Saturday, September 18, 2021

Did You Know All These About Raw Onions???


Onion is a good and very common vegetable that we use almost daily in our meals and they are very important for our health.
Onions belong to the Allium genus of flowering plants. Yes, chives, shallots and garlic are in this family and these vegetables contains vitamins and minerals that are very essential to our health.

Back in time onions were used to treat headaches, mouth sores and other heart diseases because of its richness in medicinal properties.
Personally, as a child I never liked onions in my food. I also hated cutting onions because i would usually experience pain in the eyes and my tear glands will come pouring down. But as an adult now, I don't see myself eating my delicious indomie noodles without onions or even eating native jollof without onions just decorating the food. Onions could be red, white etc. I mostly use red and i like to stock my home with smaller size of it. This is to avoid wastage. Keeping a half and already cut onions for more than a day to be used at another time will not give you the required nutrients of this vegetable.

IMG_20210918_100258.jpgsmall size onions

Benefits Of Raw Onions:::

  1. So it turns out that even in this present times, raw onions still works for the heart. Raw onions lower the production of bad cholesterol thereby keeping your heart strong and healthy.
  2. Raw onions attract germs. Yes, my mum use to cut open onions and just keep them around the kitchen to attract germs.
  3. Onions is packed with vitamins, especially vitamin C. Vitamin C on the other hand helps to regulate our immune system. Vitamin C can aid in tissue repair and iron absorption. Onions in its raw form with the vitamin C still intact can help form collagen which is obviously responsible for clear skin and healthy hair. Onions are also rich in Vitamin B which plays a role red blood cell production.
  4. Diabetic patients are constantly battling with blood sugar levels and eating onions can significantly put their blood sugar level under control. This also includes the prediabetics.
  5. They usually say onions give you bad breath but were you told raw onions can eliminate bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum issues? This is because onions has some anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  6. Onions has Chromium present in its root. This helps to regulate blood pressure.
  7. Onions contains lots and lots of Antioxidants which are compounds that inhibit oxidation (a process that leads to cellular damage and contributes to diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease).
  8. Onions is great for those with respiratory problems. Onions juice mixed with honey could be used to relieve common cold and a few allergies.
  9. Just like eggs, onions contains folate which aids sleep, appetite and helps with depression.
  10. Last but not the least, Onions can give you good vision.

IMG_20210914_094708_341.jpgraw onion

Originally posted here:

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