Saturday, September 18, 2021

The power of Qi Gong

Qi Gong is one of the five pillar of Traditional Chinese Medecine with nutrition, acupuncture, medicinal plants and FengShui.

What is the difference between people resistant to Covid-19 and seek people ?
According to traditional Chinese medecine, microbes are not the source of diseases. The source of diseases are disbalance in vital energy caused by emotions or heath, cold, wind or moisture.

80 % of people are self protected against Covid-19. Most of the time, young people with a stronger vital energy are not seeks. Should we focus on the 15 % people with severe symptoms or on the 80 % healthy ?

Dc Maciocia is explaining how different layers of vital energy is protecting us in his book : « The fundation of Chinese medicine »

Qi Gong has been used as an activity to prevent diseases for more than 5,000 years.
Many wonderful Qi Gong technics are available on Youtube.

Why is the discourse about Covid focusing on vaccines and treatments ? Prevention is more efficient than curation.

I am responsible of maintaining my vital energy at a good level.

Originally posted here:

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