Sunday, September 5, 2021

Lotus Love Sunday Editorial: A change in thinking and appreciation of everyday things for a better life
Hello everyone and happy Sunday, dear friends of Natural Medicine! Today being the first Sunday of the month of September 2021, it is particularly meaningful that we can recognize and celebrate life through gratitude and appreciation of the positive in our world. From this beautiful community I send you a big hug full of joy and hope.

Today it is time to present a new edition of Lotus Love Sunday, and it is a way to recognize and appreciate the beautiful posts, the excellent content that all of you, dear friends, have shared in our community. For today I want to highlight the importance of becoming aware and valuing the positive things in our lives, because it is this appreciation that will allow us to have happier lives.

For this reason, I have selected six posts, which in one way or another expose this change of thinking, either by assuming a positive mental position, which allows us to create a kinder personal reality; or trying to reconnect with nature through the creation of a small urban garden; as well as celebrating the arrival of the rains and all its freshness and healing power. All this can be useful to live a life with courage, while admiring the beauty of Mother Earth through a window; and also valuing and celebrating the presence and knowledge of our ancestors, in order to heal our body and maintain that valuable legacy. Let's go on a journey in this new edition!
The mental attitude can be decisive in the construction of our reality, and it is this premise that guides the beautiful writing that @mrnightmare89 brings us, when he exposes various ideas on how important it is to maintain a positive approach in our actions and thoughts, and by extension, in our behavior; in order to assume the difficulties that we face daily in our existence in a proactive and effective way. He brings us a simple example of how a person generated positive conditions in his existence and was able to solve economic problems. He ends his post, saying something very important and valuable to give us encouragement and to understand that in life there are no dead ends:

"It's obvious, no problems without solutions. Before that problem happened, the solution was already waiting."

Be Positive | @mrnightmare89


Currently, most humans have lost the connection with Mother Earth, and this is mainly due to the change in lifestyles, which takes away time to plant and enjoy nature; however @knowhow92 tries to establish that reconnection, planting part of his food in his home, an apartment. In this nice post, he tells us how he decided with the help of his father, to start as an urban farmer planting 16 lettuce plants, let's see this garden that is being born:

My First Step in Homesteading - Planting 16 Lettuce | @knowhow92


In nature everything is balance, harmony. There cannot be perpetual drought, but neither can there be constant rain, and it is this balance that @clareartista sings about, in this beautiful prose where she welcomes the first rain of the season, thanking it for its healing character. She ends her beautiful tribute with these words:

“...All Things seeming Weighed Down again, where before everything seemed to be dissolving or melting in the heat... Now we're safe in Balance, Elements in Equilibrium. In our Sacred Macrocosm and in Our Divine Microcosm.”

The Natural Medicine Of Rain | @clareartista


Fear is often perceived as something negative, unnecessary, that should be banished from our lives, to become brave and invulnerable beings; however @officialuroga, brings us an extraordinary post where he explains why fear is important, and that being brave does not necessarily imply the absence of fear, but its understanding, acceptance and management. He offers us several tips to live with courage, bravely, even being aware that it is totally normal to experience this emotion. He ends his post with this conclusion:

Anyone can be courageous, you just have to put enough effort and practice a lot if you want to develop your courage. You just need to be able to recognise your fears and act towards them. Identifying your fears and take bold steps to work through them in other to achieve those goals you've set for yourself, doing this will help build your confidence. Remember, your fears are part of your growth, and it's okay to fail. I really hope when you try these things, you will be able to build your courage. I hope you find solace in all you do.



The pandemic has led many people to seclude themselves in their homes, disconnecting from their environment and especially from Mother Earth; however @babeltrips shows us the space of connection and solace that she maintains with the outside world through her window. A beautiful post with beautiful photographs, which invites us to contemplate and appreciate those simple and everyday things, which we often ignore in our path. She ends her writing with a beautiful message:

Nature is the universe's great mother – we're told that life is a way to go even in chaos. We are clearly aware of the important fact that it is extremely important to live each and every moment in full.

View From My Windows 🌸🌳🌿 | @babeltrips


The knowledge that comes from the generations before us, that is, from our ancestors or forefathers, is an invaluable legacy, which must be known, safeguarded and preserved over time through its transmission to the youngest. And it is this knowledge that @angelica7 recognizes through an excellent post, in which she tells us about her personal experience learning natural medicine from her father, and how it has benefited her health. In this specific case, she refers to avocado seed tea, an extraordinary alternative to prevent and heal various diseases. In his post, he makes a beautiful reflection, and it is the following:

“If we think about our ancestors we can find customs that perhaps in the passage of time have been left behind, however, my dad and my mom are present, of them, I have learned everything I practice today."

Culturas del pasado que suman años de vida // Cultures of the past that add years to life [ESP-ENG] | @angelica7

In this and every curation, we set up one of our delegators as 5% beneficiary. This time I picked @babeltrips for the quality her content she shares with us Hivers.

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