Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Seven Golden Rules for a Long and Happy life


Modern medical science, as amazing as it is, will never be able to save you from the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle. Rather than relying on modern medicine to solve every problem, it's far preferable to live as simply as possible; An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.


Photo by Jony Ariadi on Unsplash

Here are seven tips to help you live a long and healthy life:

Get Adequate Exercise

People used to have to use their physical bodies in their daily work, but now they can wake up, drive to work, sit down, get up to drive home, sit at home when they arrive, and then go back for the rest of the day.

There is no physical work in such a life. Physical inactivity is one of the leading causes of a variety of illnesses. When our typical work does not entail physical activity, we should incorporate exercise, running, walking, and other activities into our lives.

Sleeping When You're Drowsy

This may appear simple, but many people stay up late despite their bodies' requests.
It's time to retire for the night. Yoga and Ayurveda practitioners agree that sleeping at night and being active during the day is preferable; nonetheless, some people, such as college students, take coffee and stimulants to study late at night. The tendency of napping during the day and being active at night. While we can do this, it has a negative impact on our health.
This abnormal lifestyle, according to naturopaths, is one of the causes that contributes to the development of cancer and other diseases.

Eat when you are hungry

This is a simple concept as well, but we often ignore the body's signals: Even if you don't have an appetite, you won't eat if you have a habit of doing so or because of social constraints at a given time of day.
When food is not properly digested, heartburn and indigestion develop, which can lead to the development of other, more complex root disorders. Appetite is a sign of excellent health, but if you don't have any, wait a little longer before eating. (If you still don't have an appetite after a fair period of time, you should consult a doctor since something is incorrect.)

Our digestive organs, which we push to work nonstop for days on may break down if we ignore their signals and compel them to work.


Photo by Jannis Brandt on Unsplash

Regular Fasting

Fasting on a regular basis, skipping meals for an entire day, is essential because it rests your digestive organs and aids in the elimination of waste from your body. Fasting is not a discipline reserved for cave hermits, but it is a significant one that anybody may engage in.

Wash With Cold Water Before Bed

As I previously stated, adequate sleep is vital for keeping good health and refreshing your primary motor and sensory organs. Relax in cool water before going to bed to relax and prepare for a peaceful night's sleep.

Do meditation regularly

Your mind and body are linked. Many of today's ailments are psychosomatic, stress and anxiety are detrimental to our physical health, and meditation is a mental exercise that allows us to let go of our anxieties.

Get up early every day

There is an old saying that says “Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.” I'm not sure if it'll make you rich, but it'll certainly make you feel better.
Your body requires adequate sleep, not too much nor too little.

Follow these tips and you won't go wrong.

Originally posted here:

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