.
  • beverages with added sugar are a big no in diabetes. Examples are juice, regular soda, energy drinks and sports drinks.
  • Drink lots and lots of water and keep away from sweetened beverages as much as possible.
  • For tea and coffee use sugar substitutes.

Some Final & Basic Tips For Diabetics Diet:

  • Take three balanced meals a day and, if needed, snacks. Avoid skipping meals at any cost.
  •  Have a regular meal schedule. These should be spaced approximately 4 to 6 hours apart. Snacks should be taken 2 to 3 hours after the meal.
  • Eat a variety of foods from different food groups: vegetables and fruits, starchy foods, milk and alternatives, meats and alternatives.
  • Choose foods that are rich in dietary fiber: vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and more.
  •  As suggested have a well-balanced meal according to the model of the balanced plate.
  •  Limit the consumption of sweet and nutritious foods (cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate, biscuits, brown sugar, honey, molasses, syrups, jams, etc.). These should only be consumed in small quantities and occasionally.
  • Choose water for hydration rather than fruit juices and sugary drinks.
  • If you consume alcohol, preferably do so while eating and observe the recommended amounts.

Consuming the right amount of food will help you manage your blood sugar levels, not just that in the long run proper diet will help you manage weight as well.

Consult a health expert to help you figure out your calorie and food intake for each day.

Stay Happy & Health.. HealthDear

Support & Visit my Official Website HealthDear

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Originally posted here:


chickpea stew.jpg

Greetings steemit food lovers. I know it has been a while…. So for all of you wondering… YES, I am still alive and kicking. As always life has been very busy, hence my online absence. Nonetheless, I have been cooking yummy pant-based meals and desserts that are lined up to share. But I think many of you can relate to my busy lifestyle finding it hard to find time for steemit. I still love you all and what a better day than #fruitsandveggiesmonday to reemerge after almost a month of steemit silence. #fruitsandveggiesmonday is one of my favorite weekly contests made possible by gorgeous and inspirational people @vegansofsteemit, @lenasveganliving and @plantstoplanks. Never heard of them or this little contest go check out their profile and be amazed by the plant-based and healthy lifestyle tips, tricks, and recipes you will find there. But let’s talk food now, shall we? # Spicy Coconut Chickpea Curry -------- Coconut curries make a great weeknight dinner and they are packed with so much plant goodness. Furthermore, they are the perfect dish to clear out the fridge and make bigger amounts to eat the day after or freeze for later. So to be shy to add whatever you have left.

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## Ingredients (serves 4) --------- ### Herb mix ------- Ground cumin Ground turmeric Mustard seeds Chili powder A piece of a cinnamon stick ### For the coconut curry ---------- 1 onion, chopped 3-4 cloves of garlic, minced Piece of fresh ginger, grated 1 medium zucchini, chopped 1 small broccoli, cut into small florets 1 medium eggplant, chopped 1.5 cup cooked chickpeas 2 to 3 cups sweet potatoes, chopped 1 big or 2 small bell pepper, chopped A handful of baby corn (optional) 2 big handfuls of spinach or kale, roughly chopped Fresh parsley or cilantro, chopped (garnish) 1.5 cup unsweetened coconut milk Water as needed

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## Directions --------- Heat cooking oil over medium heat. Saute onion until fragrant, add garlic and ginger and cook for a few minutes more. Then stir in the spice mix, stir well and add a little bit of the coconut milk to avoid the herbs from getting burned.

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Then add bell pepper, eggplant, broccoli, and zucchini. Cook for a few minutes before adding the sweet potatoes, coconut milk, and water. Stir well and cook, covered, for 10 to 15 minutes. Add more water if needed.

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Uncover, add baby corn if using and cook for 10-15 minutes more or until the veggies are soft and most of the liquid has evaporated and the sauce has thickened. The last few minutes add spinach or kale and chickpeas and cook until heated through.

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Add to a bowl or plate and garnish with fresh parsley, cilantro or any other fresh herb you like.

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-------- ##
FYI: For green smoothie tips, tricks, and recipes, download my FREE GREEN SMOOTHIE EBOOK [HERE](!
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Brain Foods to Boost Your Memory

The foods that we eat everyday play a significant role in maintaining your mental health. Moreover, these foods help in improving your memory, focus, and concentration.

  1. Fatty Fish

It is significant to recognize that the human brain is made up of 60% and approximately half of that fat is omega-3.

The human brain utilizes omega-3 in building nerve cells of the brain. Moreover, these fats are extremely important for learning and improving memory.

However, there are some other benefits of omega-3 as well.

One of the most important benefits of Omega-3 is reducing the age-related mental diseases and declining the effect of Alzheimer's disease.

  1. Nuts and seeds

While eating seeds and nuts are significant for the human brain; however, foods with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants are extremely important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

According to a study of 2014, taking higher amounts of nuts and seeds is directly related to achieving a good brain functioning at an older age.

Nuts and seeds contain a higher percentage of vitamin E and antioxidants, which are extremely important I protecting the oxidative stress as the result of free radicals.

The human brain is exposed to this oxidative stress with growing age; however, vitamin E could help in maintaining the good health of the brain when a person ages.

  1. Blueberries

Blueberries along with other dark-colored berries are a rich source of anthocyanins, which is extremely famous for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

The antioxidants protect against inflammation and oxidative stress along with associated conditions that result in brain aging and other neurodegenerative diseases.

However, some of the antioxidants from blueberries build up in the brain and assist in enhancing the communication among brain cells.

Furthermore, animal studies prove that blueberries are highly effective in improving memory and delay the chances of short-term memory loss.

  1. Dark Chocolate

Antioxidants are fundamental in maintaining the health of the human brain. The brain is highly receptive to oxidative stress that results in age-related brain diseases and cognitive decline.

Therefore, cacao flavonoids are beneficial for the human brain. According to a study of 2013, it encourages the growth between neuron and blood vessels within the parts involved in the learning and memory processing. This also assists in healthy blood flow within the brain.

Some other researches are proving that flavonoids assist in dealing with memory-related problems in snails. However, this statement is still under consideration to be accepted by some scientists.

  1. Coffee

Coffee is extremely famous for improving human concentration. People drink coffee in improving their concentration and focus.

Beyond boosting alertness, a 2018 study suggests that caffeine may also increase the brain's capacity for processing information.

The researchers found that caffeine causes an increase in brain entropy, which refers to complex and variable brain activity. When entropy is high, the brain can process more information.

  1. Broccoli

The extraction of vitamin K from broccoli is fundamental in creating sphingolipids in a unique form of fats found in the brain cells. 

Different studies prove that a higher intake of vitamin K could result in establishing better memory in humans.

Broccoli is not famous for containing vitamin K; however, there is plenty of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, which protects the human brain from damage.

Check out for more information about healthy lifestyle!

Originally posted here:

Vaccines are Bullshit and why most people get it wrong (even those anti-vaccination)!
If you want to label yourself conservative and pro science why bash people for their beliefs and reasons.. I am 28 never vaccinated, my father 57 never vaccinated my sister 26 never vaccinated my daughter 9 never vaccinated and we are all fine and healthy while we watch others sick at all those ages. IF you are "immune" thanks to your miracle vaccine why bash me and my family? Does it make you feel better about taking a chance with your body and your kids' bodies? I can poke so many holes in the logic of vaccines using science that have nothing to do with what the MSM tries to lie and trick pro vaxxer's into.. We don't go around screaming mercury! No we look at the immune system and facts FROM the corporations that make the vaccines. Go ask your local drug store for the actual facts. They by law have to give you it. No not the pamphlet with smiling kids, the REAL science and facts from their clinical trials. Go see the truth with your own eyes. IF you are immune which is what vaccines claim (immunization) then HOW can I be a threat to you. YOU have the virus not me! If anything I can get it from you! IF you get it how is it from me and not the fact that YOU stuck it into your arm?!?!?!!!!!!! How stupid can you be? By this logic you should roll around in polio and hope you don't get it! Then they try to blame people like me for getting it!??!!?!?! Because I didn't roll around in it too? Gee golly that makes so much sense! NOT! It's almost as if a CORRUPT GREEDY UN-SCIENCE BASED corporation wrote the transcripts! Prove me wrong! If you get immunized (vaccinated), how am i a threat? Either you admit the vaccine doesn't work, or, you aren't afraid of me!!! #SCIENCE! If you are IMMUNE, how can I be a threat? If you aren't immune, then you are just paying a corporation to potentially infect you with a deadly virus! Sounds like a smart move (NOT)! So either you accept that you are immune, or, you accept that vaccines are lies, and the question is, why bother taking them? That is like playing russian roullette with a revolver that has 1k rounds and only 1 bullet! Sure your clinical trials show only 1 in 1000 get killed, but, did that make it logical to play? 0 of 1000 die by not playing lol! The few cases they (MSM and vaccine pushers) point to "oh look unvaccinated kid died", well they were unhealthy! They prob would have died either way! You can't say oh 1 in 1,000,000 kids died and happened to be unvaccinated and prove a point SCIENCE already proved! They twist science and refuse to answer simple questions! ## IMMUNIZATION = IMMUNE - /iˈmyo͞on/ 1 a : FREE, EXEMPT immune from further taxation b : marked by protection some criminal leaders are immune from arrest 2 : not susceptible or responsive immune to all pleas especially : having a high degree of resistance to a disease immune to diphtheria 3a : having or producing antibodies or lymphocytes capable of reacting with a specific antigen an immune serum b : produced by, involved in, or concerned with immunity or an immune response - Source: Your magic potion is a lie IF you believe you can still be infected from those not vaccinated! Either way i'm not the problem! I wish people would get that through their heads! Frankly if you wanna vaccinate yourself, go for it! Read the science, read the clinical trials, and make that decision! If you wanna shoot up heroin, that's on you! But don't blame me for not shooting up as well because you get sick and die! That is literally like a dope addict saying they over dose because I didn't shoot up too!
Originally posted here:

Proper nutrition for beautiful skin

There is a well-known expression: “We are what we eat,” and this is true. After all, you can notice that after the stormy holidays the next morning, the skin of the face changes noticeably: irritation appears, acne can pour out, what can I say just about the complexion. In order to keep the skin beautiful you need to eat right and give up a large number of certain products. Nutrition Rules for Skin Beauty To make your skin healthy and moisturized, the first thing to do is drink enough water, because even in winter you need to drink at least two liters of water, but if you want, you can drink more, but not more than five liters. However, you need to drink plain bottled or spring water, and not various “sweet soda”. Also, instead of water, you can drink a tonic variety of tea (white, green, and others, but not black) and various decoctions without sugar from fruits, herbs and berries. In your daily diet you need to make the maximum amount of vegetables and fruits that contain healthy fiber. But do not forget that you should not eat a lot of grapes and bananas, because they have too many carbohydrates. Special attention should be paid to fish and other seafood, but there is also something to be wary of: some types of seafood can only be consumed in a certain amount, for example, no more than 100 grams of shrimp can be consumed per day. You also need to remember that in addition to nutrition, you need to choose the right cosmetics. You will have to say goodbye not only to various carbonated drinks, but also to alcohol, because it dilates blood vessels, and because of this, spots appear on the skin. Please note that the effects of alcohol on the skin are irreversible, therefore, its consumption should be limited. Vegetarians, as well as those who eat little meat, should remember about the need to replenish the body with protein - without it, the skin will become flabby and dry. Even if you refuse meat, you must remember that the protein contained in meat can be partially replaced with soybeans, walnuts and other vegetable proteins. In conclusion, we can advise you to use kefir, yogurts and other dairy products, because they contain probiotics that help the skin to be young and healthy, and the latest innovations in cosmetology are applying probiotics to the skin, so the use of masks from yogurt is true .
Originally posted here:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

16,562 Reps From 12 Steemians After 44 Days - The Steem Daily 100 Rep Fitness Challenge - Push-ups/Squats/Shoulder Presses - Day 45

Here's a shot after my 2 baseball games today. Getting back in proper shape and feeling 10 years younger from this challenge... maybe you can benefit from it too. I played catcher for the entire first game, an easy task after all of my recent squats. I then played second base for the next game, and pitched a scoreless inning -- striking out a nemesis on three huge swings. My bat came alive with 3 hard hit balls in play and one pop out. I had one absolute rocket of a hit, a deep fly out to left I got slightly jammed on (one inch more towards the sweet spot of my bat and it'd have been a moon shot), and a hard grounder right at the shortstop's glove side. I finished 1-4, but had a strong swing today. Sometimes the ball just doesn't go your way. People were buzzing about my laser beam down the third base line for a few innings. You can't hit a ball much harder. ## By popular demand, shoulder presses have been added to the challenge options. Thanks, @thevillan. Hope to see you around more now. ## -- 400 reps from 4 Steemians for this round. Please step up for yourselves to improve your health _right now._ It's our most valuable asset. ----- ### You can work together to produce "team reps" to more easily get involved. ### - As long as 100 reps of a combo of push-ups, squats, and **shoulder presses** are done, reply on my post with those who helped. - I encourage more of this so people don't feel intimidated. The goal is to be happy, proud, and healthy from this exercise and participation. - Excuses are thinning! ### Current charts with everyone's stats and progress: ###


_It's not a competition between people, but it's one with ourselves to improve our health and wellness._ ------- ### Day 44 Results: 400 reps from 4 Steemians for Saturday EST, 9/28. ### - @rmsbodybuilding (UK) - 100 - @mightpossibly (NORWAY) - 100 - @belemo (NIGERIA) - 100 - @thevillan (AUSTRALIA) - 100 Talk is cheap. Actions matter. Thank you for being involved! ------ ### My 9/28 Reps & Feedback: Rest day for baseball on Sunday AM. I desperately needed it. I also had a light 90 minute baseball workout. ### - I'm still amazed every day at how fit my legs are getting from these squats. Yes, I've been tired from them and walking constantly, but my quads, hamstrings and calves are getting in unbelievable shape... all from air squats without weight. I really can't believe it. - Weight ~193 pounds, down from ~211 in March. - I never use supplements or any type of cheating. Just food, hydration, passion and hard work. ---- ### Today's Highlights: ### - By popular demand, and to get @thevillan involved more, shoulder presses have now been added to the challenge. ------- ### What's the challenge? ### 100 reps from: - Push-ups - Air squats/squats - Shoulder presses Reply below with an affirmation, pic, link, or video. We're on the honor system. *Team entries are now accepted. If you can't do all of the push-ups, I know you can do squats for the rest. Get involved! To people new, see the kickoff post linked below. We'll be opening up to other exercise types in due time. I'm trying to keep this simple for now to get everyone assembled and on the same page. This is for _your_ health. Why not try to join us just once to see how it goes? --------- To any interested Steemians who want more info/background: *Please see this [link from the kickoff post]( for details. Everyone please support and encourage the team here. They're working hard to build a community the hard way. It's about the bigger picture. Again, this is just a baseline of activity for the day. Use good form to avoid injury and to get the best results. This will be far from all I do on most days, and the same can go for you. --- #### Markets and spirits may be down now, but our health should always be on the rise. #### Rep on, @steemmatt P.S. - Please use the fitnesschallenge tag if you can.
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Researchers Develop 3D Printed Pills That Can Help Assess Health Of Microbiome
The more that scientists have studied the microbiome, the more more we have come to realize its importance in fostering a healthy immune system, and overall human development. ## Slowly, healthcare professionals are starting to embrace the notion that many diseases are rooted in the *dysfunction of the microbiome*. Along with increasing awareness about the importance of the microbiome, interest for probiotics and prebiotics has continued to grow. More people are looking for ways to fix and foster a healthy gut system to try and reduce their chance of developing illness; among other reasons. It is believed that consumption of both probiotics and prebiotics can help potentially treat a variety of illness. More and more, people are looking to restore health to the microbiome because of how detrimental it is to our health.
Now, researchers believe that having the ability to profile bacteria that is found throughout the GI tract could help to diagnose and treat a myriad of conditions in the future. # Scientists have used 3D printing technology to help and they have recently created 3D printed pills that can sample gut bacteria. [The data that the pills have the ability to]( collect has been shown to provide *accurate and valuable information* already, about the gut microbiome. So far, they have tested on both pigs and primates and they are still looking forward to human trials. ## Until this development, researchers admit that *they had not had a way to analyze that bacteria that wasn't invasive*. Scientists increasingly are starting to unravel and understand the importance of the microbiome and it's alleged that microbiome science could [bring a revolution to the health industry and medical care overall](
## Studies have shown that these gut microbes can impact our mood, our behavior, contribute to obesity, they can help to protect against high blood pressure, and much more. Gut microbes could also be the reason that some medications have failed to work in the past, say researchers. Bacteria in the gut has also been known to [affect certain illness such as Parkinson's disease]( Fostering a healthy immune system and microbiome is essential to our well-being. And these new 3D printed pills give a new way for non-invasive investigation that can help give more information so that people can seek true healing and better understand their condition. # A close analysis of that bacteria has also shown links to diet and lifestyle. Scientists have discovered that our gut bacteria can essentially undergo daily fluctuations as a response to our lifestyle and diet choices, drastically impacting the bacteria that are present in your body. > “To a large extent, the main factor we found that explained a lot of that variance was the diet.” - E. Alm, the Karl Van Tassel Career [Development Associate Professor of Biological and Environmental Engineering]( There are human-associated microbial communities to be found everywhere in society today, such as in our hospitals, schools, and shopping malls, and they are all affecting our health at the end of the day. Previous studies have confirmed that some of the microbes in our gut, the beneficial ones, [are working hard and playing a vital role]( in fostering our body health. Whether it is impeding medication success or preventing you from efficiently extracting calories from foods etc, there is reason to be mindful of microbiome health. To consider then what we are starting to discover about the microbiome then, we have more than enough evidence to suggest that what you eat does matter and it's harmful for healthcare professionals to continue perpetuating a message that says otherwise. Pics: [pic1]( [pic2]( [pic3]( *The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.*
## Related Posts: ### [New Study Suggests Balancing Gut Bacteria Might Help Improve Anxiety Symptoms](
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My Actifit Report Card: September 29 2019
It been a while but I am happy to be back using Actifit. I was actually indoors for most part of the day. I however went for a walk in the evening. Been away for over month but I am back and will be posting everyday. Stay healthy and fit with Actifit.


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The benefits of Alternate Nostril Breathing.........
Although I have been doing some nostril breathing at yoga, I did not know the name of this breathing practice until I was listening to Dr Sheila Patel in a Healthy Aging Workshop. When you participate in a class you just follow the yoga teacher don't you? Right? It is similar to the Nadi Shodhana with the placement of the fingers and thumb in the space between my eyebrows. But, instead of closing both nostrils. I hold my breath to the count of 3 after inhaling to the count of 6 and then place my finger/thumb on the nostril and then exhale through the other nostril to the count of 8 and hold my breath to the count of 3. (It took some time before I could breathe out to the count of 8 and then hold my breath!)

source</center)I find this breathing practice calming and a very effective way of tuning in the now. I don't know about anyone else but it is challenging not to go into thinking mode during yoga. I have now made Nadi Shodhana a daily practice with my yoga routine. **Nadi Shodhana: How to Practice Alternate Nostril Breathing** By Melissa Eisler 

*Nadi Shodhana, or “alternate nostril breathing,” is a simple yet powerful technique that settles the mind, body, and emotions. You can use it to quiet your mind before beginning a meditation practice, and it is particularly helpful to ease racing thoughts if you are experiencing anxiety, stress, or having trouble falling asleep.* *There are several different styles of Nadi Shodhana, but they all serve the purpose of creating balance and regulating the flow of air through your nasal passages. In fact, the term Nadi Shodhana means “clearing the channels of circulation.”* **Benefits of Alternate Nostril Breathing** *With just a few minutes of alternate nostril breathing, you can restore balance and ease in the mind and body. Sometimes when we feel frazzled or find ourselves doing too many things at once, it’s because energetically, we are out of alignment. This breath is great for restoring that necessary balance.* *In addition to calming the mind and reversing stress, alternate nostril breathing also:* *Improves our ability to focus the mind Supports our lungs and respiratory functions Restores balance in the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and clears the energetic channels Rejuvenates the nervous system Removes toxins Settles stress Whether you’re nervous about a project or presentation, anxious about a conversation, or just generally stressed out, Nadi Shodhana is a quick and calming way to bring you back to your center. If you find it difficult to settle into your meditations, try moving through a few rounds first, then remain seated and shift directly into stillness; this should help to ground you before meditation.* **Nadi Shodhana Practice** *Next time you find yourself doing too many things at once, or you sense panic or anxiety begin to rise, move through a few rounds of alternate nostril breathing. It’s a great way to hit the reset button for your mental state.* *Take a comfortable and tall seat, making sure your spine is straight and your heart is open. Relax your left palm comfortably into your lap and bring your right hand just in front of your face. With your right hand, bring your pointer finger and middle finger to rest between your eyebrows, lightly using them as an anchor. The fingers we’ll be actively using are the thumb and ring finger. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out through your nose. Close your right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale through the left nostril slowly and steadily. Close the left nostril with your ring finger so both nostrils are held closed; retain your breath at the top of the inhale for a brief pause. Open your right nostril and release the breath slowly through the right side; pause briefly at the bottom of the exhale. Inhale through the right side slowly. Hold both nostrils closed (with ring finger and thumb). Open your left nostril and release breath slowly through the left side. Pause briefly at the bottom. Repeat 5-10 cycles, allowing your mind to follow your inhales and exhales. Steps 5-9 represent one complete cycle of alternate nostril breathing. If you’re moving through the sequence slowly, one cycle should take you about 30-40 seconds. Move through 5-10 cycles when you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or in need of a reset button.* 

**Tip**: *Consistency is helpful, so try to match the length of your inhales, pauses, and exhales. For example, you can start to inhale for a count of five, hold for five, exhale for five, hold for five. You can slowly increase your count as you refine your practice.* [source]( Cheers and Blessings


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